A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1991)


Theseus has defeated Hippolyta, Queen of her warrior race, in battle, and has claimed her hand in marriage. A few days before the ceremony is due to take place, he is asked to arbitrate in a disagreement between Egeus and his daughter, Hermia. Egeus insists that Hermia marry Demetrius (who was previously in love with Helena). However, Hermia is in love with Lysander. The harsh law of their land exacts the penalty of death when a daughter refuses to obey her father’s will. Theseus gives Hermia a few days to sort out her dilemma.

Hermia and Lysander decide to meet in the wood and escape the reach of the law. They confide their plan to Helena. Pining for Demetrius’ favour, Helena reveals their plan to him. Demetrius pursues the lovers into the woods, and Helena follows.

It is also to the woods that a group of artisans have come to practise a play they will present for Theseus’ wedding. They rehearse.

The woods is also the haunt of the fairy kingdom. Oberon and Titania are engaged in a fierce dispute over a mortal boy. Oberon commands Puck, his attendant, to obtain a magical juice which when squeezed into a sleeper’s eyes will make that person fall in love with the first being that he or she sees. Titania is the intended victim. Oberon sees the lovers and commands Puck to use the lover’s juice on Demetrius. The complications which follow are the basis of chaos and midsummer madness.

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  • Playwright:William Shakespeare
  • Company Name:The Instant Cafe Theatre Company
  • Date:19 – 31 August 1991
  • Total Showing:12
  • Venue:Carcosa Seri Negara
  • Language:English
  • Director:Jo Kukathas
  • Choreographer:Ramli Ibrahim, Guna
  • Musical Director:Tommaso Cecere
  • Lighting Designer:Vasu Subramaniam, Prem Kumar
  • Set Designer:Veritas Architect with contributions by Brian Quirk
  • Costume Designer:John Lai
  • Additional Designer:Print Design – The studio of Pius Eugene, Annie Ng Lee Ting, Poster Illustration – Brian Quirk
  • Property Master:Marica van Wynen
  • Principal Cast:

    Andrew Leci, Santha Oorjitham, Kit Leee, Jit Murad, Saidah Rastam, Michelle Lee, Zahim Albakri, Charon Mokhzani, Neville Haile, Suresh Sidhu, Roslee Eric, James Wong, Ari Ratos, Shamsul Rahman, Terence Swampillai, Sukania Venugopal, Tyler Ng Kok Thye, Prem Vadiveloo

  • Ensemble:

    Guna, Ravi, Suraj, Radhi, Suchitra, Gayatri, Chitra, Chandiri

  • Producer:Andrew Leci, Fiona Todd
  • Stage Manager:Fiona Todd, Assistant Stage Manager – Stuart Affleck
  • Publicist:Sandra Sodhy, The studio of Pius Eugene, Annie Ng Lee Ting
  • Other Information:

    Front of House – Shanthini Venugopal, Jewellery – Owen Rebecca Designs, Program – Pia Zain, Jit Murad, Photography – Belinda Siew

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