71st Anniversary Gala Night 七十一週年校慶聯歡晚會 (1984)


Production Information

  • Production / Presenting Company:Pay Fong Middle School Malacca 马六甲培风中学
  • Date:18 – 19 August 1984
  • Total Showing:2; NB: A total of 13 individual pieces were performed. Below are the dance items.
  • Venue:Assembly Hall, Pay Fong Middle School Malacca 马六甲培风中学大礼堂
  • State:Melaka

Individual Dance Items

Item #1

  • Title:Chun Zhi Song 春之颂
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    In spring, how many lives are gestating and growing. Spring calls to dance in hymns and creates the ideals of life. The whole dance is divided into three sections to depict mountain children’s (1) Morning hunting (2) Evening pasture (3) Night picking

    春天,有多少生命在孕育、滋長。在春的召喚下,舞起春的讚歌,舞出了生活的理想。全舞共分三節描繪出天山兒女們的 (1)晨獵 (2)夕牧 (3)夜挑

  • Choreographer:Steven Koh 柯荣添
  • Category:Hua Zu Wu

Item #7

  • Title:Pi Pa Xing 琵琶行
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    (Adapted from seven-character poem) After Bai Ju Yi was demoted, he met the Pi Pa (lute) girl by chance on the Yang Jiang River in Xun Yang in an autumn. She narrated the joys of the scenery and joy in her youth, and now she is drifting and wandering, which evokes the author’s feeling that “wandering the same degradation, why should meet acquaintance”. The dance drama expresses profound poetry with the technique of loyalty.

    (改編自七言左詩) 白居易被眨後,在一個秋放里,於潯陽江上巧遇琵琶女。她自敘年輕時的風光歡樂事,如今漂泊流落,勾起了作者“同是天涯淪落人,相逢何必會相識”的感慨。午劇以忠寶手法,表達了深刻的詩意。

  • Choreographer:Steven Koh 柯荣添
  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, dance drama

Item #13

  • Title:Cheng Yu Wu Ji 成語舞集 1) Pu Tian Tong Yi 普天同意 2) Li Qing Bie Xu 離情别緒 3) Ci Bei Wei Huai 慈悲為懷 4) Yi Xun Yi You 一薰一猶 5) Tong Zhou Gong Ji 同舟共济
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    1) With the joy of harvest and the jubilation of the festive season, the energetic dance represents the praise and celebration of young men and women after their active work.

    2) The ancestors who left their hometowns and came south to make a living, who didn’t have white-haired mothers and wives and children? The memories that evoked on the eve of parting, reminded nothing but the sadness of separation. There are three scenes of the dance described: (i) Remind (ii) Recall (ii) Farewell
    離鄉背井,南來謀生的先輩,誰不是上有白髮親娘,下有妻小,離别前夕所勾起的刻骨回憶,徒增離愁萬千,更摧肝斷腸。此舞共有三幕分別描述: (—)叮嚀 (二)回想 (三)道别

    3) All religions are based on compassion. This dance describes the Buddha’s loving and lofty spirit and the preciousness of benevolence. This reflects the unwiseness of superstition.

    4) Human nature is easily affected by the environment. “The one who is near cinnabar is red, and the one who is near ink is black; good is easily concealed by evil, inevitable.” In this world, there are good and evil. If you are not firm and took astray, you will go defame for thousands of years. Otherwise, you will endure forever and beloved by world. Open your eyes, see the world clearly, see the sinister world clearly, break free from the clutches of sin, and walk toward the road of light with a firm will.

    5) In the harsh environment and turbulent waves, I should still have the spirit of togetherness and helping each others on the same boat. With the strength of unity, I will break through the waves and reach the bright side.

  • Choreographer:1) 邱維明 2) 許龍光 3) 鍾永強 Chong Yoon Keong 4) 陳紹秀 Tan Siow Siew 5) 李福明、李華明
  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Other Information:

    Award winning dance works in the same year’s high school interclass competition.


  • Producer:[Chairman] 葉榮業師; (deputy) 陳欽光師

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