Blind Love (2010)
Blind Love was adapted from Aalst, a play by the Belgian stage director Pol Heyvaert. Based on real-life events that took place in the town of Aalst in 1999, Aalst recounts the murder of two children by their parents. It was originally perfor med in 2005 by the Ghent-based theatre company Victoria. Since then, it has toured extensively in Europe and in Canada. Aalst tells the story of a young couple who checked into a hotel with their two small children. One week later, their children were found dead, and the murderers were their parents. Blind Love takes on the similarity between social issues in Belgium and Malaysia, and transforms the performance space into a cruel courtroom.
《Blind Love》改編比利時劇本《阿爾斯特》,該劇源自比利時真實的社會案件。在劇作當中,全劇分成29个短場。故事大綱為一對年輕的夫婦帶着一個七歲大的男孩和一名两个月大的女婴,住進比利時小鎮近郊的一家旅館;一個星期之後,警方在房内發現男孩和女婴陳屍其中,兇手竟然是他們的爸媽。故事由此開始,夫妻俩被偵訊,由偵訊过程中逐步還原案件的真相、夫妻的過去、與現在、與看不到的未来。舞台轉化為一個殘酷审判室,台上的两個飾演殺子父母的演員,接受類似法官或警察冷酷又直接的詰問,这出戲的演出形式將透過大量的訊問呈現。而残忍殺子的真相,也將在法官或警察抽絲剝繭的審問下,帶領所有觀看者深入两位主角身陷的黑暗地帶、直透社會底層無法翻轉的巨大無力感。本劇被英國衛報評論為「一部卓越的劇作」���在這個審判室裡,透過两個演員和詢問者的對話,抽絲剝繭,問題的背後是個龐大的體制問題以及社會邊緣長久没有辦法被正視的陰暗面。
- Playwright:Pol Heyvaert and Dimitri Verhulst
- Original Local Script:No
- Company Name:Pentas Project Theatre Production 平台計劃/劇團
- Date:2010, October 22~24
- Total Showing:4
- Venue:Pentas Studio (88-2, Amber Business Plaza 2, Jalan Jelawat 1, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur)
- Language:Mandarin
- Director:Lee Yee Han 李奕翰
- Composer:Sound and Music Design: Dub Lau 劉俊佑
- Lighting Designer:Leong Ka En 梁家恩
- Multimedia Designer:Alison K 艾力森
- Additional Designer:Print Design : Colorganda+ : branding & design
- Stage Crew:Chew Sheau Chiang 周曉湘, Soh Chong Hong 蘇中宏, Khow Sin Khay 辜新凱
- Principal Cast:
Hoe Hui Tin 何慧婷, Lee Yee Han 李奕翰, Thian Siew Kim 鄧綉金
- Producer:Loh Kok Man 羅國文
- Artistic Director:Loh Kok Man 羅國文
- Production Manager:Au Sow Yee 區琇怡
- Stage Manager:Gan Hui Yee 顏果