Pesta Tarian Yang Ke-5 第五届全国舞蹈节 (1983)


Production Information

  • Production / Presenting Company:Organised by several Chinese associations in Penang 槟州文教团体联合主办
  • Artistic Director / Curator / Programme Coordinator:[Program] :(正)黎月平 Li Yue Ping, (副)李彬铢 Li Bin Zhu, 许朝淙 Xu Chao Cong, 吴锦丝 Wu Jin Si, 骆清辉 Luo Qing Hui, 曾丽施 Zeng Li Si
  • Date:30 – 31 December 1983
  • Total Showing:2; NB: A total of 87 individual pieces were performed. Below are only the (listed) awarded dance items – based on information provided by program book of 20th NCDF (2006) and 6th NCDF (1984).
  • Venue:Dewan Sri, Pulau Pinang 槟州大会堂
  • State:Kedah

Individual Dance Items

Item #1

  • Title:Dun Huang Fei Xian 敦煌飞仙
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    This dance describes the image and graceful dance of the flying bodhisattva in the Dunhuang murals. Her dance styles are taken from cultural exchanges between Persia, India, Arabia and the Middle East.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:吴作送 Wu Zuo Song
  • Group:

    Pertubuhan Gerakan Belia Bersatu Malaysia(GBBM) 柔佛青团运峇珠市区支会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, Chinese dance, Dun Huang dance
  • Dancers:林碧贞、林碧莉、郑清芳、罗勇盛 、刘桂珍、颜丽凤、朱文英、郭秀云、郑和荣、郭诗汪、李添财、黄裕英、周秀蒂、许美莲 、黄惠珠、林汉文。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:郑有干
    [Staff 职员]:史亚澄、李玉进

    **Best Costume Award 最佳服装设计奖

Item #2

  • Title:Chuan Deng Zhou 传灯舟
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The majesty of Sakyamuni, the benevolence of Guanyin, the mystery of the gods, such as the Chuan Dengzhou, the Buddha’s spirit will continue to support and illuminate the spiritual life of the Orientals for generations. This dance hopes to explore the flow of consciousness at the bottom of life through the shape of the Buddha. Sometimes it is like living in a dream, sometimes it is a momentary fascination, it is a concentrated occasion, and it is a kind of silent beauty.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:罗碧芳 Loh Pit Fong
  • Group:

    Kwangsi Association of Selangor 雪兰莪广西会馆青年团舞蹈组

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:赵彩燕、黄宜铭、许秋桃、辜家成 、郑崇华、王淑华 、江凤如、黎群好、梁莲娇、林荣发、姚碧宝、林惠莉、林春梅、林芳梅、王淑花、黄艳玲。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:李德才
    [Staff  职员]:杨天生

    **Best Costume Award  最佳服装设计奖

Item #3

  • Title:Yu Xin Miao 育新苗
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The vigorous green seedlings are growing healthily, fully describing the beginning of a new life, and have infinite vision for the future.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:彭秋生 Peng Qiu Sheng、黄志成 Huang Zhi Cheng
  • Group:

    Terengganu Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 登嘉楼中华总商会舞蹈团

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance creation
  • Dancers:张亿萍、郑庭玲、陈秀美、李婉琴、陈德凤、张润华、邢春美、伍凤英、黄静华、黄美玲、郑金珍、符美凤、翁川妹 、王开莲。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:(正)叶福安PJK(副):翁敦鸣
    [Treasurer 财政]:洪进忠
    [Leader 团长]:孙纶隆

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #4

  • Title:Chun Geng 春耕
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The beautiful singing voice, with a light dance gesture, while busy with work, while not forgetting to sing, shows the vitality and energy of young people.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:吴新发 Wu Xin Fa
  • Group:

    Poi Lam School Old Students’ Association 怡保培南校友会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance creation
  • Dancers:吴新发、罗浩霖、陈景昌、丘志成、张刁扬、谭玉玲、潘丽君、符明芳、张宝心、姚秀娣、梁凤燕、张瑞群、张宝琴、户瑞群 、刘桂珍、李慧君、李慧敏、王美娟、陈美艾、张兰芳、黄宝芬、梁美霞、林慧芬、崔月欢、王秋萍、张丽萍、张瑞云、林智山 、卜家辉、陈贵财、刘金德、黄新贵。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:李锦清
    [Staff  职员]:罗浩霖

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #5

  • Title:Shui Yuan 水源
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    When there was a shortage of water in the field, the farmers wanted to open a waterway to a small river nearby so that the river could irrigate the field; everyone worked together and did not fear hard work to finally complete the project.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:陈志平 Chen Zhi Ping
  • Group:

    Persatuan Murid-murid Tua Sek. Chong Cheng 吉兰丹中正校友会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance creation
  • Dancers:陈志平、韦树生、陈俊华、扬玉君、周金蓉、王金花、王玉花、黄雪芬、吴圣玉、林美丽、李迎莉、谭丽娟、许燕礼、萧晋成、王开兴、陈文祥。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:萧晋成
    [Staff 职员]:杜雪晶杨慧冰

    **Best Creation Award 最佳创作奖

Item #6

  • Title:Shi Tou Chuan 石头船
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    This dance is adapted from an ancient story [Stone Ship], which reflects that a young, diligent, and optimistic, A Shi, who is intrinsically kind, hardworking and optimistic, left his hometown to find his ideals. A Shi Qi has changed a lot over the years. Since he married a snob. After the arrogant rich girl, he became proud and arrogant. When he and his wife returned home, he not only denied his mother, but kicked her down. At this moment, there was a thunderbolt in the blue sky, and the sky suddenly changed from dark to dark. The wind roared, the storm hit the shore, swept away Ash’s wife, and blew the sailboat up the hill and turned it into stone.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:刘小华 Liu Xiao Hua、林美兰 Lin Mei Lan、刘佩珍 Liu Pei Zhen
  • Group:

    Persatuan Hainan W.P. & Selangor 琼青文艺团

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance creation
  • Dancers:曾妹、刘秀华、赵美玲、林月心、郑金英、叶凤英、林兰妹、邝丽明、林美英、刘润清、黄添财、曾莲娣、罗燕芬 、刘佩珍、梁金枝、陆日章、李秀云、何亚福 、覃秀瑞、谢玉玲、蒙彩娟 、许瑞石、吴瑞琼、黄筱君、黄筱慧、赵亚福、叶炫杰、翁绍伟。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:黄良友
    [Staff 职员]:黄亚全

    **Best Creation Award 最佳创作奖

Item #7

  • Title:Kuai Le Shi Ke (Indian dance) 快乐时刻(印度舞)
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Describe a group of Indian girls in their spare time, gathering together and dancing for joy.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:苏清棋 Su Qing Qi
  • Group:

    The Selangor Teo Chew Association 雪兰莪潮州八邑会馆青年团

  • Category:Indian dance
  • Dancers:黄菊花、吴月清、余玉凤、何莲好 、戴丽燕、林绍兰、黄莎莉、林彩芳、谢佩玲、张宝莲、宋永芬、林丽墙。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:陈锦隆PJK
    [Staff 职员]:马珪福

    **Choreography Award 编导奖

Item #8

  • Title:Cai Dai Fen Fei 碧波鳞影
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Describe the fish swimming in the blue waves and playing with gleaming scaly lights.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:潘国才 Pan Guo Cai、丘海仁 Qiu Hai Ren
  • Group:

    Malacca Pay Fong Schools Alumni Association 马六甲培风校友会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:李天福、颜连华、林志国、郑标江 、黄瑞丰、李燕梅、冯雪芳、符秋莹、侯金来、何笑梅、姚凤莺、廖桂雯、林碧卿、林朝星 、张丽容、刘淑莲。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:黎珍
    [Staff 职员]:许友为、唐也伟

    **Choreography Award 编导奖

Item #9

  • Title:Cai Dai Fen Fei 彩带纷飞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    It describes a group of boys and girls constantly waving the ribbons in their hands, showing their happy mood.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:潘国才 Pan Guo Cai、丘海仁 Qiu Hai Ren
  • Group:

    Malacca Pay Fong Schools Alumni Association 马六甲培风校友会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, ribbon dance
  • Dancers:李天福、颜连华、林志国、郑标江 、黄瑞丰、李燕梅 、冯雪芳、符秋莹、侯金来、何笑梅、姚凤莺、廖桂雯、林碧卿 、林朝星、张丽容、刘淑莲。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:黎珍
    [Staff 职员]):许友为、唐也伟

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #10

  • Title:Yang Ji Le 养鸡乐
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Malay village women, educating the chickens, often dance with the chickens, showing the joy of life of the chicken farmers.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:孙先照 Sun Xian Zhao
  • Group:

    The Selangor Kwang Tung Association 雪兰莪广东会馆青年团

  • Category:Malay dance
  • Dancers:林玉财、庄龙珠、陈建发、钟岫遐、谢才合、张玉梅、陈玥谚、何坤玲、张洁明、张水源。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:江金才
    [Staff 职员]:王渐华

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #11

  • Title:Chun Jie 春节
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Describe the joyous celebration of the New Year.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:刘淑莲 Liu Shu Lian
  • Group:

    Selangor Hokkien Association 雪兰莪福建会馆青年舞蹈组

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:王金珠、叶宝莲、王淑华、姚碧玉 、刘淑莲、陈添海 、戴国生、黄和福、禇国裕、李永坚。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:汪金福
    [Staff 职员]:黄家光、林泰山、王飞狮

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #12

  • Title:Ji Jing 即景
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Capturing the joy of that moment, stacking up in the moment of memory, let the smiles go away with joy. Please watch the dance based on the unique festive atmosphere of the Chinese.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:陈维彬 Chen Wei Bin
  • Group:

    Pertubuhan Hui Yin Seh 槟城慧音社舞蹈组

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:苏丽金、黄秀鸾、王绣清、吴素丽 、刘丽玉、叶莲惜、陈月玲、许文兰、王月友、黄如意、吴秀丽、李雪芳、李忠民、何庆山 、黄泰顺、刘福春、黄鸣莺、吕美桂、骆爱珍、毛莉莉、骆艳丽、张伟满、林建然、郭馥成、钟炎平。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:庄耿熙、杨友吉、庄耿康

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #13

  • Title:Xiang Song 乡颂
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Amidst the sound of foot drums, hairpins, and clanks, the Thai people’s affectionate dance expresses the nostalgic love of their homeland and the carol of vomiting.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:陈宝泉 Tan Poh Chuan
  • Group:

    Persatuan Guru-guru Sekolah China Pulau Pinang 槟城华校教师会

  • Category:Thai dance
  • Dancers:林美清、刘翠凤 、谢丽慧、许爱丽、郭辔雁、李彬铢、林玉珠、白妙珊、龙文慧、王金莲、曾瑞干、蔡瑞叶、钟效燕 、郑文仪。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:杨万荣
    [Staff 职员]:曾丽娟、吴锦丝

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #14

  • Title:Yu Min Wu 渔民舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Describe the lives of the fishermen, from going out to fish, overcoming the wind and waves and returning to their misfortunes, all can be expressed in this dance.


  • Choreographer:(指导):陈炳来 Chen Bing Lai
  • Group:

    Persatuan Belia Perkampungan Juru S.P.T 大山脚柔府村青年会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:徐素莲、洪钦丽、黄顺兴、周振车、黄莲叶、陈智深 、张建波、张秀芳、邱宝云、洪爱丽、陈秀燕、连秀珠、郑平文、陈清丝、徐苏丝、张文东、柯有坚、黄金丽、王木俤、洪爱莲、王爱美、黄妙真、李彩蒂、陈来暹、李素碹、王宝晶、洪钦燕、李宝发、陈美丝、陈美香、杨依萍、张瑞燕、陈赛锦、陈淑慧、王秀清 、陈清雪、陈㛭娣、王惠玉。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:李锦盆
    [Staff 职员]:柯瑞燕
    [Understudy 后补]:黄素芳、谢水花、郑美丽、陈秀玲、纪玉珠、张月婵

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖

Item #15

  • Title:Jing Zhong 警钟
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Describe the tragic end of the girl going astray.


  • Group:

    Persatuan Drama Kheng Lin 雪兰莪琼联剧社合唱团

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance
  • Dancers:赖彩英、李彩鹏、李群欢、李莲发、胡莲玉、沈凤仪、宋君凤、童心梅、胡惠菱、余淑贞、吴凤财、罗金德、马国荣、傅瑞成、黄祥志、胡亿民、符传光、彭治鸣、郑荣贵、黄宝娟。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:(正)李霖兴(副):陈泽保
    [Staff 职员] : 刘玉群李美华

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖、Overall Best Performance Award 全场最佳表现奖

Item #16

  • Title:Xi Qing Wu 喜庆舞
  • Group:


  • Other Information:

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖 (based on info provided in program book of NCDF 6th only)
    **No related details in this program book.

Item #17

  • Title:Du 毒
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Drugs are universally recognized as the public enemy of mankind. They are like demons, appearing in a variety of gestures, using unscrupulous drug dealers as a medium to tempt young people to poison the body and mind, constitute factors of degeneration and criminals, and bring disasters to national society and families. And misfortune. This dance uses the movements and images of dancers to describe drug addicts and poisonous demons in an attempt to tempt and intimidate young men and women with good conduct. Through participating in healthy recreational activities, young men and women who are full of vigor will strengthen their understanding, strengthen their will, and increase their vigilance. The power of the group resists the infringements of the poisonous demons, drives away the hateful poisonous friends, escapes from going astray, and becomes an eternal hate for a misstep, maintains a healthy body and mind, and strives for a happy life.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:许朝宗 Xu Zhao Zong
  • Group:

    Penang Philharmonic Orchestra 槟城音乐协会

  • Category:contemporary dance
  • Dancers:许朝宗、骆清辉、郭培德、叶志强、蔡荣宗、董木钦、林连安、王莲惠、邓丽卿 、王丽美、骆纡卉、叶雪真、刘翠凤、钟美良、杨亚成。
  • Other Information:

    [Chief Captain 总领队]:拿督王金生
    [Captain 领队]:许元良、刘贤德、陈岳凤
    [Staff 职员]:吴文宝、温思宁、陈垣慎

    **Best Creation Award 最佳创作奖 (based on info provided in program book of NCDF 6th only)

Item #18

  • Title:Mu Nv Qing 母女情
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The so-called [mother and daughter are 100 years old, often worry about 80 children], this dance is a daughter’s struggle and cry for all kinds of pressure and trouble in order to repay her mother’s nurturing grace.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:郑冬锦 Teh Tong Chin 、叶志强 Ye Zhi Qiang
  • Group:

    Chung Hua Seremban Alumni Association Dance Group 森州芙蓉中华校友会文工团舞蹈团

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:陈玉兰、陈玉玲、郑芝安、谢婉红、吴碧雁、许秀婷、李美菁、李婉华、李庆章、谢翠屏、萧秀凤、刘金玉、王运梅、何维昭、刘佩娴、许进发、陈天国、杨翠菁、陈玡佑、文婉仙、黄雪梅、刘佩琪。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:陈志安
    [Staff 职员]:李庆章

    **Choreography Award 编导奖 (based on info provided in program book of NCDF 6th only)

Item #19

  • Title:Shan Wu 扇舞
  • Other Information:

    **Best Costume Award 服装奖 (based on info provided in program book of NCDF 6th only)
    **No related details in this program book.


  • Lighting Designer:[Person In Charge] 蓝云开
  • Production Crew:[Front of House 前台]:(正)杨友吉 (副)庄碧珍, 谢俊生, 梅华钦, 王绣清, 吴秀琨 [Backstage 后台]:(正)林有进 (副)尤来顺, 郑祖兴, 姚庆忠
  • Producer:[Chairperson 大会主席]:拿督许平等 [Acting Chairperson 署理主席] :杜有才 [Deputy Chairperson 副主席]:许元良, 陈锦华局绅, 庄耿熙, 杨万荣, 王明福, 关有众, 刘贤德
  • Publicist:方子荣(正) 、柯音女(副)
  • Judges:周淑春 Zhou Shu Chun, 陈添赐 Chen Tian Ci, 蔡曙鹏 Chua Soo Pong

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