Shall We… Off? (2001)


We do not belong to the City, as we came from different parts of the country; yet we belong to the City, simply because we stay in the City.

The making of SHALL WE… OFF? as well as the blanks… propose many possibilities and choices! How they reflect their situation? How to confront their choices!

Theirs are the process where no answers lies, but a trail of thoughts and rethinking. Therefore, Shall we… off?


SHALL WE… OFF?,空格的出現顯示了無限可能的選擇!這一群在城市生活的人們,他們目前是處在什麼狀態?他們最後選擇的依歸是什麼?



  • Company Name:Dan Dan Theatre Production & Sisyphus Theatre單單表演工程 & 西西弗斯劇團
  • Date:2001, December 6~9
  • Total Showing:5
  • Venue:The Actors Studio Theatre, Plaza Putra, Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur
  • Language:Physical Theatre
  • Ticket Prices:Rm 35
  • Director:Loh Kok Man, Wong Oi Min, Koh Choon Eiow羅國文,黃愛明,高俊耀
  • Lighting Designer:Loh Kok Man
  • Additional Designer:Print Design : SaChi Vision Marketing Associates
  • Principal Cast:

    Chin Lee Ling, Chong Meng Choo, Choo Ai Sin, Koh Choon Eiow, Wong Oi Min, Lai Pak Ling, Teo Wei Ping

  • Producer:Soon Choon Mee 孫春美
  • Artistic Director:Soon Choon Mee 孫春美
  • Production Manager:Loh Kok Man 羅國文
  • Stage Manager:陳淑真 Tan Seok Chin
  • Publicist:Winnie Tan Gaik Kin 陳玉根
  • Additional Notes:

    Production Asst. : Khee Mei Chyn 祁慕勤, Ling Tang 鄧壹齡

  • Other Information:

    Photography : Ken Yap 葉偉權