Malam Lakonan Tarian Dan Nyayian 母亲的心 (1985)


Production Information

  • Production / Presenting Company:Persatuan Keng Chew Selangor Di-anjurkan 雪兰莪琼州会馆青年部文艺团
  • Date:4 – 6 January 1985
  • Total Showing:N/A; NB: A total of 49 individual pieces were performed. Below are the dance items.
  • Venue:Auditorium Dewan Sivik Petaling Jaya 八打灵民众剧场
  • State:Selangor

Individual Dance Items

Item #1

  • Title:Mu Qin De Xin 母亲的心
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    There is no mother in the world who does not love her child, the story tells you how the poor child died, but also tells you the greatness of the mother.

    (1) Foreword dance – La Ni holds her dead child in her arms at the “Mother’s Heart” movie celebration party. In order to earn a few dollars for the child’s medical treatment, she reluctantly took sick children out of filming. This is the poor life of the Karan couple from India who worked as handyman in our garden hills…

    (2) Ditch-digging dance — in the evening, with the last light of the sun, still working in the garden, weeding and digging ditches.

    (3) The chicken dance — the day just broke, La Ni is up in front of the house to feed the chickens and ducks. She raises chickens and ducks to help the family.

    (4) Nurse the baby dance — in the dim candlelight, La Ni because there is no money to cure the child’s disease, had to put the child to sleep.

    (5) Location Dancing — The location of the movie “Mother’s Heart” is being shot here. This scene required a child who could not cry, and the child who was asked to take the scene could cry, so the shooting did not go well. The director was angry and had to suspend the shooting.

    (6) Laundry dance – La Ni in the well, while washing clothes worry about the health of the child, is thinking of being absorbed, was come to the glue garden of the film director met. The director found the sick child who could not cry and borrowed it for fifty dollar to take the scene.

    (7) Photography dance – in order to earn 50 dollars for the child’s medical treatment, had to endure the pain to let the child eat sleeping pills after reporting the shooting site. The film was shot smoothly. Tragically, when La Ni took the baby back, she found him dead.

    (8) a pas de deux – La Ni found the baby dead and was stunned on the spot, unable to speak or cry. Think of the child came to the world, did not have a food and clothing, also did not play a toy, the in the mind is very sad, the child stay in the world day is so short, that is why? Deterrence? …

    In the epilot, Karan is injured at work, and Lani has to sell garlic and scallions in order to make a living. She accidentally finds the poster of the movie “Mother’s Heart”, which reminds Lani of her painful heart…



  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, speech and dance drama

Item #2

  • Title:Zhui Yu 追鱼
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The dance depicts a humorous old fisherman catching fish while the innocent and lively little fish are playing with him.


  • Category:Hua Zu Wu

Item #3

  • Title:Mu E 牧鹅
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    It was a quiet morning, and the water sparkled with silver as the breeze blew over the fence. A flock of goslings lined up neatly to the beautiful lake, in the sound of music, they seriously exercise. One of the goslings was missing from the procession. She was still asleep, and they could not bear to wake her up.

    The little shepherd boy came with his whip, and the geese hid the goslings quickly. But when the little shepherd boy counted one by one, and found that the goslings did not come, he immediately drove away the geese, and woke up the sleeping goslings in the grass.

    Sleepy goslings, driven back into the group by the shepherd boys’ whips. “Ha! My whip really works.” The little shepherd boy proudly raised his whip, but the goslings hated the shepherd boy’s whip and flew about angrily. The little shepherd boy swung his whip and hurried on, and the goslings flew further and further away. The little shepherd boy threw down his whip in despair and began to weep bitterly. After a while, the shepherd boy suddenly remembered that the goslings love to listen to music, he quickly took out the small bamboo flute hanging around his waist and played a beautiful song. The goslings turned back to listen, and they flew back to the shepherd boy in the sound of the calling flute. All this surprised and ashamed the little shepherd boy. The sound of the pipes grew louder and more beautiful, and soon the goslings formed a line, and followed the little shepherd boy close by the beautiful lake.




  • Category:[ballet], children dance

Item #4

  • Title:Xiao Xue Hua 小雪花
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Dance to “snowflakes” as a symbol, to praise the beauty of nature, when the curtain began to pull, all over the sky flying snowflakes in fall, this piece of glittering and translucent “snowflakes” sparkling, with elegant music, dance. By a piece of “small snow flowers” formed a group of snow petals, dancing, falling, spinning. When the sky cleared up, “snowflakes” more dazzling, innocent and lovely “snowflakes” covered with a white scarf.

    The dance absorbs and uses some of the dance postures of the ballet, with anthropomorphic techniques, creating the beautiful image of “Little Snow Flower”, showing the pure heart and wisdom of the children.


    舞蹈吸收、运用了芭蕾的一些舞姿,用拟人化的手法,塑造了“小雪花”的美丽形象,显示了孩子们纯洁的心灵和智慧。 |

  • Category:ballet, children dance

Item #5

  • Title:Jin Shan Gou 金山沟
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Tin is the most abundant natural resource in our country and it brings prosperity to the country. The dance reflects the life of dulang washing women who work and collect tin under the Golden Mountain Valley.


  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance creation

Item #6

  • Title:Meng Gu Wu 蒙古舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The dance describes the Mongolian herdsmen herding sheep on the green grasslands. The dance shows the national characteristics of the Mongolian herdsmen with the graceful, lively, bold and relaxed dance.


  • Choreographer:Chinese Mongol folk dance, Mongolian dance

Item #7

  • Title:Hu Ji Hua 胡姬花
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The dance is a description of the Orchid flower suffering from the ravages of the wind, but not discouraged, and tenacious growth.


  • Category:[Hua Zu Wu]

Item #8

  • Title:Huan Le De Mu Min 欢乐的牧民
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    This dance depicts young men happily grazing cattle on the grasslands. The bold and unrestrained dance and the lively music fully show the happy scene of the young man on the grassland.


  • Group:

    [Chinese Mongol folk dance]

Item #9

  • Title:Duo Duo Xian Hua Xian Gei Ni 朵朵鲜花献给你
  • Category:[Hua Zu Wu]


  • Lighting Designer:符气和
  • Set Designer:冯良
  • Production Crew:Props 道具保管:杨梅花。 Makeup 化妆:邝丽明、罗燕芬、许瑞石。 Costume 服装:赵亚福、邝丽明、谢玉明、叶凤英、何亚福、陆日章。
  • Producer:[Chairman] 主席:陈敦川。副主席:黄循营、符致强
  • Stage Manager:Backstage Director 后台主任:方记祥 Stage Manager 舞台监督:黄良友
  • Publicist:杨有为

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