The Six Graduates 六個畢業生 (2015)


The Six Graduates was selected as one of the project under the New Malaysian Works Grant for the script writing which co-organised by National Department For Culture And Arts with Kakiseni. The script focused on six graduates upon their graduation. Under a glimpse of dimmed light, looking and searching for the hidden fluctuation within them. The six graduates lived an ordinary life, as if no one was hurt. Their lives were boring and cold, the future is in extremely anxiety. They hide the wound, with tacitly silence. They desired to reveal the hidden mask but could only scratch the surface of the truth. Theatre director Loh Kok Man had carried out full time rehearsal with a group of emerging artists and together they dive deep inside the script and explore the core of the characters, creating one of the sincerest productions of the year.




  • Playwright:Tan Yan Tee 陳燕棣
  • Company Name:Pentas Project Theatre Production平台計劃/劇團
  • Date:2015, April 30 ~ May 3
  • Total Showing:5
  • Venue:Damansara Performing Arts Centre, Black Box
  • Language:Mandarin
  • Ticket Prices:RM35
  • Director:Loh Kok Man 羅國文
  • Composer:Terence Chong 張俊開
  • Lighting Designer:Loh Kok Man 羅國文
  • Set Designer:Pam Lim 林偉彬
  • Costume Designer:Quito Neng Zhen Yong 甯振洋
  • Multimedia Designer:Alison Khor 艾立森
  • Additional Designer:Graphic Design : Christopher Chua 蔡永輝
  • Make-up Artist:Quito Neng Zhen Yong 甯振洋
  • Principal Cast:

    Lyle Yeo蔡德耀 + Tammy Yee余秋坪 +
    Thian Siew Kim鄧繡金 + Yip Boh Kuan葉寶君 +
    Liang Ka En梁家恩 + Samuel Tan陳奕揚

  • Producer:Pam Lim 林偉彬
  • Stage Manager:Soh Chong Hong 蘇中宏
  • Publicist:Wong Sook Fun 黃淑芬