Censorship Database Disclaimer

MyArtMemoryProject  does not represent, warrant, vouch for or guarantee the accuracy, correctness, completeness or veracity of the views, perspectives, data and information (collectively “Information”) contained in this website.  The Information has not been independently audited, checked or verified.  The reliance and use of the Information is at the risk of the party who relies on or uses the Information. MyArtMemoryProject’s role is merely to facilitate the dissemination of the Information for the purpose of public education on a neutral and non-biased digital platform.  To the fullest extent of the law, MyArtMemoryProject, Five Arts Centre, the organizer of the MyArtMemoryProject , its directors and officers will not be liable to any person or entity for the quality, accuracy, completeness, reliability or use of the Information, or for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, special or punitive damages that may arise out of the inclusion, posting or the use of the Information. The opinions and views expressed by the interviewees and those found in the public records are those of the interviewees and as contained in the public records, respectively.  MyArtMemoryProject does not endorse, support or espouse any of the opinions or views expressed.  The interviewees participated in the interviews voluntarily without any inducement or duress.  No interviewees or anyone connected to the interviews was compensated in cash or in kind for the interview.

See also: Terms and Conditions of Use