Play Time 遊戲時間 (2005)


Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades, centuries, light years…
Are the three of us
Playing the game of time in the matrix of numbers
Or playing the game of numbers in the labyrinth of time,

Yet, there are just
the three of us ………?

“In an unknown space where time is ambiguous, live three unknown female creatures. The ever drifted time has made them forgotten their identities, who they are, where they are from, and even their very own names. They have inhabited this space for a very long time.

The dullness of their lives has made them bored, hence they are always thinking of all kinds of games to make their lives happier.

Today, they are planning for a game, inviting a public speaker and lots of guests to their space, hoping to express their thoughts and fulfill their dreams among the guests.

However, which is the reality and which is the illusion? No one can tell.”


在 一個無法辨別出時間的莫名空間裡,有三個不知道是甚麼東西的東西。歲月的不斷流逝,已使它們連自己是誰,来自哪裡,叫甚麼名字也搞不清楚。它們三個一同生存在這個空間已經好久好久,生活的無聊讓它們覺得無趣而乏味,它們不斷的想出各種遊戲来讓自己的生活變得更快乐。



  • Playwright:Eugene Ionesco
  • Company Name:Pentas Project Theatre Production 平台計劃/劇團
  • Date:2005, August 11~14
  • Total Showing:6
  • Venue:The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre, Pentas 2
  • Language:Mandarin
  • Ticket Prices:RM30 (50% discount for students, senior citizens and disabled)
  • Director:Loh Kok Man 羅國文
  • Composer:Bernard Goh 吳聖雄 / Operator : Terence Chong 張俊開
  • Lighting Designer:Loh Kok Man 羅國文 / Operator : Lim Ang Swee 林安瑞
  • Set Designer:Chan Kok Hui 曾國輝
  • Costume Designer:Charles Jong 楊國忠
  • Additional Designer:Graphic Design : Caecar Chong / Graphic Design Executor :Isma Yusof
  • Make-up Artist:Charles Jong 楊國忠
  • Principal Cast:

    Gan Hui Yee 顏慧怡 + Sui Shiang Chi 水毓棠 (Taiwan) + Ling Tang 鄧壹齡

  • Executive Producer:Faridah Marican
  • Production Manager:Jason Lai 黎百齡 / Asst. : Yeong Chin Chin 楊菁菁
  • Stage Manager:Jason Lai 黎百齡
  • Publicist:KLPAC
  • Additional Notes:

    Copywriting : Au Sow Yee 區琇詒 /