Toilet 廁所 (2009)


I sleep, I am small
My desire is in pain
My identity is vague. My soul is bursting
I judge myself . I leave you a clue
I am not me. I found you

The toilet is a space for the excretion of body waste. The ugliest gestures that person would not be caught doing in public can be done in the “toilet”. The “toilet” which keeps the excretion and filth sees the ugliest side of human nature. Filthy words on the walls, telephone numbers the leave clues of lust, may be the cheapest and most convenient way to exit the city like rubbish left by the wayside.

Untitled, premiered in year 2003, was created by the then new theater director Loh Kok Man, together with dancers, actors and installation artist. Chan Kok Hooi. The performance received tremendous reviews. Five years later, Pentas Project presents a new version which has been named of Toilet and it extracts the reality and imagination from everyday lives, looking into the map of hidden desires inside our heart.

我吃 我睡
我玩 我呼吸 我存在
我排泄 我愛你

廁 所的社會功能,既是提供一个排泄的場域,我們最不想開放觀賞的姿態,都在廁所中發生。這個納收穢物的載體,日復一日漠然凝望最真實丑陋的生物姿態,也漠然豢養最不為人知的欲望本能,是城市中最廉價方便的出口,痛快排出文明的垃圾。



  • Company Name:Pentas Project Theatre Production 平台計劃
  • Date:2009, May 20~24
  • Total Showing:6
  • Venue:The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre, Pentas 2
  • Language:Mandarin, Physical Theatre
  • Ticket Prices:RM37 (adult), RM24 (students, senior & disabled)
  • Director:Loh Kok Man 羅國文
  • Composer:Ng Chor Guan 黃楚原
  • Lighting Designer:Loh Kok Man
  • Set Designer:Caecar Chong 張忠勇
  • Costume Designer:All casts
  • Additional Designer:Original Theatre Installation Concept: Chan Kok Hooi 曾國輝
  • Principal Cast:

    Amy Len 凌秀眉, Leng Poh Gee 林保旭, Tin Tan 陳彩珍, Gan Hui Yee 顏慧怡, Louise Yew 余真華

  • Production Manager:Au Sow Yee 區琇詒
  • Stage Manager:Gan Hui Yee, Cathy Chin
  • Publicist:English Publicity: Pan Swee Chin,
  • Additional Notes:

    Print Design : Sachi
    Chinese Copywriting: Tan Yan Tee 陳燕棣

  • Other Information:

    Set Builder : Maroon Art and Design