Zu Hun Dance Evening Performance 族魂 舞蹈晚会 (1986)


Production Information

  • Production / Presenting Company:MCA Youth Melaka (MCA Melaka Dance Troupe) 呷州马青团(马华舞蹈组)
  • Artistic Director / Curator / Programme Coordinator:Steven Koh 柯荣添
  • Date:4 April 1986
  • Total Showing:1; NB: A total of 8 individual pieces were performed. Below are the dance items.
  • Venue:Assembly Hall, Pay Fong Middle School Malacca 马六甲培风中学大礼堂
  • State:Melaka

Individual Dance Items

Item #1

  • Title:Min Ge Xin Yi 民歌新译
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Using two familiar folk songs of the Chinese nationality to interpret the simple and harmony sentiments of the three major ethnic groups in our country.
    (1) Jasmine – a glorious image of women of the three major ethnic groups.
    (2) A Shoulder Pole – after the morning harvest in the small vegetable garden, it’s a busy scene picking up the pole and rushing to the market.

    (1) 茉莉花 – 三大民族女性的高潔光輝形象。
    (2) 一根扁担 –  小菜園晨收後,挑起扁担趕往市集的忙碌情景。

  • Choreographer:Steven Koh 柯荣添
  • Category:Cultural dances
  • Other Information:

    First premiered at the PJ Civic Hall in March 1984.

Item #3

  • Title:Zu Hun 族魂
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The heavy footsteps of ancestors, divergent sound, dinging sound! Children, you must overcome obstacles, breakthrough pressure, and be free from shackles! Children, we have been an indomitable nation for thousands of years!

    祖先沉重的腳步聲,聲聲迥嚮,聲聲叮寧! 孩子們,你們要越過障碍,衝破壓力,掙脫枷銷!孩子們,千百年來,我們一直都是不屈不撓的民族呵!

  • Choreographer:Steven Koh 柯荣添
  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Other Information:

    First premiered at the Dato’ Syed Omar Hall, Alor Setar, in Dec 1983.

Item #4

  • Title:Niao Yu 鸟语
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    In deep forest under shades of trees, birds whisper and sing on the branches; or stroll on the grass; or flutter their wings and shuttle through the forest; weaving a world of worry-free.


  • Choreographer:Steven Koh 柯荣添
  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Other Information:

    Participated in National Chinese Dance Festival in Kuantan, Dec 1985.

Item #6

  • Title:Pin 品
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The pride of plum and the elegance of orchid, like the hearty of chrysanthemum and the modest of bamboo, urging the modern body, and dance the traditional sentiment.


  • Choreographer:Steven Koh 柯荣添
  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Other Information:

    First premiered at the PJ Civic Hall in Aug 1985.

Item #7

  • Title:Feng Nian 丰年
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The joy of harvest turned out to come from hard work. Collecting from the dance style of Yang Ge and injecting new consciousness. Introducing with sketches an unique Chinese street dramas . At the temple fair, paper-cut with “fish” is the point of the theme.

    收穫的喜悅,原來是來自耕耘。收集了秧歌舞的舞風,嘗試注入新意識。以速寫的形式介紹出獨有的華族街戏。廟會, 一幅年年有“魚”的剪紙揮春,點出主題。

  • Choreographer:Steven Koh 柯荣添
  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, Chinese Han folk dance, Yang Ge
  • Other Information:

    First premiered at the Chung Hua Stadium Seremban in 1982.


  • Additional Notes:

    Troupe dancers include: 鍾永強 Chong Yoon Keong、何淑冰、李福明、賴燕萍、葉亞才、許龍光、覃桂妹、吳素玲、蔡嚴慶、張永福、張凌葆、李新花、魏童妞、吳光平、王金鈴、黃日紅、章品柔、黃種欽、徐亞烈、章品莊、吳瑞英、熊秀蓉、王炳炎、吳素珠、吳水妹、蔡亞發、鍾觀英。