I Am A Millionaire 百萬富翁 (2012)


One day, Hong Jie Jie receives a letter from country “Curry”. In the letter, Roti Canai and Kacang Putih asked help from Hong Jie Jie. Their father has passed away and their mother helps others to wash clothes to make money to raise them up. Her job is very tough and needed to work every day. After that, they even cannot see a smile on her face. They remember mother’s wish, to see blossom of the Datura flower. They need earn money from different country to make their mother’s wish come true. During that, they have experienced a money trading game…

這一天,紅姐姐收到來自咖喱國Roti Canai的來信,在信里請求紅姐姐幫她和哥哥 Kacang Putih 一個忙。原來他們的爸爸在他們很小的時候就去世了,是靠媽媽洗衣賺錢把他們養大的。媽媽每天工作,非常幸苦,漸漸笑容也消失了。孝順的兩兄弟希望可以再一次看見媽媽的笑容,於是他們想起媽媽的心願,讓曼陀羅花開花。實現願望需要前往曼尼世界里不同的國家賺取銀幣。於是,在學習和利用精明消費的知識下,他們經歷了一場刺激的金錢交易遊戲。。。


  • Playwright:Eagle 李明傑, Milo 劉家榮, Grace 呂俊霖
  • Company Name:Hong Jie Jie Workstations 紅姐姐工作室
  • Date:2012, November 1~4
  • Total Showing:10
  • Venue:SJK (C) Kuen Cheng 1坤成國民華文小學(一)校
  • Language:Mandarin
  • Ticket Prices:RM25
  • Director:Rorn Lew 劉錦康
  • Composer:Easternworld Music 環東音樂
  • Set Designer:Rorn Lew 劉錦康
  • Costume Designer:Rorn Lew 劉錦康
  • Multimedia Designer:Rukido Vins 楊逸驊
  • Additional Designer:Graphic Design : TREE EGG
  • Property Master:Jacklyn Tan 陳凌嫣, Zay Fong 馮玄生
  • Principal Cast:

    Grace 呂俊霖, Milo 劉家榮,
    Tammy Yee 余秋萍, Eagle 李明傑,
    王思思 (Wang Si Si)

  • Executive Producer:Emiko Ten 鄧宇雯Asst. : Chee Ken 陳志堅
  • Producer:Linda Ang 洪綉晴
  • Artistic Director:Rorn Lew 劉錦康
  • Stage Manager:Barbara 辜思盈Asst. : Chee Ken 陳志堅
  • Publicist:Paige Chan 鄭雨萍, Mario Kong 江曉燕