Animal Farm 動物農莊 (2008)


They are idiots before the revolution ; they are still idiots after the revolution

Animal Farm, a novel criticizing political phenomena is written by the famous English novelist, George Orwell (1903-1950). Orwell hated tyranny and was noted to be “the conscience of contemporary society”. The story revealed the worst facets of dictatorship through the animal farm ruled by animals themselves.

The story starts with a suggestion from a well respected elderly pig – “humans exploit us animals, and we animals must initiate a revolution”. This suggestion did raise a revolution lead by the pigs and the farmer, Mr. Jones, was kicked out. The animals formed a self-governing farm and renamed it. “Animal Farm”. As time went by, the pigs who lead the revolution themselves began to have disagreement which eventually led to the fight for power – desire, torture and tyranny followed.


《動物農莊》為英國著名小說家喬治。歐威 爾(George Orwell,1903-1950)的小說創 作,歐威爾痛恨暴政被喻為【當代的良 心】。【動物農莊】是一部政治諷刺小說, 書中藉由一座由動物自治【動物農莊】,展 現獨裁統治下的各種醜陋面,是作者最受歡 迎的作品。

故事從農場裏德高望重的一頭豬說起,它在 臨死前提出了【人類剝削動物,動物需革 命】的理論,掀起一場由豬領導的革命,農 莊主人被趕走後,動物們實現了【動物自 治】的願望,農莊正式易名【動物農莊】。 時日更疊,領導革命的豬們發生了分裂,一 場又一場權力、欲望、暴政、剝削的戲碼不 斷在農莊裏頭上演。


  • Playwright:Chinese Script Adaptation : Tan Yan Tee 陳燕棣
  • Company Name:Pentas Project Theatre Production平台計劃/劇團
  • Date:2008, October 9~19
  • Total Showing:10
  • Venue:The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre, Pentas 2
  • Language:Mandarin
  • Ticket Prices:RM37 (Adult), RM22 (Students, Disable & Senior Citizens)
  • Director:Loh Kok Man 羅國文
  • Composer:Bernard Goh吳聖雄 + Terence Chong張俊開
  • Lighting Designer:Loh Kok Man 羅國文
  • Set Designer:Caesar Chong張忠勇
  • Costume Designer:Dominique Deversine
  • Additional Designer:Graphic Concept & Art-Direction : Sachi + Design : Monitor + Illustration : SioYean
  • Make-up Artist:Dominique Deversine
  • Stage Crew:Sound Operator : Lee Cheng Wei 李政威
  • Ensemble:

    Gan Hui Yee 顏果 + Ling Tang 鄧壹齡 + Chen Huen Phuei 曾宏輝 + Chin Lee Long 陳麗玲 + Lim Tiong Wooi 林冬輝 + Moon Siew Keh 巫紹棋

  • Production Manager:Au Sow Yee 區琇詒
  • Stage Manager:Stephanie Chuah 蔡欣如
  • Publicist:Au Sow Yee 區琇詒 + Pan Swee Chin 潘瑞贞
  • Additional Notes:

    Chinese Copywriting : Tan Yan Tee 陳燕棣

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