I Am Number One 我是第一名 (2008)


“Champion“ country has a large number of talents. There are many competitions and exams in the country. One of the children who having a desire to win named, “Xiao Bang Bang”. He is talented and smart. He is the winner of various competitions. He heard the Champion of storytelling was Hong Jie Jie, so he asked to travel to Da Hong Hua Village, the hometown of Hong Jie Jie, to challenge her. Dr. Durian, an old scientist in the village, found that are some problems with the mentality of Xiao Bang Bang. Dr. Durian persuaded Xiao Bang Bang by good words, but Xiao Bang Bang do not want to listen to Dr. Durian. Dr. Durian decided to use the time machine to send Xiao Bang Bang back to the former Da Hong Hua Village and start an incredible journey to let Xiao Bang Bang re-understand the meaning of the “Chanmpion”…



  • Playwright:Ryon Lee 李勇昌
  • Company Name:Theatre Education Academy  TEA劇場
  • Date:2008, March 28~30
  • Total Showing:6
  • Venue:Lambang Sari, Istana Budaya
  • Language:Mandarin
  • Ticket Prices:RM (Adult), RM20 (Kid)
  • Director:Rorn Lew 劉錦康
  • Composer:Songs : Ryon Lee 李勇昌, Milo 劉家榮, Amelia Tan 愛美麗亞, James 盧雪漢, Elsa 邱鳳寧, 鄭曉芬, 黃俊麟
  • Musical Director:Sound Design : Ryon Lee 李勇昌
  • Lighting Designer:Amelia Tan 愛美麗亞
  • Set Designer:Rorn Lew 劉錦康
  • Costume Designer:Eugene Ng 黃商權, Eva 鄭意華
  • Additional Designer:Graphic Design : IJO Communications Sdn Bhd
  • Principal Cast:

    Elsa 邱鳳寧, Elaine 鄭曉芬, Milo 劉家榮, Eva 鄭意華, Amelia Tan 愛美麗亞, Ng Choon Chai 黃峻麟, Eugene 黃商權, Anielle Ng 吳楚鈞, 周建榮 (Zhou Jian Rong), 王宇航 (Wang Yu Hang), 林圳宇 (Lin Chun Yu), Azov Sim 沈穎傑, Eve Chen 曾穎慧, 王思思 (Wang Si Si), 林美欣 (Lin Mei Xing), Eagle Lee 李明傑

  • Producer:Linda Ang 洪秀琴, Amelia Tan 愛美麗亞
  • Stage Manager:彭俊耀 (Peng Jun Yao)