The Lost City 迷城 (2003)


“The Lost City” has a simple story. It tells about a family. The play captures scenes of this family as if caught by a strobe light.

There’s a neglected little girl, an anxious woman who is uncertain of her husband’s love, a man who selectively forgets his way home, and a traveller who is runs naked in the dark.

One day the man meets the traveller and something sparks. Possibly love…

這是一則家庭倫理劇 —- 一則關於兩個男人和一個女人的故事。

故事非常簡單,以四個角色的心情分別切入 —- 一個被父母忽略的小女孩,一個敏感察覺到自己不是丈夫至愛的神經質女人,一個不斷迷路卻不曾發現自己原來只學會了逃避的男人,還有一個壓抑著自己的情感卻只能在夜闌人靜時才釋放自己的旅人(男)。男人遇上了旅人,愛情於是多了一個可能性。然而。。。。。。


  • Company Name:Fay Theatre 非劇坊
  • Date:2003, January 4 & 5
  • Total Showing:3
  • Venue:The Actors Studio Theatre, Plaza Putra, Dataran Merdeka
  • Language:Mandarin
  • Ticket Prices:RM26
  • Director:Yves Yap 葉偉章
  • Lighting Designer:Lim Ang Swee 林安瑞
  • Set Designer:Yves Yap 葉偉章
  • Principal Cast:

    Khee Mei Chyn 祁慕勤, Chin Wai Choon 陳偉俊, Tay Sean Yew 戴天佑, Eva Heng 王文真

  • Executive Producer:Alexander Ooi 黃奕中
  • Producer:Yves Yap 葉偉章, Eva Heng 王文真
  • Stage Manager:Gan Hui Yee 顏慧怡