Seni Visual
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The 8th Annual BOH Cameronian Arts Awards — Results!
dance Prize of RM1,000 Prize of RM1,000 Prize of RM1,000 Prize of RM1,000 Prize of…
Abdul Multhalib Musa: Travelling with Moving
Stillness. Stasis. Movement. Action. Sitting in traffic on the way to Wei Ling Gallery to…
Big Art and Little People
Some confessions ought to start this piece off nicely: First, when asked to review Multhalib…
Zaitun Mohamed Kasim: 1966 – 2008
Some years ago, Time magazine ran a cover story asking, “Do the good die young?”…
The 60 Second Plug: “The Annexe Collision Weekend”
Pang Khee Teik, writer, photographer, program director at The Annexe, and former editor of Kakiseni…
Lloyd Fernando, 1926 – 2008
For any history of Malaysian literature, it is remiss not to consider the pioneering work…
Mega Art on Discount
If you were told that a grandmaster of 20th century modern art from France is…
A Space For The Other
The regular gallery visitor setting foot in Galeri Petronas today will be, first of all,…
The Year The Arts Showed The Way (Part II)
In last week’s part of what the arts meant to 2007, I looked at what…
Size Does Matter
Two thousand and seven, for a businessman and arts collector like myself, was noteworthy arts-wise…
Tembak: Low Yi Chin & Chong Kim Chiew’s “A White House and A Temporary Road”
A red Chinese box-altar stands on one of The Annexe Gallery’s upper levels; its idol,…
Malaysia at First Sight
“Selamat Datang ke Malaysia” is a cultural expo of sorts … on one hand playing…
Sit Down and Talk
Held once every five years in Kassel, Germany, documenta – the Hundred Day Museum is…
The Politics of Muslim Clothing in Indonesia
Jilbab versus Schools This article is about the dynamics of jilbab conflicting with the social,…
Between Revolution Stronghold and Laboratory of the West: Political Positions in Indonesian Fine Art in the 1950s
Yogyakarta was Java’s principal art centre during the 1950s. According to Claire Holt’s “Art in…
Philippine Art Across the Islands: Mindanao
When the Zamboanga del Norte Federation of Visual Artists (ZANFEVA), a confederation of four art…
Tembak: Wed 28, Feb – Wed 7, Mar 2007
Kg Berembang Mon 5, Mar 2007 Kg Berembang was a place I knew about only…
The 60 Second Plug: Ahmad Fuad’s “Dislocated”
Tell us a bit about yourself. I was born 38 years ago in Baling, Kedah.…
Pak Saari Abdullah, 1952 – 2006
I first met Saari when, in early February 1975, I started research work for a…
Jack Nathan, 1965 – 2006
Kumaresvara (Jack) Nathan, 360° Head Rotation co-founder, musical collaborator, and my very dear friend of…
Street Smart Heritage
The entrance to Khoo Kongsi, perhaps one of Penang’s most iconic locations, is a porte…
Jeri Azhari, 1955-2006
Ahmad Azhari bin Mohd Nor atau lebih sinonim dengan panggilan Jeri telah berhijrah ke alam…
By Jo Kukathas The following was first presented at Utih… Celebrating Krishen, 28 Apr 2006,…