Pertandingan Koreografi TiongHua Terbuka Malaysia 华族舞蹈创作公开赛 (1990)


Info Produksi:

  • Pengarah Seni / Kurator / Koordinator Program:马国荣 Ma Guo Rong, 梁丽娟 Leong Lai Kim
  • Tarikh:5 August 1990
  • Jumlah Pementasan:1; NB: A total of 18 individual pieces were performed. Below is only a selection of the main items.

Item Tarian Individu

Item #1

  • Tajuk:Mu Jin 木槿
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Before the independence of Malaysia, the three ethnic groups of China, Mongolia, and India were engaged in economic activities based on their own strengths. After a long period of mutual interaction, the three ethnic groups of China, Mongolia, and India began to merge into a group of nations that could understand each other and united. Unanimously fighting for independence and making the country on the way to prosperity, the people’s perseverance and perseverance are just like the red flower’s perseverance against wind and rain, and the red flower is listed as the national flower of our country, in order to commend the people for never shrinking from adversity. the spirit of.


  • Kumpulan:

    MCA Trengganu Dance Troupe 丁州马华舞蹈团(瓜拉丁加奴)

  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu
  • Penari:陈德美 、陈丽玲 、张秀明 、叶宝玲 、叶宝慧 、黄伟莉 、刘月萍 、张玉萍 、邢花菲 、庄素贞 、陈兰妮 、黄佩莲 、孙文珍 、黄秋霞 、吴梅云 、林重兴 、张文贤 、吴运杰 、孙文圣 、郑志光 、孙克声 、翁涵妮 、潘玉琴 、郑忠仁。
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Host 主持人]:孙纶隆

Item #2

  • Tajuk:Cong Qian, Xian Zai 从前,现在
  • Kumpulan:

    Wu Zhi Wu Dao Gong Si 舞之舞蹈公司(吉隆坡)

  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu
  • Penari:黄美玲 、陈丽娥 、陈碧茜 、吴秋婷 、张丽花 、邱秀玲 、莎娜 、黄坤伟 、伍家飞 、李冰冰 、Jenny Lee.
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Rehearsal Master 排舞导师]:朱永顺、林金美

Item #3

  • Tajuk:Wu Lian 舞恋
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    She has been influenced by dance since she was a child. When she grew up, she founded her own dance company. Because she was too devoted to dance, she lost her lifelong happiness—love; but inspired by ideals, she turned her grief into strength and decided Inject your life into the art of dance.


  • Kumpulan:

    Persatuan Drama Kheng Lin 琼联剧社合唱团舞蹈组(吉隆坡)

  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu
  • Penari:罗金德 、黄群志 、傅瑞成 、陈卫源 、彭治鸣 、黎永安 、黄耀文 、黄建中 、蔡韵萍 、李秀鹃 、苏丽珠 、苏丽玲 、黄宝娟 、叶清樱 、曾秋霞 、张丽菁、李群欢 、胡惠菱 、赖秀英 、赖秀云 、张洁明 、邱玉珠 、胡爱凤 、黄秀虹 、黄沙玲 、蔡汶霓 、黄丽云 、阮葆真 、林金梅 、叶莉君 、林婉君 、黄莹盈。
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Host 主持人]:马国荣

Item #4

  • Kumpulan:

    Phor Tay Alumni Dance Group 菩提校友会舞蹈组(槟城)

  • Penari:陈志贤 、卓美燕 、马嘉化 、林碧清 、林玉珠 、林美清 、欧文廉 、黄秀玉 、曾宝香 、陈俞君 、梅月玲 、谭健良 、曾福顺 、张伟满 、司徒志强 、谢振贤 、洪万祥 、谢淑慧 、陈燕燕 、马嘉敏 、陈丽莲
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Host 主持人]:岑振爱

Item #5

  • Tajuk:Ling Mei 灵媒
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Using the local psychic as a primer, it aroused no complaints and no regrets from the spring silkworm to the end of the dead silk.


  • Kumpulan:

    Hui Yin Seh 慧音社(槟城)

  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu
  • Penari:吕素玲 、黄凤玲 、张淑娇 、吕美桂 、周宝真 、王莉春 、程美凤 、吴依冰 、吴绣芬 、吴秀丽 、谢林月音 、张玉凤 、黄鸣莺 、梁达慧。
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Host 主持人]:陈玉梅 、林宗仁

Item #6

  • Tajuk:Liao E 蓼莪
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    What power pulls us to grow up in the dark,
    What force is supporting us even when we fall,
    What power calls us when we are tired,
    That is the nurturing grace of parents,
    And a lot of regrets always happen
    [The tree is also quiet and the wind is endless, the son wants to raise but the kiss is absent]
    We are willing to give some feedback in the most traditional way, that is [filial piety].


  • Koreografer:[Instructor 导师]: 梁丽娟 Leong Lai Kim
  • Kumpulan:

    Kwang Tung Dance Company 雪兰莪广东会馆青年团舞蹈组(吉隆坡)

  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu
  • Penari:李梅群 、赵美好 、蔡秀虹 、王慕彰 、祝翠凤 、吴国雄 、曾文忠 、梁淑芬 、凌秀媚 、陆振鸿、等
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Host 主持人]:彭忠良
    [Group Leader 组长]:彭素芬

Item #7

  • Tajuk:Xiao Xiang Yi Hen 潇湘遗恨
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Describe the love tragedy of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu in the Dream of Red Mansions.


  • Koreografer:[Artistic Director, Instructor 艺术总监、指导]:符傅光 Fu Chuan Guang
  • Kumpulan:

    Sang Lin Dance Troupe 桑林舞蹈艺术团(吉隆坡)

  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu
  • Penari:颜开明 、林志杰 、刘福玲 、卢慧仪 、徐玉云 、张玉莲| 、张雪娇 、颜秋莲。
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Leader 团长]:吴建成
    [Artistic Director 艺术指导]: 吴凤财
    [Secretary 文书]:张玉莲

Item #8

  • Tajuk:Er Shi De Xiang Jian 儿时的乡间
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Parents and uncles are sweating farming in the rice paddies, the scarecrow also helps to catch the sparrows, and the aunts pick needles to sew the dowry. The well by the stream is always a good place for mother to do laundry.  The rain in China not only nourishes the vegetable garden, but also nourishes the love of big brothers and sisters. Always look forward to the New Year, the hot New Year’s breath, the new clothes, the New Year’s money…


  • Kumpulan:

    MCA Malacca Dance Troupe 马六甲马华舞蹈团(马六甲)

  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu
  • Penari:钟永强 、李华明 、许龙光 、蔡严庆 、黄种钦 、张子健 、房金虎 、郑松然 、房德炎 、黄日红 、李新花 、魏童妞 、吴瑞英 、黄秋兰 、王金莲 、林素雯 、廖桂芳 、冯增鸾 、李秀红 、邓美钟 、黄显婷 、熊丽丽 、张美洲 、钟宛倪 、吴素珊 、吴丽慧。
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Host 主持人]:钟永强

Item #9

  • Tajuk:Shan Lian Shui,Shui Lian Tian 山连水,水连天
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    The elders told us that wherever there is water, there are peoples with Chinese blood. From the ancient Yellow River valley to every corner of the earth, they always don’t forget to find the source. He earnestly hopes to awaken his homesickness over the years with a pure heart to find a “root” balance. The mountains and rivers are connected to the sky, and the mountains and rivers are connected but there is also a lot of homesickness.


  • Kumpulan:

    Kwang Tung Dance Company 雪兰莪广西会馆青年团舞蹈组(吉隆坡)

  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu
  • Penari:李瑞强 、文复声 、雷金佑 、冼剑辉i 、曾德忠 、侯升尉 、王健文 、陈文龙 、陈淑琳 、李国容 、刘秀珍 、廖素芬 、陈淑云 、陈淑仪 、伍美燕 、李月凤 、黄友凤 、李淑慧 、叶婉君。
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Host 主持人]:崔国文

Item #10

  • Tajuk: Lian Hua Tong Zi Xian Gong Wu 莲花童子献供舞
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    The lively lotus boys play and dance around the blooming flower-carrying pond, expressing their vitality and symbolizing the prosperity of all things in nature.
    Each boy held ten kinds of offerings for the Buddha in both hands: incense, flowers, lamps, paintings, glory, tea, food, treasures, beads, clothes, and put them on the Buddha table carefully to show respect and offerings to the Buddha.


  • Kumpulan:

    Qi Yuan Buddhist Temple Kepong 只园(吉隆坡甲洞)

  • Kategori:Hua zu wu, religious dance
  • Penari:李湘云 、方慧君 、方慧慧 、方慧萍 、黄慧君 、梁凤美 、杨小燕 、刘彩玉 、刘彩萍 、陈慧晶。
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Host 主持人] : 王爱琼

Item #11

  • Tajuk:Guan Yin Qi Xian Nv Xia Fan 观音七仙女下凡
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    The seven fairies descended to the earth to offer a dance, the golden boy and the jade girl also came to offer the gods, and the Guanyin Bodhisattva descended to the earth to save all living beings, sprinkling nectar, and presenting Ruixiang.


  • Kumpulan:

    Persatuan Meditasi Buddha Batu 14 Sungai Buloh Selangor 佛教静修院(雪兰莪双溪毛糯)

  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu, religious dance
  • Penari:张小云 、黄健文 、梁美娟 、梁美云 、林彩虹 、陈秀花 、梁美玲 、朱燕丽、朱燕美 、洪丽娟。
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Host 主持人] : 曾健福

Item #12

  • Tajuk:Hong Cai Wu Qu 红彩舞曲
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    The story is about a group of tea mountain girls picking tea and catching butterflies on a warm day, when a rainbow suddenly appeared in the sky, and the tea mountain girls danced around the rainbow.


  • Kumpulan:

    Yang Guang Jie Mei (Senior Citizen) [乐龄]阳光姐妹(吉隆坡)

  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu
  • Penari:严梅姝 、林珍珠 、罗灶意 、林群枝 、罗凤妹 、钟丽金 、梁玉凊 、林素音。
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Host 主持人]:严梅姝女士

Item #13

  • Tajuk:Yi Chuang You Meng 一床忧梦
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Tie gray hair and eyebrows
    And children and grandchildren
    Bright red tears by candlelight
    Is the future unknown or knowledge


  • Kumpulan:

    Ulu Langat District Hokkien Association 乌鲁冷岳福建会馆(雪兰莪加影)

  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu
  • Penari:斐金炳 、徐玉娥、李慧心 、彭碧丽 、廖贞莉 、李燕萍 、古月凤 、龚丽红 、陈茵 、陈茵茵 、李嘉仪 、许晓彬 、徐晓玲 、官丽珠 、何佩茹 、李志强 、李淑婵 、胡思萍 、谭燕青 、胡燕 、谭燕婷 、吴晓霞。
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Host 主持人] : 刘桂春

Item #14

  • Tajuk:San Liu 三六
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Describe the marriage situation of the ancient people.
    In one afternoon, several girls went to the garden to have fun. Suddenly the girls saw some young sons coming in the garden. The girls hurried to the big tree and quietly watched the boys play. After the sons were gone, the girls talked about the sons happily. In this situation, a matchmaker met, and she told herself that she hadn’t been a matchmaker for a long time, and now she must be a matchmaker. But after thinking about it, she couldn’t think of the matchmaker. After thinking about it, I finally thought about it for her, so I went with the two companies to invite a matchmaker. In the end, the son and the girl of the two families became husband and wife. The two couples are as respectful as guests, and their feelings are harmonious.


  • Kumpulan:

    Di Sha Dance Group 帝沙舞蹈组(吉隆坡)

  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu
  • Penari:Ganesan、陈国豪 、戴邦文 、叶送伟 、黄益勇 、叶燕为 、黄汶伟 、唐志贤 、廖美玉 丶丘微莹 、丘心怡、刘雪玲 、叶玉燕 、陈俐伻 、侯素珍 、陈俐烨 、张淑慧 、袁佩亿 、张永益。
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Host 主持人] : Ganesan

Item #15

  • Tajuk:Qi Meng Mian Mian 绮梦绵绵
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    In order to make a living, the husband travels across oceans to work, and the wife thinks about it day and night at home. At night, I can’t sleep tossing and turning, and even when I fall asleep, I dream of my husband coming back to me, so I feel lingering. Soon after, my husband woke up from the dream, but my husband disappeared……


  • Kumpulan:

    Ling Long Dance Group 玲珑舞蹈团(彭亨而连突)

  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu
  • Penari:饶菲菲 、何彩虹 、欧阳蕊福 、陈志坚 、范秀婷 、尨志强 、梁俊杰 、沉运兴 、章顺年 、林洪圣。
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Host 主持人]:林洪圣、张灵龄

Item #16

  • Tajuk:Zu Xun 祖训
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    In order to improve the difficult life, in order to pursue a better life, bite the teeth, bid farewell to parents, leave their homes, and set off to the south. Although we are far away from home, our ancestors cannot forget, and ancestral instructions cannot be forgotten.


  • Kumpulan:

    Ipoh Chinese Chin Woo Athletic Association 怡保中国精武体育馆(霹雳怡保)

  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu
  • Penari:马润露 、杜淑琴 、赖金良 、宋志成 、潘秀真 、赵少媚 、郑梅娟 、梁雪梅 、许佩君 、邝宝韵 、陈瑞凌 、吴海莉 、陈宇秋 、赖楷盈。
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Host 主持人] : 黄泰兴

Item #17

  • Tajuk:Xi Zi 戏子
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Life is like a stage
    The stage is like life
    Life changes with the passage of time
    The stage is enriched and enriched with the role
    The stage is a mirror
    Reflect your life in no way
    The character is a string of mercury
    Project to the audience pervasively
    In the eyes and mind
    Constant drilling, drilling, drilling
    Life is like a stage
    The stage is like a mirror
    Keep changing
    Excerpted from [Characters] (Original author Huang Meilan-Assistant Artistic Director of Chung Ying Theatre Company)

    的眼中 脑中
    不断的钻动 钻动 钻动
    不断地转变 转变

  • Kumpulan:

    Batu Pahat Dance Workshop 峇株舞蹈工作群(柔佛峇珠巴辖)

  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu
  • Penari:许进发 、洪伟彬 、林碧莉 、王琳斌 、王淑瑛 、李业通 、杨秋怡 、姚丽莲 、潘美华 、杨月萍 、刘杰仁 、郭瑞文 、苏丽娟 、巫杰斌 、刘立新。
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Host 主持人] : 陈连和

Item #18

  • Tajuk:Pi Jing Chuang Sheng 披荆创生
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Build the motherland
    Ah Qiang bid farewell to his hometown, and as his fellow villagers rode a small boat, through the surging waves, finally arrived at a peninsula-the Malay Peninsula. Ah Qiang lived with the residents of the Malay Peninsula, using blood and tears to open up the harsh mountains and wilds and struggle with nature to build his home. A Qiang fell in love with this piece of land in order to defend his homeland and fight for the autonomy of the country. Finally, his own national flag was hoisted on the peninsula in the song of independence. Under the shining sun, the people of all ethnic groups lived and worked in peace and contentment.


  • Kumpulan:

    Zhou Ya Lai Dance Group 周亚来舞蹈组

  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu
  • Maklumat Lain:

    [Host 主持人] : 周亚来 Zhou Ya Lai


  • Pereka Tatacahaya:[Lighting/Sound 灯光/音响]:符气和
  • Krew Produksi:[Front of House 前台]:周连瓊; [Backstage 后台]:黄结游
  • Penerbit Eksekutif:[Executive Director 工委会主任]:丘淑明 [Deputy Executive Director 工委会副主任]:徐国评
  • Penerbit:[Chairperson Team 大会联合主席]:许岳金、钟正山
  • Pengurus Pentas:黄宝福
  • Publisiti:郭仁德
  • Pengadil:[Lead] 柯荣添 Steven Koh。钱秀莲 Qian Xiu Lian、林飞仙 Lin Fei Xian、黄捷宽 Huang Jie Kuan、王春美 Ong Choon Mui。

Item Berkaitan