Repot [Mind+Mine] 【思想+自分】報告 ( 2008)


This is a formal yet informal repot. Premiered in 2006 at Kuala Lumpur as part of the “Break-ing: Pentas Theatre Collaboration Project”, it now continues its international tour to Japan and Singapore in 2008. “Repot [Mind+Mine]” humorously explores the situations and irony in the Malaysia lingo.

If they could go back in time, if they walk into the world of P.Ramlee, if they tell you and me – Language is only a strong kind of blah, blah, blah, blah…

這是一份即正經又不正經的演出報告。2006年參與“擊破:劇場合作交流計劃” 於吉隆坡首演,並於2008年受邀到東京及新加坡巡迴演出。“【思想+自分】報告”幽默地探索語言在馬來西亞的尷尬和窘境。

如果他們告訴你… 和我


  • Playwright:Loh Kok Man, Teoh Ming Wah, Gan Hui Yee, Lim Yeow Haw, Moo Siew Ken, Tan Chai Chen, Tan Yan Tee
  • Company Name:Pentas Project Theatre Production平台計劃/劇團
  • Date:2008, May 24 & 25
  • Total Showing:2
  • Venue:The Actors Studio Greenhall (Penang)
  • Language:Bahasa Melayu
  • Director:Loh Kok Man 羅國文
  • Composer:Ng Chor Guan 黃楚原
  • Lighting Designer:Loh Kok Man 羅國文
  • Set Designer:Caecar Chong 張忠勇
  • Multimedia Designer:Au Sow Yee 區琇怡
  • Additional Designer:Print Design Concept & Art-Diretion: SaChiPrint Design : FixherIllustration : Sioyean 小原
  • Property Master:Caecar Chong 張忠勇
  • Principal Cast:

    Chen Huen Phuei, Gan Hui Yee, Lyle Chua Teck Yeo, Tin Tan

  • Stage Manager:Lai Pak Ling 黎百齡