Pesta Tarian Yang Ke-15 Fei Xia 第十五届全国舞蹈节 飞霞 (1994)


Pesta Tarian Ke 15 dan Mesyuarat Pemerhatian Tarian Antarabangsa Nasional Keempat—— Warna terbang kelihatan seperti bendera budaya berkibar bersama-sama untuk memperjuangkan keindahan matahari, matahari bersinar seperti brokat dan tarian rahmat yang menggembirakan untuk meremajakan kehidupan.


Production Information

  • Production / Presenting Company:Organised by several Chinese associations in Penang 槟州华团联合主办
  • Artistic Director / Curator / Programme Coordinator:黎月平 Li Yue Ping 
  • Date:4 – 5 November 1994
  • Total Showing:2; NB: A total of 20 individual pieces were performed. Below are only the listed / awarded dance items – based on information provided by program book of 20th NCDF (2006).
  • Venue:Dewan Sri Pinang 槟州大会堂
  • State:Kedah

Individual Dance Items

Item #1

  • Title:Lv Yi  绿意
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A river of spring water flows, greening the forests on both sides of the bank. There are birds flying in the sky, soaring freely.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:李文 Li Wen
  • Group:

    Pertubuhan Untakan Seni dan Tarian  砂劳越诗巫爱心艺术社舞蹈团

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:张泳虎 、江福萍 、刘利宝 、林小雅 、吴风萍 、陈风娜 、林民祥 、罗菁云 、林善英 、谢文婷 、毛宗谋 、陈炳德 、李亚春 、沈若波 、黄晓强 、刘凤兰。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:李亚春
    [Staff 职员]:黄晓强

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #2

  • Title:Shi Fang Wo   释放我
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Please release us, please don’t repel me; I asked: “Aren’t we the same kind? Why don’t you grow up from the same root? Why don’t you look forward and always walk backward? Right and wrong are reversed, truth is not distinguished, don’t distinguish us?! “I am not reconciled; I am not reconciled!


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:陈振廷 Tan Chin Theng
  • Group:

    Penari Kilang Timur 槟城东厂舞群

  • Category:contemporary dance
  • Dancers:李梦玟 、杨蔚真 、马纯慧 、张梦盈 、郑南芬 、陈振廷。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:陈振廷
    [Staff 职员]:张梦盈

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #3

  • Title:Wan Pi De Xiao He Shang 顽皮的小和尚
  • Group:

    SJK(C) Wen Khai 槟城文开学校

  • Other Information:

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #4

  • Title:Tian Shan Chun Xiao  天山春晓
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The beautiful Tianshan, the industrious Uyghur girl who nurtures her in the vineyard, facing the fruitful harvest, dance with infinite joy and joy in life.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:李翔通 Li Xiang Tong
  • Group:

    Persatuan Tarian Batu Pahat  柔佛峇株舞蹈工作群

  • Category:Chinese Uyghur ethnic dance, Uyghur dance
  • Dancers:杨月萍 、许美萍 、林贤发 、谢祥厌 、姚丽莲 、谢春英 、潘妙玲 、林强腾 、林明平 、林志伟 、林月娟 、林慧诗 、巫杰武 、陈敏莉 、张诵倩 、张美珠 、黄玉英 、巫隹敏 、黄韵冰 、陈素涵 、陈惜玲 、李美玲 、江珠芯 、刘立新。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:李翔通
    [Staff 职员]:林秀娟

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #5

  • Title:Yu Xiang、Ban Lu   渔乡、板路
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    KI KO, KI KO, and KI KO came from wooden road in fish village. This is the footsteps of clogs, what is it? what! Do not! Isn’t this the rhythm of life? Can you afford to dance?

    渔乡板路,传来了KI KO,KI KO,再KI KO,这是木屐的脚步声,是什么?咦!不!这不是生活的节奏吗?你能不起舞吗?

  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:潘少鹏 Pan Shao Peng
  • Group:

    Persatuan Sukan ChinWoo Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur  雪州精武体育会舞蹈团

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance creation
  • Dancers:王媚仪 、黄洁馨 、黄浩媚 、李饶辉 、李珊珊 、杜湄湄 、马瑞珍 、汤国荣 、郑碧霖 、曾燕芳 、钱慧敏 、林桂花 、胡志雄 、杨国斌 、谢安妮 、邓月明 、邓运婵 、梁育玲 、凌淑芬 、林真珠 、丘国洪 、蔡丽和。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:拿汀魏顺莲
    [Staff 职员]:丘海仁

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #6

  • Title:Zhao Jun Yuan  昭君怨
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Wang Zhaojun was born in the countryside of Hubei in the Western Han Dynasty. She was outstanding in appearance and was selected into the palace. Zhaojun is not afraid of power and nobility, not only she was not elected as a princess, but was sent to the cold palace instead. In the first year of Jingning, the Huns called Hanxie and asked for peace. Because of his young princess, the Emperor of Han planned to choose one of the beauties from palace to marry to Shan Yu. Although the Han emperor was reluctant to accept Zhaojun, Zhaojun thought twice and asked herself to marry to Xiongnu for the sake of harmony and friendship between Hu and Han and the peace of the country. She is kind and generous and understands righteousness and had win the admiration of the people. Zhaojun’s great feat of going out of the fortress and getting married is with the sun and the moon.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor指导]:黄添才 Huang Tian Cai
  • Group:

    Kumpulan Kebudayaan Bahagian Belia, Persatuan Hainan Selangor  雪隆海南会馆海南青文艺团

  • Category:Chinese dance
  • Dancers:廖爱媚 、郑有义 、黄筱君 、邝丽明 、黄添才 、陈文娟 、何爱芳 、颜碧玔 、李晓音 、洪崇仪 、洪恬仪 、陈朝春 、伍俊伟 、陈兰蓉 、曾淑芬 、全会王 、黄福泉 、李美莲 、李丽君 、陈玉玲 、陈田恩 、陈美兰 、甄美玲 、冯润欣。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:许运发

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #7

  • Title:He Xiang Meng Hui   荷香梦迴
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Summer lotus returned to sweet dreams, and answered questions with infatuation. Forever, the lotus heart knows happiness.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:李文 Li Wen
  • Group:

    Pertubuhan Untakan Seni dan Tarian  砂劳越诗巫爱心艺术社舞蹈团

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:张泳虎 、江福萍 、刘利宝 、林小雅 、吴风萍 、陈风娜 、林民祥 、罗菁云 、林善英 、谢文婷 、毛宗谋 、陈炳德 、李亚春 、沈若波 、黄晓强 、刘凤兰。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:李亚春
    [Staff 职员]:黄晓强

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #8

  • Title:Bian Qiang Chuan Lai De Xi Xun  边疆传来的喜讯
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    On March 3rd, spring is in full swing. Flowers whispered from the bottom of his heart, and secretly spread his love under the moon. A grand wedding began. The good news has dyed every face, the village fort, and even the entire frontier.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:钟永强  Chong Yoon Keong
  • Group:

    Kumpulan Tarian MCA Melaka  马六甲马华舞蹈团

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:黄种钦 、邱德文 、房德炎 、林逸德 、黄日红 、黄秋兰 、林秀红 、林素雯 、魏童妞 、廖桂芳 、谢慧芳 、颜若薇、张诗薇、赖凌玲 、蔡伟充 、蔡文华 、蔡金龙 、杨佐胜 、黄义忠 、陈延源。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:陈期典
    [Staff 职员]:冯增鸾

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖、Costume Award 服装奖

Item #9

  • Title:Yue Xia Ting He   月下听荷
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    (Under the Moon)-Jiang’s lotus root fragrant remnant jade in autumn. Lightly relieve Luo Shang and go to Lan Dan alone. Who is in the cloud to send a brocade book? When the wild goose returns, the moon is full of the west building. The flower is floating and the water flows by itself, a kind of lovesickness, two sorrows. There is no way to get rid of this feeling, so I lower my brows, but goes to my heart.

    (月下)—— 江藕香残玉簟秋。轻解罗裳,独上兰丹。云中谁寄锦书耒?雁字回时,月满西楼。花自飘零水自流,一种相思,两处闲愁。此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。

  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:郑庭玲 Zheng Ting Ling
  • Group:

    Persatuan Seni Kebudayaan MCA Terengganu Dance Group  丁州马华舞蹈团

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:郑庭玲 、李翠芬 、黄伟莉 、邢益菲 、张文贤 、李翠妮 、刘金顺。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:孙纶隆
    [Staff 职员]:黄顺进

    **Costume Award 服装奖

Item #10

  • Title:Qian Nian Yong  千年蛹
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    An immortal life, an immortal soul, has gone through the catastrophes of the times, the refinement of the world, and emerged from the cocoon.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:张凌葆 Cheong Lin Poo
  • Group:

    Persatuan Bekas Murid-Murid Sekolah Phor Tay Dance Group 槟城菩提校友会舞蹈组

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance
  • Dancers:林玉珠 、黄秀玉 、黄印邦 、骆玫霖 、许淑仪 、陈君伊 、洪丽婷 、彭月蓉 、林芬盈 、杨美娥 、宋俊辉 、梅月玲 、马嘉仪、洪万祥 、谢振贤、陈志贤 、林清吉 、张伟满 、李克静、林修端 、吴汉妮 、邓克莹。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:吴素月
    [Staff 职员]:岑振爱

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖、Stage Presentation Award 舞台美工奖


  • Lighting Designer:陈垣慎、 黄昱华 、梁浩燊、 黄进才
  • Production Crew:陈岳凤、 罗瑞娇、 梁国韦、 梁子聪、 陈宝泉、 朱智宽、 梁杨宏、 蔡宝玉、 黄小珍、 徐惠芬、 尤瑞芬、 史秋薇
  • Executive Producer:[Executive Chairperson 工委会主席]:杜有才; [Acting Chairman 署理主席]:张锦祥; [Deputy Acting Chairperson 副主席]:孙吉炎、 关有众、 谢元成
  • Producer:[Chairperson 大会主席]:拿督骆经宗局绅; [Chairperson Bureau 主席团]:孙吉炎(槟州华堂文教组)、 许元良(槟州舞蹈协会)、 陈冰文(夜莺文娱社)、 梁道生局绅(梁氏家庙)、 罗南辉(华堂青年团)、 黄秀金律师(华堂妇女组)
  • Stage Manager:吴文宝。许潮宗。
  • Publicist:谢元成
  • Judges:胡志强 Hu Zhi Qiang、郑冰薇 Zheng Bing Wei、云穗妮 Yun Hui Ni
  • Additional Notes:
    National Inter-school Dance Competition – Primary & Secondary sections were held on 2nd & 3rd November 1994.