A Funeral For The Stranger 獻給陌生人的葬禮 (2002)


“A Funeral For The Stranger” is a prophecy of life a bout the leaving of the chilly winter and the arrival of the warm spring. It is indeed a joyful season dedicated to you and me. “A Funeral For The Stranger” combines elements such as sound and visual images in order to present the will and determination of human being after going through various obstacles in one’s life



  • Company Name:Fay Theatre 非劇坊
  • Date:2002, July 5~7
  • Total Showing:5
  • Venue:The Actors Studio Theatre
  • Language:Mandarin
  • Director:Eva Heng 王文真
  • Scenographer:DRAMATURG:
  • Lighting Designer:Ong Kok Liang 黃國量
  • Costume Designer:Wardrobe: Chin Lee Yin 陳莉盈
  • Property Master:SunShi Zhong 孫世忠
  • Principal Cast:

    Yves Yap 葉偉章, Chin Lee Yin 陳莉盈, Gan Hui Yee 阿果, Khee Mei Chyn 祈慕勤, Teo Wee Ping 趙偉斌, Khang Tsung Hui 康中慧, Foo Ai Peng 符愛萍

  • Executive Producer:Zoe Au 區秀儀
  • Producer:Eva Heng + Yves Yap
  • Stage Manager:Gan Hui Yee 顏慧怡
  • Additional Notes:

    Content Writing : (Chinese) Zoe Au + Yves Yap (English) Zoe Au