An Enemy Of The People. At The Moment 人民公敵.現在進行式 (2015)


A group of people are walking across a space. They discover ‘something’, out of curiousity they put them on. Then, they have identities, status, and names. And they have story when they start to interact. The story is called “an enemy of the people”.

At the moment, they recall the story from 19th century; at the moment, they recreate the story; at the moment, they review the story…

At the moment, they question: obey the majority or independent thinking, which one is important? In this information technology era, who are the “majority” actually indicating? When all the people are free to express, are they really thinking independently?

一群人,穿越一個空間時,發現了一些東西。他們好奇的把它們穿上、套上,他們於是擁有的身份與地位,以及名字。他們彼此接觸,於是,也有了故事,這個故事,叫做「人民公敵」。他們於是就在當下進行著那個來自 19 世紀的故事 ……




  • Playwright:Seng Soo Ming 程守明
  • Company Name:Pitapat Theatre 卜卜劇場
  • Date:2015, June 4 ~ 7
  • Total Showing:4
  • Venue:Shan Tao Secondary School, Kota Kinabalu亞庇善導中學
  • Language:Bahasa Melayu, English, Mandarin
  • Ticket Prices:RM40
  • Director:Seng Soo Ming 程守明
  • Composer:Eugene Tong 唐浩程
  • Lighting Designer:Veeky Tan 陳薇琪
  • Set Designer:Veeky Tan 陳薇琪
  • Costume Designer:Becky Liew 劉依芝
  • Principal Cast:

    Zizi Hau 侯桂芝, Eugene Tong 唐浩程, Casandra Wong 黃婉懿, Becky Liew 劉依芝, Rosmawati Binti Suffian Koroh, Georgina Tay 鄭桂珍, Steward Chang 鄭加樂, Rhian Hiew 邱凱沁

  • Producer:Seng Soo Ming 程守明
  • Artistic Director:Seng Soo Ming 程守明
  • Stage Manager:Veeky Tan 陳薇琪
  • Publicist:Yong Bee Fong 楊美芳

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