Battle Of The Draconians 鬥法新世神話白蛇 (2009)


Second year students of New Era College Drama and Visuals Department will present a multimedia theatre performance entitled Battle of the Draconians, in the end of 2009, a year full of ironies. Directed by Ho Shih Phin, the winner of Best Director in the 5th ADA Drama Award, Battle of the Draconians is a contemporary interpretation of The Legend of Lady White Snake.

Battle of the Draconians hope to seek new possibilities in the traditional structure and text of the Chinese myth, revealing thoughts of young generations on love, virtue and politic. The performance will utilize the collage of multimedia visual images to create metaphors reflecting this society which is driven by draconians. Furthermore, together with image design derived from fusion of both classical and modern aesthetics, Battle of the Draconians will create an alternative feast of audio and visuals. The audience will eventually thought of the struggle between man and evil spirit, passion and rational. Set in an unknown space and time full with chaotic phenomena, Battle of the Draconians will lead audiences to rethink the conventional views on comrades and enemies.





  • Playwright:Ho Shih Phin 賀世平
  • Original Local Script:Yes
  • Company Name:New Era College Drama & Visuals Department 新紀元學院戲劇與影像系
  • Date:2009, November 27~30
  • Total Showing:4
  • Venue:New Era College Black Box Theatre, Kajang
  • Language:Mandarin
  • Ticket Prices:RM15 (adult), RM10 (student)
  • Director:Ho Shih Phin 賀世平
  • Principal Cast:

    Vincent Hau 侯緯晨, Alison Khor 許慧珊, Pau Chang Yan 包章洋, Yee Yun Ping 俞雲冰, Jenny Chiw 周曉湘, Wong Sheau Peng 黃曉萍

  • Executive Producer:Soon Choon Mee 孫春美
  • Producer:Pau Chang Yan 包章洋

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