Pesta Tarian Antarabangsa 国际芭蕾舞之夜 (1987)


Production Information

  • Production / Presenting Company:Organised by Persatuan Tarian Desa Pulau Pinang 槟州舞蹈協會主辦; Presented by Kuching Ballet Academy 古晋芭蕾舞學院呈獻
  • Artistic Director / Curator / Programme Coordinator:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Date:17 December 1987
  • Total Showing:1; NB: A total of 19 individual pieces were performed. Below are the dance items.
  • Venue:Penang Chinese Town Hall 槟州华人大会堂
  • State:Kedah

Individual Dance Items

Item #1

  • Title:Wo Men Jian Zao Le Zhe Zuo Cheng Shi 我們建造了這座城市
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    This is a jazz ballet. It combines classical ballet steps and modern jazz dance steps, and adds a variety of new dance steps, with traditional and modern music, which is deeply loved by the audience.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Ballet, jazz

Item #2

  • Title:Chen Cao Wu 晨操舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    It shows that the children do morning exercises collectively, the pace is neat, and the athletes are energetic and practice morning exercises to go to school.

    表现兒童们集体作晨運,步伐整齊, 健儿們精神充沛,练好晨操上學去。

  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Ballet, children dance
  • Other Information:

    [Electronic organ 電子琴] :陳婉莉  Tan Wan Lee
    [Sung By 演唱]: 舞蹈員 Dancers

Item #3

  • Title:Ka Men 卡門
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Spanish dance, in the bullring, the girl turned upside down and danced to strengthen the confidence of the bullfighter.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Spanish dance

Item #4

  • Title:Liu Bing Yuan Wu Qu 溜冰圓舞曲
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    In the winter, the girls are not afraid of the climate, continue to enjoy skating outdoors and play with each other, full of youthful vitality. This dance is taken from the first section of “Skating Waltz”.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Ballet

Item #5

  • Title:Kong Que Wu 孔雀舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    This large-scale dance shows a group of peacocks gradually waking up under the morning sun. They go down the mountains and islands, take a bath, then climb up to the branches, and waving tails of the peacock. The peacock dance is a dance of the Dai ethnic group in Yun Nan China. The people of regard the peacock as a symbol of auspiciousness and happiness.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Chinese dance, peacock dance

Item #6

  • Title:Ri Ben Wu 日本舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Japanese fan dance is reflected in traditional Japanese programs. Japanese girls wear traditional kimonos and dance lightly, showing the reserved and polite personality of Japanese girls.

    日本扇舞,反映在日本傳統節目中, 日本姑娘身穿傳統和服,輕巧的舞着,表現了日本少女的矜持及溫文有禮的個性。

  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Japanese dance, fan dance

Item #7

  • Title:Wu Ye Huan Wu 午夜欢舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    This is a set of jazz dances based on popular music of the times, with bold style and full of enthusiasm.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Contempoary dance, jazz

Item #8

  • Title:Mian Ao 棉袄
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A set of Chinese children’s dance. The children wear new cotton jackets knitted by their mothers.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, children dance
  • Other Information:

    [Piano 钢琴] : 陈婉莉  Tan Wan Lee
    [Sung By 演唱] : Dancers 舞蹈員

Item #9

  • Title:Yin Yue He Xiao Wu Dao Jia 音樂盒小舞蹈家
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A dance arranged according to the content and rhythm of the music; this is a solo dance.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Ballet
  • Dancers:[Solo 獨舞] : 田麗娜 Chan Lay Na

Item #10

  • Title:Ming Tian Hui Geng Hao 明天会更好
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A set of modern ballet arranged according to the content of this song, people stop needless and cruel wars against all over the world, and hope that mankind will offer sympathetic hands to those suffering from all corners and pray for a better day together.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Ballet, contemporary dance

Item #11

  • Title:Qi Xiong Di Yu Qi Xin Niang 七兄弟與七新娘
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Taken from the movie “Seven Brothers and Seven Brides.” In a dance party of the village, the boys and girls in the village invited to dance, and they liked to make a pair.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Ballet

Item #12

  • Title:Gei Mu Qin De Xin 給母親的信
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Wanderers leave their hometowns and miss relatives doubly. Letters to my mother, cordial love, fantasies about the joy of mother reading letters.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Ballet

Item #13

  • Title:Lan Se Duo Nao He 藍色多瑙河
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The Blue Danube is one of the music written by Strauss. This is a set of dances that simulate the meaning and rhythm of the music. With the soft music, everyone enjoy fully in the beautiful dance steps.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Ballet
  • Dancers:[Solo 獨舞] : 陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee

Item #14

  • Title:Xi Ban Ya Wu 西班牙舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Excerpt from the first act of Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet “Swan Lake”. Guests from various countries were invited to perform dances, showing the essence of exotic dances. Spanish dance is a solo dance performed by one of the Spanish girls.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Ballet, Spanish dance
  • Dancers:[Solo 獨舞] : 陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee

Item #15

  • Title:Hua Er Yu Shao Nian 花兒與少年
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    In traditional Chinese dance, the flowers represent girls. A pair of young men and women admire each other. In their leisure time, they dance side by side and express their sincere feelings.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Hua Zu Wu

Item #16

  • Title:Xie Zou Qu 協奏曲
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A very difficult dance. In this dance, in addition to arranging the dance steps according to the rhythm of the music, the dancers use proficient techniques to flexibly dance the superb footwork in the ballet step. Every performer must concentrate fully in order to achieve the highest level of music and dance. Realm.

    一套難度極高之舞蹈。在這套舞蹈裡,除了根據音樂節奏編排舞步外,舞蹈員以熟練的技巧,靈活地舞出芭蕾舞步中的高超步法,每一位演出者必須全神貫注, 以期達到音樂與舞蹈合一的最高境界。

  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Ballet

Item #17

  • Title:Ma Lai Gong Ting Wu 馬來宮廷舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    This is a set of dances that reflect the welcoming of capital in the traditional Malay palace. The movements are light and soft.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Malay dance

Item #18

  • Title:DO RE ME
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A set of children’s dances based on one of the themes of the famous movie “Sound of Music”, based on the music and its meaning, with simple dance steps, so that children can better understand and love music, and use music to spice up their lives .

    根據著名電影「音樂之聲」(Sound of Music) 主题之一所编的一套兒童舞蹈,依據樂曲及其詞義,配上簡單的舞步,使兒童對音樂更能了解及喜愛,藉音樂调剂人生

  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Ballet, children dance

Item #19

  • Title:Xin Jiang Wu 新疆舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Holding a tambourine, the dance is known for the movements on head and shoulder. The dance steps are light and bold, which fully represents the personality of the people.

    手持鈴鼓,以頭部與肩部的動作見稱,舞步輕盈又豪邁, 充份表露新疆民族的性格。

  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:Chinese folk dance, Xin Jiang dance, SingKian dance


  • Set Designer:[Props & Sets 道具及布置]:温思寧
  • Production Crew:[Backstage 后台]:許朝宗、駱清輝、陳正偉、盧均偉、周其鹏、陳昌達; [Front of House 前台]:莊碧珍、陳文詩、譚蓮玉、郭秀麗、郭淑蘭、郭淑君、郭淑梅、張銀鳳、廖秀英
  • Executive Producer:[Executive Chairperson 署理主席]:許元良; [Deputy Chairperson 副主席]:關有众、曾麗娟
  • Producer:[Chairperson 大會主席]:杜有才
  • Additional Notes:

    Member List from The Kuching Ballet Academy 古晋芭蕾舞蹈學院舞蹈團職員表:
    [Advisor 顧問]:骆義平律師 Loke Yik Ping
    [Captain 領隊]:陳華敏 Tan Hua Min
    [Deputy Captain 副領隊]:田保文 Chan Poh Boon
    [Choreographer 編導]:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
    [Stage 舞台]:蔡素蓮 Chai Sze Lian,陳毫坤 Tan Hau Khoon
    [Lighting, Sound 燈光,音响]:严安干 Giam Aun Kee
    [Costume 服裝]:方秋兰 Pang Chiew Lang
    [Make-up 化裝]:葉莉莉 Lily Yap,謝玲娜  Deanna Chia Linna
    [Stage 舞台]:吳陽宇 Goh Yong Uh
    [Publicity 宣傳]:陳中興 Ting Tiong Hin
    [Costume 服裝]:方秋香 Pang Chu Siang
    [Member 團員]:黃嘉玲 Mag Deline Wee Kah Ling,葉秀芳 Yap Siew Hong,周建華 Chiew Ta Hua,田麗娜 Chan Lay Na,骆伊敏 Alvina Loke Ee Ming,何梹瑩 Delia Ho Ping Ying,田志雄 Chan Chee Hiong,陳莉莉 Tan Lee Lee,吳俊佳 Goh Siaw Chia,王井秀 Ong Chin Siew,劉佩詩 Lau Pui Cee,陳粉媚 Tan Hung Mọi,沈宇赴 Caroline Sim Yii Hui,鄧碧芳 Then Pea Huang,官佩琪 Kon Pey Chee,杨慧芝 Yong Hui Tze,陳詩妮 Chen Sze Nee,陳詩婷 Chen Sze Tyng,張造佳 Evangeline Chong Jaw Jia,符涵燕 Candida Foo Han Yen,羅佩盈 Lo Pay Yng,陳莉部 Lily Tan Li Ping,林瑞燕 Lim Swee Yian,鄭佩敏 Tay Poy Milang,鄭曉盈 Tay Hsiao Ying,刘翠婷 Lau Chui Tie,黃亦菲 Fiona Wong E Chiong,林凤林 Susan Lam Fung Ling,林艳紅 Lim Yang Hong,劉翼菲 Jannie Lam Ik Fei,田壬秋 Tian Ngin Chiew。