A Night of Ballet And Dances (1988)


Production Information

  • Production / Presenting Company:Rotary Club Of Miri
  • Date:31 July 1988
  • Total Showing:1; NB: A total of 14 individual pieces were performed.
  • Venue:Dewan Suara Miri
  • State:Sarawak

Individual Dance Items

Item #1

  • Title:We Build The City
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    This is a jazz ballet. The steps vary. They combine classical ballet, jazz as well as a variety of the modern dancing. This dance is well-liked by audience of different ages.

  • Choreographer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Jazz ballet
  • Dancers:Tan Wan Lee, Yong Huish Tee, Laura Hartini Maurice, Alvina Loke, Lily Tan, Lim Swee Yuan, Chan Lay Na, Magdeline Wee, Tay Poy Miang.
  • Other Information:

    Song by: Starship

Item #2

  • Title:Returning Home
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A bride is returning home to visit her parents. She sings happily all the way, obvious of her surroundings in a hurry to reach home. The bride in this dance is accompanied by a group of young friends.

  • Choreographer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Dancers:Alicia Yee, Candida Foo, Evengelyn Chong, Lo Pay Yng, Lim Yang Hong, Ong Chin Siew, Tay Hsiao Ying, Fiona Wong, Bong Jak Lui, Chen Sze Tyng, Caroline Sim.
  • Other Information:

    Pianist: Tan Wan Lee
    Song Sung by: Dancers of the Academy

Item #3

  • Title:Tomorrow Will Be Better
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    This modern ballet is arranged and based on the theme of a popular song “Tomorrow WILL Be Better”. Calling people all over the world to shop the senseless fighting and exalting them to stretch a helping hand to those in need and to build a better world tomorrow.

  • Choreographer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Modern ballet
  • Dancers:Tan Wan Lee, Chan Lay Na, Magdeline Wee, Alvina Loke, Yong Hui Tze, (Chen Sze Nee)
  • Other Information:

    Song Sung by: A group of singers from Taiwan

Item #4

  • Title:Helena Polka
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    This is an American folk dancers in which a group of girls dance with their beautiful hairs. One of the girls, in about of mischief, which away her companions’ hats & flings then far away. The others girls catch up with her and do the same to her.

  • Choreographer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:American folk dance
  • Dancers:Sim Lin Jo, Susan Lam, Then Pea Huang, Gan Leh Guan, Ong Chin Siew, Caroline Sim, Choo Hui Shih, Evelyn Loi.
  • Other Information:

    Music by: Hal Leonard

Item #5

  • Title:Fan Dance
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A Chinese folk dance. The girls dance with fans in their hands during festive seasons. The music is lively & entertaining, depicting the happy mood of the occasion.

  • Choreographer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Chinese folk dance
  • Dancers:Tan Wan Lee, Chan Lay Na, Magdeline Wee, Alvina Loke, Yong Hui Tze.

Item #6

  • Title:DO RE MI
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Based on one of the songs is the “Sound of Music”. This is a simple dance for the children. It aims at promoting children’s love and understanding of music.

  • Choreographer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Dancers:Chen Sze Tyng, Caroline Sim, Teo Yean Ling, Tay Hsiao Ying, Fiona Wong, Chung Yuen Ling, Lo Pay Yng, Evengelyn Chong, Susan Lam, Candida Foo, Bong Jak Lui, Sim Lin Jo, Alicia Ya, Ong Chin Siew.
  • Other Information:

    Music from: “The Sound of Music”

Item #7

  • Title:CONCERTO 协奏曲
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    This dance is choreographed to the tune of the music. It requires skill, technique and agility. Concentration is essential for the dancers in order that the dance movements and music can become one.

  • Choreographer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Dancers:Tan Wan Lee, Yong Hui Tze, Laura Hartini Maurice, Chan Lay Na, Magdeline Wee.
  • Other Information:

    Music by: Vivaldi

Item #8

  • Title:ONE 只选一位
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A dance company is giving an audition. Only the best Dancer will be selected to participate in the performance.

  • Choreographer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Dancers:Tan Wan Lee, Magdeline Wee, Lily Tan, Alvina
  • Other Information:

    Song Sung by: “The Chorus Line”

Item #9

  • Title:Getting To Know You 让我们做朋友
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    This is an extract from the famous musical “The King & I” by the late Yul Brynner & Deborah Ker. The king of Siam engaged an English teacher from England to teach English to his many children. When she arrives at the Royal Court of Siam, she seems to be enjoying herself after getting acquainted with young Princess & Princesses.

  • Dancers:English Teacher: Alvina Loke Dancers: Tay Hsiao Ying, Fiona Wong, Teo Yean Ling, Caroline Sim, Lo Pay Yng, Evengelyn Chong, Candida Foo, Chen Sze Tyng, Alicia Yu.
  • Other Information:

    Music by: “The King & I”

Item #10

  • Title:CZARDAS 独舞:土風舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    From the famous ballet “Coppelia” by Delibes. A solo performed at Swinlda’s Wedding.

  • Choreographer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Ballet
  • Dancers:Tan Wan Lee
  • Other Information:

    Music by: Delibas

Item #11

  • Title:Touch In The Night
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Another jazz ballet.

  • Choreographer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Jazz Ballet
  • Dancers:Tan Wan Lee, Chan Lay Na, Magdeline Wee, Alvina Loke, Yong Hui Tze, Laura Hartini Maurice.
  • Other Information:

    Song by:  “Silent Circle”

Item #12

  • Title:How Many Raindrops (Make A Storm?) (雨点有多少?)
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A children’s song – teaching them what is a dream. The children sing and dance in the rain.

  • Dancers:Lo Pay Yng , Alicia Yu, Chung Yuen Ling, Tay Hsiao Ying, Fiona Wong, Bong Jak Lui, Candida Foo, Evengelyn Chong, Ong Chin Siew, Chen Sze Tyng, Teo Yean Ling, Lim Yang Hong, Caroline Sim.
  • Other Information:

    Song sung by: KBA Dancers

Item #13

  • Title:FAUST 浮士德
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A Florestan pas de deux from “Faust”.

  • Choreographer:Goh Soo Nee
  • Dancers:Tan Wan Lee
  • Other Information:

    Music by: Gounad

Item #14

  • Title:CIRCUS 马戏团
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The dances immunitate the action & movements of the characters & animals in a circus performance.
    (a) CLOWNS 小丑舞
    (b) HORSES 小马之舞
    (c) SNAKES 蛇舞
    (d) DOLLS 娃娃舞
    (e) GYMNASTIC 软体揉
    (f) PENGUIN 企鹅舞
    (g) BALLERINA 芭蕾伶娜
    (h) FINALE 谢幕舞

  • Choreographer:Tan Wan Lee
  • Dancers:(a) Gan Leh Chen, Choo Hui Shih, Lily Tan, Sim Lin Jo, Evelyn Loi, Tay Poy Miang, Susan Lam, Chen Sze Nee, (Chung Yuen Ling) (b) Caroline Sim, Fiona Wong, Candida Foo, Teo Yean Ling, Lim Yang Hong, Tay Hsiao Ying, Ong Chin Siew, Chung Yuen Ling, Chen Sze Tyng, Evengelyn Chong, Lo Pay Yng, Alicia Yu. Bong Jak Lui. (c) Alvina Loke, MAgdeline Wee, Lim Swee Yian, Chan Lay Na, Luara Hartini Maurine, Then Pea Huang, Yong Hui Tze. (d) Sim Lin Jo, Choo Hui Shih, Gan Leh Chen, Susan Lam, Tay Poy Miang, Caroline Sim. (e) Alvina Loke, Evelyn Loi, Laura Hartini Maurine, Chan Lay Na, Chen Sze Nee, Lily Tan. (f) Lim Swee Yian, Tay Poy Miang, Chen Sze Nee, Evelyn Loi, Lily Tan, Then Pea Muang. (g) Chan Lay Na (h) All dancers from the KBA


  • Lighting Designer:Giam Ann Kee
  • Set Designer:Chan Poh Boon
  • Stage Manager:Loh Yam Gueh, Chiam Yen Kwang
  • Publicist:Sebastian Ting
  • Additional Notes:

    Sound Effect: Chong Vui Tze
    Costume: Tan Wan Lee
    Wardobe: Deanna Chia, Ogin Ak. Gunjek, Ang Siew Ngo.
    Make-Up Artist: Wong Ah Tang, Pang Chiew Lang, Pang Chu Siang.