Delightful ‘D’ Lights (1997)


Production Information

  • Production / Presenting Company:Sri Wilayah Ballet Centre
  • Artistic Director / Curator / Programme Coordinator:[Programme] : Choong Wan Chin
  • Date:12 September 1997
  • Total Showing:1; NB: A double-bill production that consist of 9 individual pieces on the first session, and a ballet repertoire on the second session. Below are the dance items.
  • Venue:Dewan Sivik, Petaling Jaya
  • State:Selangor

Individual Dance Items

Item #1

  • Title:Getting To Know You (The King & I)
  • Choreographer:Ivy Chin
  • Category:Ballet
  • Dancers:Nora Idrina bt Noor Azmi, Tania Visuanathan, Wong Su Wen, Nicole Kow Li-Yen, Natasha Mohd Noh, Wong Gui Fen, Toh Huey Jing, Yap Xi Zen, Amira Bt Khairuddin, Ooi Yi Lyn, Cheah Shu-Li, Theah Su Mei, Michella Cheah, Ong Lyn-Wen.

Item #2

  • Title:Cabaret
  • Choreographer:Ivy Chin
  • Category:Ballet
  • Dancers:Kim Moon Jeong, Kim Moon Kyeong, Lim Seo Jin, Yoo Hye Jung, Mina Yeon.

Item #3

  • Title:Jellicie Songs for Jellicie Cats (Cats)
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:


  • Choreographer:Ivy Chin
  • Category:Ballet
  • Dancers:Kate Ng Shu-Yi, Nur Maisarah bt Mohd Nasruddin, Zoe Chia, Natsumi Asada, Yokiko Khono, Yui Matsunobu, Kana Kogame, Kie Sakata, Yee Sook Cheng, Julia Vander Drift, Trishna Saeharaseelan, Chenhnez Choo Bray, Syahida bt Mohd Shamsuddin, Aruna Dhevi Vijaretham.

Item #4

  • Title:One (Chorus Line)
  • Choreographer:Ivy Chin
  • Category:Ballet
  • Dancers:Amira Baharin, Tan Sze Yin, Momo Shibuya, Naoko Kohno, Akiko Miyoshi, Fiona Lim, Cheng Yoke Ling, Wee Yen Hwea, Chong Hwa Yinn, Emily Loh, Ryoko Yoshida, Mao Yoshida, Tan Sue Lyn, Shafrina bt Mohd.

Item #5

  • Title:Chop Suey
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:


  • Choreographer:Ivy Chin
  • Category:Ballet
  • Dancers:Tan I-Lyn, Aida Sofia bt A.Ahmad, Maria Lee, Siti Khairina bt Khalid, Krystle Lim, Stephanie Seow, Diana Dayang C.M Arriega, Koh Nyat Syen, Chong Wan Hsin, Sabeela Sophie Abd Nasser, Narida Aaraa bt Aziz M., Chloe Ann Gomez, Kavitha Lakshmi Vijiaretnam.

Item #6

  • Title:Dancing Cheek to Cheek
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:


  • Choreographer:Ivy Chin
  • Category:Ballet
  • Dancers:Ellese Tzinberg, Chua Jeh Ying, Anisha Menon, Hannah Joan Melder, Chin Siew Hui, Ayaka Kato, Murphy Loh, Rumi Kitamura, Melissa Khor, Saika Futai, Sarasa Furuya, Natalee Tan, Chia Yen-Yi, Wee Shin Lin, Trina Ng, Yeoh Sook Sim.

Item #7

  • Title:Singin’ In The Rain
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:


  • Choreographer:Ivy Chin
  • Category:Ballet
  • Dancers:Ayami Aoki, Sayaka Ueno, Tiffany Haruka Teh, Phoebe Siow, Kazusa Otsuka, Yuki Taniuchi, Saaya Amano, Mizuna Kodaka, Yuka Kodaka, Aimi Fijii, Yu Aikawa, Moe Taguchi, Hitomi Nakamura, Sachino Kakoki.

Item #8

  • Title:Wouldn’t It Be Lovely (My Fair Lady)
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:


  • Choreographer:Ivy Chin
  • Category:Ballet
  • Dancers:Melissa Tan, Alina Ong, Arina Baharin, Jenna Tan, Wee Yen Theng, Amira Najua, Tessa Cheong.

Item #9

  • Title:The Lonely Goatherd (The Sound of Music)
  • Choreographer:Ivy Chin
  • Category:Ballet
  • Dancers:Amelia Ngoh, Michele Ting, Tan Mei Hong, Cindy Kwok, Melissa Radzi, Joanne Ong, Wan Phaik Quan, Chong Li Jean, Hoh Yin May.

Item #10

  • Title:Sleeping Beauty
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Long ago there lived a King and Queen who ruled over a great Kingdom. When their first child, Aurora, was born there was great rejoicing and they held a big party to celebrate her birth. The proud parents invited the most important people in the Kingdom, including the six good fairies who lived in the most distant parts of the land. Among them was the most loved Lilac Fairy. The party started off smoothly. All the guests brought expensive presents for Princess Aurora but the Fairies gave the Princess beauty, wealth, health, kindness, happiness and love.

    In the midst of the party, a rush of cold air blew through the room as the great door flung open. There on the doorstep stood the Fairy of Darkness. Nothing had been heard of her for so many years that the King and Queen had completely forgotten to invite her. She was very furious for not being invited to this great occasion and instead of giving the baby Princess a gift or blessing. She cursed the baby. ‘The Princess will grow up to be pretty, happy and health until the day that she is eighteen years old. On that day, she will prick her finger on a spindle and die.’ And with that the wicked fairy swept out of the room leaving behind a stunned silence. Softly, the Lilac Fairy stepped forward to change the spell. Instead of dying, the Princess will prick her finger and sleep for a hundred years and only a Prince will be able to break the spell by kissing her.

    Through the years everyone had forgotten about the spell until Princess Aurora’s eighteenth birthday when an old woman came to the castle and gave the Princess a strange present for her birthday. The present was a spindle. While the king and queen were wondering who the old woman was and what she had given to their daughter. Aurora had already pricked her finger. She was beginning to feel faint when the old woman revealed her disguise as the Fairy of Darkness. Princess Aurora passed out and the wicket fairy left. Now everyone remembered the curse and was very sad. But Lilac Fairy came to remind the King and Queen that the Princess will not die but will sleep for a hundred years until a Prince finds her, kisses her and breaks the spell. Everyone in the castle fell asleep for a hundred years.

    For many years Lilac Fairy went searching for a suitable Prince who would not only break the spell but will also fall in love with Princess Aurora. In the hundred years she finally found Prince Desiree and brought him to the castle. Prince Desiree took one look at Princess Aurora and instantly fell in love with her. He could not resist kissing such a beautiful Princess that when he bent down and kissed her, she opened her eyes. When she saw Prince Desiree she too fell in love with him. And when everyone woke up, they rejoiced at seeing the Prince and Princess together. Shortly, after that the Prince and Princess were married and they lived happily ever after.
    Act 1 – The Celebration of the birth of Princess Aurora.
    Act 2 – Princess Aurora’s eighteen birthday. The vision and the awakening.
    Act 3 – The Wedding Celebration.

  • Choreographer:Lee Yupin after Marius Petipa
  • Category:Ballet
  • Dancers:Master of Geremonles : Gino Miranda Court Ladies : Chang Mae-Lynn, Neo Toong Mei, Tan Shiau Ying, Marie-Helene Yang , Vivien Ng, Kong Ee-Ling, Lee Ai Nyin, Chan Su Hui, Leow Wee Yean, Lynette Yoong, Priscilla Shunmugam, Ooi May Kim Matron : Linda Woo King : Sunny Chan Queen : Patricia Wong Faries : Chia Tsu Wen, Choo Kuan Suen, Sharon Khoo, Nur Hidaya Zakuan, Adeline Yeoh Lilac Fairy : Ho Yuen Kuen Fairy of Darkness : Wong Lee Foon Waltz of the Flowers : Khairunnisa Zakuan, Lim Qi Lian, Belinda Rahman, Sofia Rahman, Alissa Jeyem Raj, Ng Liane, Charlotte Yap, Lim Sze Lynn, Chang Mae-Ping, Marilee Soon, Ng Ai Li, Melody Quah, Izra Jasmine, Lim Sue Ann, Koh Nyet Mien, Izyan Syazwani, Renee Lau, Ayumi Wada, Gigi Ng Princess Aurora : Choong Wan Chin Prince Disiree : Guna Segaran Cats : Khairunnisa Zakuan (white), Lim Qi Lian (black) Blue Bird Pas De Deux : Adeline Yeoh, Mavin Khoo Little Red Riding Hood and The Wolf : Nur Hidaya Zakuan, James Quah


  • Lighting Designer:[Music and Lighting] : Chua Meei Tyng
  • Set Designer:[Stage sets and Props] : Ivy Chim, Chua Meei Tyng, Choong Wan Chin
  • Production Crew:Stage Crew: MPPJ, Gary Chin, Woo Wye Mun, Adrian Ho Costumer Designer: Ivy Chim, Choong Wan Chin, Lee Yupin
  • Stage Manager:Lee Yupin

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