A Dialogue Of Lack/Lost 缺失的對話 2017 (2017)


“Now or never talk” is a dramatic piece presented as a “talk show”. Structured over two parts, the show’s Part One comprises oratories by and interviews of 4 grassroots characters. As a premise, each of these grassroots characters has been invited to the talk show to espouse a certain values system. Through their sharing, they engage the audience in a discourse over these values systems. A segment of the talk show has the actors playing these roles stepping out of character to interview these roles. In the show’s Part Two, the audience become part of the show and can step forward to voice their responses in a format known as “Say first, then buzz”. Using another 4 characters as a guiding structure, 4 moral dilemmas are presented for the audience members to make a stand which side of each dilemma they support, by literally standing to one side within the theatre space. After they have declared their stand, both sides will engage in a debate. The performance has multiple facets of oratory, dialogue and debate. It is also spontaneous and interactive, engaging the audience in both light-hearted and deeply provocative ways.

《NOW or never talk》是一 部以“談論性節目”為呈現形式 的劇場演出。演出分成上下半場。上半場是以四位草根角色的個人演說和訪談為主要形式。節目中,這幾位位草根人物受邀前來,以他們篤信的價値觀來與這個後現代社會認真對話。訪談部分則是演員與角色間的相互訪問。演出下半場 是開放觀衆參與發言的“講完 一叮”。有4個角色作為引導, 分享四個個案並分別要求觀衆選擇站在自己的立場區域表態。最後才在主題表態後,開始辯論。演出融合了演講、對談以及辯論元素,具有大量的即興及互動成分,輕鬆且尖銳的與觀衆共同在歡笑中嚴肅思辨。


  • Playwright:A Collective work of Yeo Lyle, Liang Ka En, Thian Siew Kim, Edmund Seow, John Wong & Leow Hui Min
  • Original Local Script:Yes
  • Company Name:Kosong Space & Troubadour Theatre 空坊 & 遊吟者劇團
  • Date:2017, November 1~ 5
  • Total Showing:6
  • Venue:NOW Theatre
  • Language:Mandarin
  • Ticket Prices:RM35
  • Director:Yeo Lyle 蔡德耀
  • Lighting Designer:Nicxon Tan 陳政輝
  • Additional Designer:Graphic Design : Yuwen Ong 王毓雯
  • Stage Crew:Louis Soong 宋偉康
  • Principal Cast:

    Thain Siew Kim 鄧繡金, Edmund Seow 蕭孝傑, John Wong 黃永益, Leow Hui Min 廖慧鳴

  • Producer:Brenda Lim 林書玉
  • Stage Manager:Azov Sim 沈穎傑
  • Publicist:Joanne Teh 鄭喬謙
  • Additional Notes:

    Ticketing: Joanne Teh 鄭喬謙
    Photographer : Gill Yenyen 陳燕燕
    Videography: Daping Studio 大平攝影
    FOH: Fish Veviom 余錦雯

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