
Image Credit: Ribut (1983)

Explore our repository of articles, essays, reviews and interviews covering a wide range of arts and culture. The majority of these were commissioned and published on the online arts magazine Kakiseni from 2002 – 2010.






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Sekretariat Penulis Muda Ditubuhkan

Penulis-penulis muda sastera Melayu yang memiliki pelbagai idealisme, mazhab dan fahaman serta sukar pula untuk…

From Majapahit to Putrajaya: The Kris as a symptom of Civilisation Development and Decline (Part 2)

(edited by kakiseni.corn) Read part 1 here. From Luxury to Weapon: The gradual de-mystification of…

Feasting on Limp Biscuits

How does one review a tin of assorted biscuits? That’s essentially what anthologies of Asian…

From Majapahit to Putrajaya: The Kris as a symptom of Civilisation Development and Decline (Part 1)

(edited by “Tak ada orang Belanda yang bisa bikin kris, Gus. Tak mampu dan…


I recently gave an interview on the subject of the upcoming Sarawak Millennium Film Festival…

Berhari Raya Di Rumah Wardina

Masih dalam Syawal kita, sebulan berhari raya, membawa ke kediaman Wardina Saffiyah Fadhullah. Antara bintang…

Charley’s Auntie Rides Again

Charley’s Auntie! is being restaged after last year’s raging success. Have Gardner & Wife found…

Salesman Yang Hidup

Terlalu banyak yang baik-baik untuk dikatakan mengenai produksi Death of a Salesman arahan Roselina Johari…

Haunted Theatre: Not Happy Together

It is supposed to be a scene of bittersweet romance. Two female Chinese Opera performers,…

Kee Thuan Chye: Vorpal Pen*, Actorly Aspirations

Professionally: an editor, and formerly a literary one. Creatively: a writer of socially-provocative plays and…

Smorgasbord: A-Z of Spinning Gasing (Rampai Sari: “Spinning Gasing” dari A ke Z)

Klik di sini untuk versi Bahasa Malaysia yang diterjemahkan oleh Abd. Latiff Bidin. A is…

The Butterflies are Free, directed by David Lim

I dug the groovy hanging beads that greeted the audience as they entered the Box.…

Nam Ron Dalam Proses

NAM RON akan muncul semula dengan sebuah drama arahannya hujung bulan ini. Setelah MISI dan…

Holy Pap! Burlesque Nuns!

There’s a website where you can answer a few questions and determine precisely what your…

Pulau Antara The Island In Between: A Haunting Experience Indeed

Five hours after leaving the Citra Istana Budaya auditorium – a grandly named island of…

An Introduction to Shi Dai Qu

Shi dai qu, which describes the type of Mandarin songs that initially rose into prominence…

Chinese oldies, Made Popular by Dama Orchestra Again

Names like Zhou Xuan, Li XiangIan and Bai Guang were not only famous years back,…

FERTILE GROUND – Antares undergoes MenAPause

Allan Perera and Indi Nadarajah discovered each other through the legendary Instant Café Theatre, of…

Theatre of the ARTiculate

“Many people confuse information and meaning, which leads to a rather disturbing paradox: Our society…