Break-Ing 擊破 Ka Si Pe Cah (2008)


A bi-annual theatre project in Malaysia, Pentas Theatre Collaboration Project is a platform of interaction within different cultures and realms and encourages diversities and possibilities in theatre arts and theatre language.

Three theatre directors are invited to participate and a common theme is decided by mutual agreement. The directors then create their individual pieces based on the discussions and the three pieces are then presented in the same evening.

The 2006 collaboration, based on the theme of Language, was between three Malaysian companies, Pentas Project Theatre Production, The Instant Cafe Theatre Company, and Alternative Stage Theatre Company. The result was a triple-bill of plays -Silence, Please (English) directed by Jo Kukathas, Repot [Mind+Mine] (Mandarin) directed by Loh Kok Man and WIP (Malay) directed by Nam Ron.

BREAK-ING / 擊破 (ji po) / Ka Si Pe Cah had stage in Tokyo in Feb 2008 before playing at The Studios season.

These three pieces, as a whole, have challenged us not only in our thinking about language, but also in our thinking beyond language… ~

Break-ing 擊破 Ka Si Pe Cah

於 2006年,“擊破:平台劇場合作交流計劃“聚合了3位来自于不同文化源流,並在國際得到認可的著名劇場導演--羅國文、Jo Kukathas 以及 Nam Ron。再結合本地各藝術領域的創作者, 如張忠勇、趙少傑和區琇詒,携手合作為觀眾在國家語文出版局的小劇場帶來一次精彩而深刻的演出。“擊破:平台劇場合作交流計劃“結合了三個單元,(一)請,安靜(二)[思想+自分]報告以及(三) WIP,運用戲劇、視覺以及聲音的元素,以及詩意,或幽默,或批判的手法探索“語言“在馬來西亞的位置和困境,為不同文化與藝術領域提供了一個交流的舞台。




  • Playwright:Jo Kukathas + Loh Kok Man + Nam Ron
  • Company Name:Pentas Project Theatre Production + Instant Cafe Theatre +Alternative Stage Company
  • Date:2008, September 25~28
  • Total Showing:4
  • Venue:KLPAC, Pentas 2
  • Language:Bahasa Melayu, Chinese, English, Mandarin
  • Ticket Prices:RM47 (Adult), RM27(Student,Senior,Disabled)
  • Director:Jo Kukathas + Loh Kok Man + Nam Ron
  • Composer:Ng Chor Guan
  • Lighting Designer:Loh Kok Man
  • Set Designer:Caecar Chong + Teoh Shaw Gie
  • Multimedia Designer:Au Sow Yee
  • Additional Designer:Graphic & Print Design : Sachi Choo
  • Stage Crew:Stephanie Chua
  • Principal Cast:

    Anne James, + Sukania Venugopal + Anitha Abdul Hamid + Lee Swee Keong李瑞強 + R Thiagarajan + Kiea Kuan Nam 丘冠南 + Moo Siew Keh 巫紹棋 + Gan Hui Yee 顏果 + Chen Huen Phuei 曾宏輝 + Tin Tan Chai Chen 陳彩珍 + Lyle Chua Teck Yeo 蔡德耀 + Where + Ayam Fared

  • Producer:Jo Kukathas + Loh Kok Man + Nam Ron
  • Production Manager:Production Assistant : Bryant Albuquerque
  • Stage Manager:Jason Lai
  • Publicist:Jo Kukathas
  • Additional Notes:

    Program Book : Zalfian Fuzi / Admistrator : Andre D’ruz