Dance Evening Performance (1985)


Production Information

  • Production / Presenting Company:Kuching Ballet Academy 古晉芭蕾舞學院
  • Artistic Director / Curator / Programme Coordinator:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Date:15 – 16 June 1985
  • Total Showing:2; NB: A total of 16 individual pieces were performed. Below is only a selection of the main items. //Below are the dance items.
  • Venue:Assembly Hall, Chung Hua Middle School No.1. 古晋一中禮堂
  • State:Sarawak

Individual Dance Items

Item #1

  • Title:Peacock Dance 孔雀舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A dance of the ‘Tai’ tribe in Yunan Province. The ‘Tai‘ people regard the peacocks as a symbol of luck and happiness. In the dance, a muster of peacocks wake upon a bright sunny morning. They descend the hill and drink and bathe in the stream. Finally they take wings and fly up on to the branches, showing their beautiful tails plumage as they gaze serenely behind them.


  • Category:Chinese Dai folk dance, peacock dance
  • Dancers:陳婉莉Tan Wan Lee、陳夢蘭Chen Mung Lan、楊寶玲Pauline Yong、田麗娜Chan Lay Na、李羅蓮Luna Lee、田小芳January Chan、溫明云Voon Meng Hoon、房玉琪Fong Yee Chee、馬玲亞苞Marlene Apau、蘇垣亞苞Sudan Apau、楊惠芝Yong Hui Tze、何冰莹Delia Ho.
  • Composer:[Music]羅春勇 Lo Chung Yong

Item #2

  • Title:Doll Dance 娃娃舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The little girl has a few pretty dolls. She winds them up and sees them dancing. Later, she joins in to dance with the dolls.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:ballet
  • Dancers:陳秀萍Ivy Tan、黄雅潔Bong Nya Kiat、楊滢凌Annabel Yong、林蘿拉Laura Lim、羅拉摩莉Laura Hartini、駱憶茗Alvina Loke Ee Ming、李莉蓮Venus Lee,、吳筱佳 Goh Siaw Chia、鄭佩敏Tan Pay Ming、林瑞燕Lim Swee Yian、陳麗萍Lily Tan、陳詩妮Chen Tze Nee、劉翼薇Wellen Lau。
  • Composer:[Music] 約翰·史特勞斯Johnn Strass

Item #3

  • Title:Concerto鋼琴協奏曲
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    This dance is choreographed to the tune of the music. This dance requires skill, technique and agility. Concentration is essential for the dancers in order that the dance and music can become one.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:ballet
  • Dancers:陳婉莉Tan Wan Lee,李羅蓮Luna Lee,田麗娜Chan Lay Na,陳夢蘭Chen Mung Lan,楊寶玲Pauline Yong,蘇垣亞苞Sudan Apau,丁玲摩莉Ting Ling,楊惠芝Yong Hui Tze,溫明云Voon Meng Hoon,馬玲亞苞Marlene Apau.

Item #4

  • Title:Kids’ World小小世界
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The dance depicts the world of kids – joyful, lively and innocent, by simple dance steps. The dance introduces childrens games, plays and activities.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:ballet
  • Dancers:駱億茗Alvina Loke Ee Ming,林瑞燕Lim Swee Yian,田志雄Chan Chee Hiong,陳詩妮Chen Tze Nee,陳秀萍Ivy Tan,吳俊佳Goh Siaw Chia,李莉蓮Venus Lee,陳麗萍Lily Tan,鄭佩敏Tan Pay Ming,楊澄凌Annabel Yong,黄雅潔Bong Nga Kiat.
  • Composer:[Music] 莫扎特Mozart

Item #5

  • Title:Giselle Pas De Six吉賽爾六人舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    An excerpt from the ballet “Giselle. Beautiful Giselle and her companions dance to welcome the visiting Duke and Princess.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:ballet
  • Dancers:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee, 蘇垣亞苞 Sudan Apau, 田麗娜 Chan Lay Na, 陳夢蘭Chen Mung Lan,楊寶玲 Pauline Yong, 李羅連Luna Lee
  • Composer:[Music] 亞斗非。亞當 Adolphe Adam

Item #6

  • Title:Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head因雨點落在我頭上
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A popular English heat number. The girls are dancing with umbrellas in the rain.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:ballet
  • Dancers:房玉琪Fong Yee Chee, 黃嘉玲Madeline Wee, 李若箐Lee Yo Ching, 楊澄凌Delia Ho, 駱億茗Alvina Loke Ee Ming, 劉翼薇Wellen Lau, 陳秀萍Ivy Tan, 羅拉摩莉Laura Hartini, 李莉蓮Venus Lee.

Item #7

  • Title:Voices Of Spring春之聲
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    From Johnn Strass’ famous waltz ‘voices of Spring”. Spring arrives on earth and everything comes to life.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:ballet
  • Dancers:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Composer:[Music] 約翰。史特勞斯Johnn Strass

Item #8

  • Title:Plucking Tea採茶撲蝶
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A Chinese folk dance. Young girls are plucking tea leaves. In the plantation. They play and sing, chasing after a beautiful butterfly.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor] 指導:朱智義 Choo Cheng Ngee
  • Group:

    Dance Troupe of Federation of First Division Chinese, Chinese Associations, Sarawak. 砂第一省華總舞蹈組

  • Category:Chinese dance
  • Dancers:Dance Troupe of Federation of First Division Chinese, Chinese Associations, Sarawak. 砂第一省華總舞蹈組

Item #9

  • Title:Seven Brides For Seven Brothers七兄弟與七新娘
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    From movie “Seven Brides and Seven Brothers”. In the village party, young men and women invite one another to dance. The dance is presented by seven couples.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:ballet
  • Dancers:李羅蓮Luna Lee,田麗娜Chan Lay Na,駱憶君Alvina Loke Ee Ming,蘇垣亞苞Sudan Apau,房玉琪Fong Yee Chee,溫明云Voon Meng Hoon,李若箐Lee Yo Ching,劉翼被Wellen Lau,何冰榮Delia Ho,馬玲亞苞Marlene Apau,楊惠芝Yong Hui Tze,李莉蓮Venus Lee,丁玲摩莉Ting Ling,田小芳January Chan,陳夢蘭Chen Mung Lan,羅拉摩莉,田志雄,房于仙。Pauline Yong .
  • Composer:[Music] from Movie “Seven Brides For Seven Brothers”

Item #10

  • Title:Peter And The Wolf 彼得與狼
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Peter and the Wolf is a children’s musical, educational and humorous – a ballet liked by people of all ages. The story tells of a naughty, but intelligent and courageous boy – Peter, on an accidental occasion, rescues the Bird and the Cat from the evil Wolf. The characters in the ballet are represented by various musical instruments Peter (strings of orchestra), Bird (Flute), Duck (Oboe), Cat (Charinet), Wolf (Three French Horns) Grandpa (Bersoot) and Hunters and Huntresses (Drums and Bass Drums).


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:ballet
  • Dancers:蘇垣亞苞(彼得) Sudan Apau (Peter), 陳梦蘭(鳥)/Chan Lay Na (Bird), 骆億茗(鴨) Alvina Loke Ee Ming (Duck), 楊寶玲(狼) Pauline Yong (Wolf), 李羅莲Luna Lee,房玉琪(貓) Fong Yee Chee (Cat), 田志雄(祖父) Chan Chee Hiong (Grandpa), 楊慧芝Yong Hui Tze,温明云Voon Meng Hoon,丁玲摩莉(女人) Ting Ling (Huntresses), 馬玲亞(獵人) Marlene Apau (Hunter)。
  • Composer:[Music] 波得契夫 Prokefielf

Item #11

  • Title:Letter A Ma Mere 給母親的信
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A daughter far away from home has written letter to her beloved mother. In the dance, she imagines that her mother has received her letter and is rejoicing on reading it.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:ballet
  • Dancers:陳婉莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Composer:[Music] 理察,哥得門Richard Clayderman

Item #12

  • Title:Little Peacock Dance 小孔雀之舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    In the Palace of Heaven, the Princess of Peacocks is unhappy because she is anxious to see her husband on earth. The young peacocks group together to dance to please their Princess.


  • Choreographer:陳始莉 Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:peacock dance
  • Dancers:骆億茗Alvina Loke Ee Ming,田麗娜Chan Lay Na,房玉理Fong Yee Chee,劉观歲Wellen Lau,黃嘉玲Madeline Wee,陳秀萍Ivy Tan,何冰營Delia Ho,李若菁Lee Yo Ching.

Item #13

  • Title:Sword Dance 劍舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    In ancient China, sword symbolizes fame, status and glory. In this dance, an instructor and his pupils are practicing the art of sword fighting in the moonlight.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:[chinese dance]
  • Dancers:陳婉莉Tan Wan Lee,李耀蓮Luna Lee,陳夢蘭Chen Mung Lan,田小芳January Chan,楊寶玲Pauline Yong,田麗娜Chan Lay Na.
  • Composer:[Music]中國民間音樂Chinese Folk Music

Item #14

  • Title:Scottish Dance蘇格蘭舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A Scottish folk dance. The music is cheerful and the dance steps are simple but vary in many formations – a like by all ages.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:[Scottish dance]
  • Dancers:Tan Wan Lee/田志雄,房玉琪Fong Yee Chee,楊惠芝Yong Hui Tze,李若菁Lee Yo Ching,李莉蓮Venus Lee,房于瑄Fong Yee Sian,蘇垣亞苞Sudan Apau,丁玲摩莉Ting Ling Maurice.
  • Composer:Music played by: 陳婉莉 (電子風琴) Tan Wan Lee (Organ)

Item #15

  • Title:Clown Dance 小丑舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Light-hearted and playful. Two clowns dance with funny gestures and steps.


  • Choreographer:陳婉莉Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:ballet
  • Dancers:陳秀萍Ivy Tan,終億茗Alvina Loke Ee Ming,黄嘉玲Madeline Wee,劉翼薇Wellen Lau,李若青Lee Yo Ching,林羅拉Laura Lim,黃雅潮Bong Nga Kiat,房子琪Fong Yee Chee,吳薇佳Goh Siaw Chia,羅拉摩莉Laura Hartini,何冰整Delia Ho,李莉蓮Venus Lee.
  • Composer:Music played by: 陳婉莉 (钢琴) Tan Wan Lee (Piano)

Item #16

  • Title:Viva Vivaldi 意大舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    An Italian dance of the Renaissance Age – graceful and light-hearted colorful costumes.

    是一套意大利中古文化復興時代的舞” – 輕鬆幽美,服裝艷麗。

  • Choreographer:陳婉莉Tan Wan Lee
  • Category:[Italian dance]
  • Dancers:陳婉莉Tan Wan Lee,温明云Voon Meng Hoon,陳夢蘭Chen Mung Lan,楊寶玲Pauline Yong,李羅蓮Luna Lee,田麗娜Chan Lay Na.
  • Composer:Music: Vivaldi
