Muzika 23250 Tragedi Bukit Kepong (2000)


Constable Osman and his wife Halimah were newlyweds and were expecting their first child. Nevertheless, the call of duty separated Osman and Halimah. Constable Osman was posted to Bukit Kepong Police Station.

Constable Osman and 17 other members of the force carried out their duty to the country in their fullest regard of responsibility. Sergeant was the man lead this time of policemen. They received the cooperation of villagers under the leadership of Tok Penghulu Ali.

Finally, on the second morning of the Chinese New Year, 23 February 1950, the forces of the Malayan Communist Party directed its wrath on the Bukit Kepong Police Station. The triple pronged attacks on the station were well planned and executed.

The fighting spirit and the strength of conviction exhibited by the 18 men, their wives and children drove them to defend the Bukit Kepong Police Station to the very end.

Constable Osman was one of the few who witnessed this tragedy. His was engulfed in sadness when his wife Halimah lost her sanity after giving birth to their child later.

Mata-mata Osman dan isterinya, Halimah adalah pasangan yang baru berkahwin dan bakal menimang cahaya mata tidak lama lagi. Namun, demi tanggungjawab di Bukit Kepong, Mata-mata Osman terpaksa meninggalkan Halimah. Mata-mata Osman ke Bukit Kepong.

Mata-mata Osman bersama 17 orang anggota polis lain mula melaksanakan kewajipan kepada negara dengan penuh tanggungjawab. Mereka diketuai oleh Sarjan Jamil. Mereka turut menerima kerjasama yang baik daripada orang-orang kampung yang dipimpin oleh Tok Penghulu Ali.

Akhirnya, pada pagi kedua Tahun Baru Cina – 23 Februari 1950, tercetus segala kemarahan Kumpulan Bintang Tiga di Balai Polis Bukit Kepong dengan penuh perancangan yang teliti. Mereka melancarkan serangan tiga penjuru ke atas Balai Bukit Kepong.

Semangat juang yang kental dan berpegang teguh kepada prinsip pantang menyerah kalah telah menaikkan semangat 18 anggota polis, isteri dan anak-anak mereka untuk terus mempertahankan Balai Polis Bukit Kepong sehingga ke titisan darah yang terakhir.

Mata-mata Osman adalah di antara orang yang melihat kejadian pedih ini. Dia semakin dicengkam kesedihan apabila melihat Halimah, isterinya menjadi gila selepas melahirkan anak mereka.


  • Playwright:A. Wahid Nasir
  • Original Local Script:Yes
  • Company Name:Istana Budaya
  • Date:25 August – 3 September 2000
  • Total Showing:10
  • Venue:Istana Budaya
  • Language:Bahasa Melayu
  • Director:Lokman Ghani
  • Scenographer:Bayu Utomo Radjikin
  • Choreographer:Mahmood Hj. Ibrahim
  • Musical Director:Rosli Md. Kasa (Rosli Selasih)
  • Lighting Designer:Abd. Razak Abd. Rahman & Gunaselvaran A/L R.P.S Maniam
  • Set Designer:Ibrahim Ali
  • Additional Designer:Graphic Designer – Mohammed Hanafi Abd. Wahab
  • Property Master:Nazali Wahab
  • Make-up Artist:Nurcahaya Ismail
  • Principal Cast:

    Zul Yahya, Maizurah Hamzah, S. Sahlan, Sarimah Arshad, Wan Shades, Dilla Alie, Mior Ahmad Zaudi, Den Wahab, Bohari Ibrahim

  • Executive Producer:Superintenden Benjamin Hj. Hasbie & Norizah Arshad
  • Producer:Dato’ Mohd Bakri Hj. Omar & Norliza Rofli
  • Stage Manager:Megat Adnan Megat Ridzuan
  • Publicist:DSP Mohd Rodzi et al

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