Pesta Tarian Yang Ke-6 Jing Tao Wan Hui 第六届全国舞蹈节 惊涛晚会 (1984)


Production Information

  • Production / Presenting Company:Malacca Chinese Chambers Of Commerce & Industry (MCCCI), United Chinese School Alumni Association 马六甲中华总商会、华小校友会联合会 主办
  • Artistic Director / Curator / Programme Coordinator:[Program] : 欧阳连福(主任), 陈连喜、陈秀枝、陈妙凤、柯荣添、符史勤、吴雅莲
  • Date:22 – 23 December 1984
  • Total Showing:2; NB: A total of 51 individual pieces were performed. Below are only the (listed) awarded dance items – based on information provided by program book of 20th NCDF (2006).
  • Venue:Pay Fong Middle School Malacca 马六甲培风中学礼堂
  • State:Melaka

Individual Dance Items

Item #1

  • Title:Fo Guang Pu Zhao 佛光普照
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    One early summer morning, Queen Maya on the border of Nepal gave birth to a baby boy, Prince Siddhartha, in a beautiful woods on the way back to her family’s home. The flowers bloomed because of this, and the birds sang for him. He worshiped. At the annual farming festival, the king took his family to participate. While everyone was watching the celebration, the young prince was helped under the apple tree, and everyone saluted him again. The prince is kind-hearted. In a shooting practice, his cousin shot a swan. The prince picked up the swan and took care of it until he recovered, and then put it back in the lake. At the age of twenty-nine, he gave up his luxurious life and ran away from home one night to find a way to relieve the pain of life. Prince Siddhartha practiced under a Bodhi tree day and night, finally overcoming all difficulties, temptations and pressures, and realizing the truth of life. From then on he was called the Buddha.


  • Choreographer:[Choreography, art, scenery 编导, 美工, 布景]:甲长袖舞群 Jia Chang Xiu Wu Qun
  • Group:

    Seck Kia Eenh (Malacca Buddhist Association) 马六甲释迦院

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, dance drama
  • Dancers:曾绣云、骆贵红、钟锦翠、杨美满、罗丽芳、赖贞致、余淑珠、邹丽萍、赖素佩、赖姝文、王文娘、林慧璇、黄丽娣、何声燕、曾秀玲、吴俐颋、黄锦龙、陈碧旺、陈莲锦、彦振明、杜生明、陈清金、王伟雄、陈英宝、利者瓦南、符永康、张元发、黄良武、Simon Chong.
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:曾金礼
    [Chief Planner 总策划]:沈妙瑟
    [Staff 职员]:林清顺、徐佛祥

    **Best Costume Award 最佳服装设计奖、Best Stage Design Award 最佳舞台设计奖、Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #2

  • Title:Hua Nong Ying 花弄影
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    In the beautiful moonlight, the girls danced to express their feelings.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:刘淑莲 Liu Shu Lian、汪金珠 Wang Jin Zhu
  • Group:

    Selangor Hokkien Association 雪兰莪福建会馆青年团舞蹈组

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:汪金珠、王淑华、汪秀琴、潘秀贞、曾庆芝、陈碧琴、刘淑莲、李永坚、戴国生、黄和福、梁影宝、谭慧敏、禇国裕、谭月虹、林金莲、陈添海。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:汪金福
    [Staff 职员]:蔡维行、陈国庆

    **Best Costume Award 最佳服装设计奖、Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #3

  • Title:Feng Nian 丰年
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The joy of harvest originally came from hard work. Collected the dance style of Yangge dance and tried to inject new consciousness. Introduce the unique Chinese street operas and temple fairs in sketch form, a paper-cut with “fish” every year, and point out the theme.


  • Choreographer:柯荣添 Steven Koh
  • Group:

    Malacca Chinese Chambers Of Commerce & Industry 马六甲中华总商会教团 (Guest Performance)

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, Yang Ge, Chinese Han ethnic dance
  • Dancers:钟永强、李福明、李华明、叶亚才、张永福、许龙光 、王炳炎、蔡严庆、杜金蕉、邱维铭、吴光平 、陈育鸿、黄钟钦、徐亚烈 、胡瑞祥、房顺兴、宋国权、覃桂妹、陈绍秀u、何淑冰、赖艳萍、魏童妞、李星花、吴淑玲、王金铃、刘丽容、章品庄、章品柔、张凌葆、黄秀莲、陈珍燕、黄日红、陈祥源、刘燕萍、谢凤雯、林秀娘、魏泓沁、周惠莉、王翠芳、颜珍羽、李彩英、钟燕兰

Item #4

  • Title:Jing Tao 惊涛
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Malacca Chinese Chambers Of Commerce & Industry  马六甲中华总商会文教团  (Guest Performance)

Item #5

  • Title:Jie 劫
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Beautiful land, people who love freedom, they will never succumb to the lust of the aggressor!


  • Choreographer:李莲友 Lee Len Yu、马国荣 Ma Guo Rong、符传光 Fu Chuan Guang
  • Group:

    Persatuan Drama Kheng Lin 雪兰莪琼联剧社合唱团

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance
  • Dancers:Female:李群欢、李彩鹃、赖彩英、沈凤仪、胡惠菱、胡莲玉、蔡汶玲、蔡汶霓、陈凤玲、赖彩云、曾秋霞、符剑丽、叶慧娴、曾玉清、黄宝娟、曾春燕 、王丽云、谢锦慧。 Male:傅瑞成、罗金德、黄祥志、郑荣贵、胡亿民、符传光、马国荣、朱智宽、苏国顺、梁竣畅、梁竣诰、唐汉辉、彭治鸣、吴凤财。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:李霖兴、陈泽保
    [Staff 职员]:刘玉群、程官友

    **Overall Best Performance Award 全场最佳表现奖

Item #6

  • Title:Pi Pa Xing 琵琶行
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    After Bai Juyi was demoted, Yu met the girl who played lute by chance on the Xunyang River. He narrated the joys of the scenery and joy in his youth. Today, he wanders and evokes the emotion of “the same people who have fallen into the end of the world, why should we meet each other before”. The dance drama uses faithful techniques to express poetry.


  • Choreographer:柯荣添 Steven Koh
  • Group:

    Malacca Chinese Chambers Of Commerce & Industry 马六甲中华总商会文教团 (Guest Performance)

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, dance drama
  • Dancers:钟永强、李福明、李华明、叶亚才、张永福、许龙光、王炳炎、蔡严庆、杜金蕉、邱维铭、吴光平 、陈育鸿、黄钟钦、徐亚烈、胡瑞祥、房顺兴、宋国权、覃桂妹、陈绍秀、何淑冰、赖艳萍、魏童妞、李星花、吴淑玲、王金铃、刘丽容、章品庄、章品柔、张凌葆、黄秀莲、陈珍燕、黄日红、陈祥源、刘燕萍、谢凤雯、林秀娘、魏泓沁、周惠莉、王翠芳、颜珍羽、李彩英、钟燕兰。

Item #7

  • Title:Yan 魇
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The shackles of your soul are your nightmare, layers of scabs in the starless night, one layer is a struggle, the other layer is a transformation. Therefore what swallowed you in the pain of looking back was an inescapable nightmare.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:罗碧芳 Loh Pit Fong
  • Group:

    Kwangsi Association of Selangor 雪兰莪广西会馆青年团舞蹈组

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance
  • Dancers:罗碧芳、姚碧玉、许秋桃、黎群好、姚碧宝、王淑华、冯桂芳、林春梅、林芳梅、江凤如、叶瑞芳、叶瑞琴、辜博新、叶宝莲、潘秦美、朱芳才、施锦雄、刘明炎、林桔贤、彭逸康。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:赵尚光
    [Staff 职员]:杨天生、温泰州

    **Stage Design Award 舞台设计奖

Item #8

  • Title:Ming Tian 明天
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Describe the people’s efforts and sacrifices to make tomorrow’s life better.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导] 李文 Li Wen
  • Group:

    Malacca Pay Fong Schools Alumni Association 马六甲培风校友会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance
  • Dancers:曾秀莉、张宝珍、余佩诗、谢慧芳、赖敬鹏、李艳晖、罗慧清、黎辉云、刘成楷、黄淑华、萧元顺、萧元有、张秀慧、饶嘉卫、陈文修、张丽君、蔡志如、何笑梅、李爱玲、李振铨、李天福、廖桂芳、廖桂雯、林丽芳、罗锦富、黎德騑、罗梅玉、冯雪芳、符秋莹、陈世强、陈祥源、卓志明、姚凤珠、杨富康。
  • Other Information:

    **Best Creation Award 最佳创作奖

Item #9

  • Title:Han Di He Xia Tu 汗滴禾下土
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    At noon on the day of hoeing, sweat dripped down the soil. As a saying goes, who knows the food, the grain is hard.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:Tan Siu Ching
  • Group:

    Persatuan Hopo 河婆同乡会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance creation
  • Dancers:李佩美、刘五妹、刘秀珍、黎运金、蔡宝玉、刘有婷、陆月群|Lu 、林艳丽、叶慧芬、陈美玲、李顺发、梁文华、叶志光 、王明锦、叶美慧、刘仪玲、叶慧芳、黄素晶、刘咏姬、刘秀萍、刘慧娟、陈佩琼、刘友强。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:盛艾薇
    [Staff 职员]:李佩美、刘秀珍

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #10

  • Title:Jin She Kuang Wu 金蛇狂舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Snake dance is one of the most popular acrobatics in India. Snake dancers must be calm and flexible, and have been specially trained. Please see how the master snake dance can tame the most fierce cobra in the world.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:吴新发 Wu Xin Fa
  • Group:

    Poi Lam School Old Students’ Association 怡保培南校友会

  • Category:[contemporary dance]
  • Dancers:梁燕玲、李慧君、李慧敏、李慧婷、张瑞群、刘桂珍、林慧芳、谢宝珠、梁美霞、黄宝芬、王秋萍、钟美玲、刘秋宝、崔月欢 、方玉君、张丽萍、周艾频、陈贵才、陈德祥、李建忠、梁月翠 、蔡凤臻、赵爱丽、范佩佩、马燕莹 、萧宝玉、郭淑玉、黄秀萍、王阁莲、许翠玲、张习家、吴群娣、向宝仪、贺莲莉、萧美玲、陈美艾、关燕萍、郭舜华、罗浩霖、陈景昌。
  • Other Information:

    [Staff 职员]:罗浩霖

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #11

  • Title:Xiao Xue Hua 小雪花
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The dance is symbolized by “little snowflakes”, praising the beauty of nature. When the curtain is opened, snowflakes flying all over the sky are falling one after another, and the gleaming “little snowflakes” are gleaming, dancing to the elegant music. Pieces of “small snowflakes” form groups of snow petals, flying, falling, and spinning. When the sky clears, the “little snowflake” is even more dazzling, innocent and lovely. The dance absorbed some of the ballet’s dance postures, and used anthropomorphic techniques to create the beautiful image of “little snowflakes”, showing the pure hearts and wisdom of children.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:刘秀华 Liu Xiu Hua
  • Group:

    Persatuan Hainan W.P. & Selangor 琼青文艺团

  • Category:[ballet], children dance
  • Dancers:黄丹星、陈思群、廖淑媚、徐碧琴、钱丽明 、杨雯晶 、陈小冰、史兰亭、罗翠仪、符艾慧、符艾晶、林芸芸、吴诗恩、杨锦辉、简慧琴、郭佩璟 、胡小菱、胡小丹、邢雯燕、颜秀薇、劳君怡、冯惠萍、邓韵心、黎樱子、黎芳子、凌衍頴、王丽云、温瑞莲、黄添财、刘秀华、林兰妹、赵美玲、邝丽明、罗燕芬、林月心、覃秀萍、蒙彩娟、梁金枝、何素琪、许瑞祏、陆日章、何亚福、黄莲娇、曾莲娣、陈金桃、尹胜华、黄业东、林日数。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:黄良友
    [Staff 职员]:林日敉

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #12

  • Title:Kuai Le De Mu Min 快乐的牧民
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    This is the blue sky, grassland, cattle and sheep, yurts, but also the vast frontiers. The children of the Mongolian people are riding horses and galloping indifferently on this green grass. The field is vast, the horses are majestic, but the people are heroes.


  • Group:

    Terengganu Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 登嘉楼中华总商会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, Chinese Mongolian folk dance, Mongolian dance
  • Dancers:黄志成、彭秋生、黄伟根、潘祥保、杜秉卿、陈润隆、黄顺进 、林猷荣、黄静华、张润华、张忆萍、翁川妹、曾韵秋、郑金珍、陈德美、沈良赫、林良诗、张利强、陈丽玲、林玉兰、杜玉兰、张秀明、陈宝萍、郑庭玲。
  • Other Information:


    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #13

  • Title:Mu E 牧鹅
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    In the peaceful morning, the breeze was blowing on the lake, and the blue lake water was shining with silver light. A group of gooses lined up to the beautiful lake. In the sound of music, they exercised earnestly, and there was one little goose in the group. It turned out that she was still asleep, and everyone couldn’t bear to wake her up. The little shepherd boy came with a whip, and the geese hurriedly hid the goose, but when the little shepherd boy counted one, he found that the goose hadn’t come. He immediately drove the geese away and woke the goose sleeping in the grass. The sleepy goose was driven back into the team by the shepherd boy’s whip. “Ha! My whip really works.” The little shepherd boy raised the whip triumphantly, but the goslings hated the shepherd boy’s whip and ran around angrily. The little shepherd boy waved the whip and rushed around, and the goslings went further away. Flying away, the little shepherd boy threw away the whip in disappointment and started crying sadly. After a while, the shepherd boy suddenly remembered that the little geese love to listen to music. He quickly took out the small bamboo flute hanging around his waist and played a beautiful tune. The little geese looked back and listened. They were in the sound of the flutes calling out. , Flew back to the shepherd boy one after another. All this made the little shepherd boy surprised and ashamed. The flute sound was louder and more beautiful. The little geese quickly formed a neat line, closely following the little shepherd boy by the beautiful lake.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:刘秀华 Liu Xiu Hua
  • Group:

    Persatuan Hainan W.P. & Selangor 琼青文艺团

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, children dance
  • Dancers:黄丹星、陈思群、廖淑媚、徐碧琴、钱丽明 、杨雯晶 Jing 、陈小冰、史兰亭、罗翠仪、符艾慧、符艾晶、林芸芸、吴诗恩、杨锦辉、简慧琴、郭佩璟 、胡小菱、胡小丹、邢雯燕、颜秀薇、劳君怡、冯惠萍、邓韵心、黎樱子、黎芳子、凌衍頴、王丽云、温瑞莲、黄添财、刘秀华、林兰妹、赵美玲、邝丽明、罗燕芬、林月心、覃秀萍、蒙彩娟、梁金枝、何素琪、许瑞祏、陆日章、何亚福、黄莲娇、曾莲娣、陈金桃、尹胜华、黄业东、林日数。
  • Other Information:

    [Instructor 领队]:黄良友
    [Staff  职员]:林日敉

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #14

  • Title:Huan Le Man Jiang Bian 欢乐满江边
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The morning glow reflected the river water, and a group of girls carrying water came on the shore. They met an uncle who came to wash the clothes. By coincidence, the little girl pretended to be sick and led her uncle away and asked her companion to wash the clothes for him. However, it was later discovered by my uncle that his uncle was quietly taking the water home for the girl. The dance showed the spirit of unity and friendship.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:吴作送 Wu Zuo Song、颜丽凤 Yan Li Feng
  • Group:

    Pertubuhan Gerakan Belia Bersatu Malaysia(GBBM) 青团运峇珠巴辖市区支会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:罗勇盛、黄惠珠、杨月萍、李秋莲、戴丽娇、卢飞燕、许美莲 、周秀蒂、林碧莉、林碧贞、朱文英、潘志强、张川忠、颜丽凤 、许丽丽、林保珠、戴晓霖、谢溙才。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:郑有干
    [Staff 职员]:史亚澄、吴成发

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #15

  • Title:Hua Gu Deng 花鼓灯
  • Choreographer:李莲友 Lee Len Yu、马国荣 Ma Guo Rong、符传光 Fu Chuan Guang
  • Group:

    Qiong Lian Choir 雪兰莪琼联剧社合唱团舞蹈组

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:Female:李群欢、李彩鹃、赖彩英、沈凤仪、胡惠菱、胡莲玉、蔡汶玲、蔡汶霓、陈凤玲、赖彩云、曾秋霞、符剑丽、叶慧娴 、曾玉清、黄宝娟、曾春燕 、王丽云、谢锦慧。 Male:傅瑞成、罗金德、黄祥志、郑荣贵、胡亿民 、符传光、马国荣、朱智宽、苏国顺、梁竣畅、梁竣诰、唐汉辉 Hui、彭治鸣、吴凤财。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:李霖兴、陈泽保
    [Staff 职员]:刘玉群、程官友

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #16

  • Title:Tian Yuan Feng Guang 田园风光
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Describes a joyful atmosphere of a group of young men and women planting seedlings and harvesting in the fields.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:陈俊发 Chen Jun Fa
  • Group:

    Foon Yew Alumni Association 新山宽柔校友会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:吴钟芬、张夏莉、陈英梅、江秀 莉、阮美清、刘福盛、刘泰来、纪丽贞、梅月云、叶步明、林维钦、谢素芬、郑瑞梅、张明月。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:陈玩全
    [Staff 职员]:林巧兰

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖


  • Lighting Designer:[Lighting Person In Charge] 何家雄 [Projection Person In Charge] 李福祥
  • Production Crew:[Front of House]:(正):余德勋 (副):陈来水, 陈念德, 林朝星
  • Executive Producer:[Executive Chairperson 工委会主席]:(正):林源瑞局绅 (副):宋南醒 王生伟
  • Producer:[Co-chair 联合主席]:拿督林金树局绅、沈慕羽局绅
  • Stage Manager:[Backstage Director] : (正)朱炳林 (副):邱荣坤, 黄金重
  • Publicist:王生伟(正)。许万忠, 沈墨义, 张秀英, 张雪琴, 唐月娇, 吴添福, 李惜莹(副)
  • Judges:[Lead] : 柯荣添 Steven Koh。蔡曙鹏 Chua Soo Pong、萧岳鹏 Xiao Yue Peng、严众莲 Yan Choong Lian、刘美玉 Low Mei Yoke。

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