My Husbund’s Wedding 丈夫的婚禮 (2014)


MUKA SPACE proudly presents its first tender love story for husbands, wives and all lovers. My Husband’s Wedding is an adaptation of the 1984 Naoki Award-winning short story “Koibumi (Love Letter)” by the late renowned Japanese writer Renjo Mikihiko. The play addresses the subtleties of male and female relationships, with a light touch. The Malaysian premiere of My Husband’s Wedding, adapted in Chinese and directed by award-winning director, Dr. Deric Gan.

My Husband’s Wedding features a husband who is an eccentric art teacher with the personality of a-young boy. He does things that he feels are right, and doesn’t really think too much about the consequences of his actions. The wife is a no -nonsense mother figure who always has to clean up after his mistakes. Their two personalities strike a balance and they enjoy a happy life together with their son. One day, the wife wakes up to find her husband gone with no explanation, and goes out in search of him … What she finds in the end is her husband’s wedding…

2014年最虐心的戲劇作品《丈夫的婚禮》改編自日本小說家連 城三紀彥的小說《情書》。作為對連城三紀彥先生的悼念演出, 顏永祺導演將其代表作立體呈現於舞台上,講述一段現代城市中 糾結錐心的婚姻生活是如何違道德逆經營,愛能否終將被愛拯 救。此劇也特邀來自中國的音樂製作人章澍老師製作主題曲《沒 有在一起,也好》與全劇配樂。

因文風綺麗、刻寫細膩、論理縝密的《一朵桔梗花》而深受讚譽 的日本著名推理作家連城三紀彥10月19日因胃癌病逝於名古屋 市立醫院,享年65歲。連城三紀彥的作品風格較為著重文藝性, 可以算是抒情推理小說,偶爾也有創作以敘述性詭計為重心的作 品,但後期則轉而創作戀愛小說,1984年更以《戀文》獲得第九 十一屆直木賞。


  • Playwright:Dr. Deric Gan 顏永祺, an adaptation of Renjo Mikihiko’s
  • Original Local Script:No
  • Company Name:Muka Space 木卡空間 The Actor Studio ACX Production 我愛工作室
  • Date:2014, April 10~13
  • Total Showing:5
  • Venue:Pentas 2, The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
  • Language:Mandarin
  • Ticket Prices:RM60
  • Director:Dr. Deric Gan 顏永祺
  • Composer:Zhang Shu 章澍 (China)
  • Lighting Designer:Amelia Tan 愛美麗亞
  • Set Designer:Meng Chit 陳明澤
  • Costume Designer:Eugene Ng 黃商權
  • Additional Designer:Graphic Design : Joel Wong
  • Stage Crew:Petrina Chang, Shobna Kumari
  • Principal Cast:

    Jane Ng 黃明慧, Siang Wei 洪祥威, Amelia Tan 愛美麗亞

  • Executive Producer:Dato’s Faridah Merican
  • Producer:Easee Gan 顏永禎
  • Artistic Director:Joe Hasahm OAM
  • Stage Manager:Vincent Hau 侯緯晨
  • Publicist:Easee Gan 顏永禎, Jinnie Lim 林敬雯