Tsáu-Hué At Behind 50 “走火” 伍拾 (2011)


“Tsáu-Hué” (Hokkien), as the name implies, means loss of control. Without knowing, people nowadays sometimes are on the edge of “Tsáu-Hué” or often in the state of “Tsáu-Hué”. This is a common problem in our society and reflects the imperfection of this society.

The show takes place in Café Behind 50. The actors will shuttle between and even sit side by side wit the visitors (the audience). The theme of “Tsáu-Hué” is expressed through the occurrence of interesting events or the discussion between actors and actors. The play is like an uncoordinated happening, audience are part of the play.

The play will be divided into several pieces, and each little story will be developed around the theme “Tsáu-Hué”. The play develope during the rehearsal through improvisation. At the same time, in order to highlight the diverse characteristics of Penang, several dialect in Penang will be used as a medium of performance.

走火 (tsáu-hué),顧名思義即失火、失去控制、失常。現代人不時在”走火”(tsáu-hué)邊緣或是常常處在”走火”(tsáu-hué)的狀態,而全然不自知。這已是社會的通病,也反映了這社會的不健全。

演出發生在Behind 50咖啡廳裡的任何一個角落,沒有既定舞台,演員將穿梭在客人(觀眾)之間、與客人(觀眾)並排而坐或就坐在客人(觀眾)的隔壁桌。透過趣味事件發生或是演員與演員之間的高談闊論表達出”走火”(tsáu-hué)主題。整場演出就像是一齣沒有經過安排的巧合與發生,讓客人(觀眾)也覺得自己就是戲的一部分。



  • Penulis:Wong Lay Chin 黃麗珍
  • Tarikh:2011, September 7, 14, 21, 28
  • Jumlah Pementasan:4
  • Tempat Pementasan:Behind 50, Love Lane, Georgetown, Penang
  • Bahasa:Inggeris, Hokkien, Mandarin
  • Harga Tiket:RM11.80
  • Pengarah:Wong Lay Chin 黃麗珍
  • Pereka Tatacahaya:Kash Koe 高文潤
  • Lain-lain Pereka:Graphic Design : Ms Sotong 林學彤
  • Pelakon Utama:

    Lim Jia Ying 林佳穎, Jeff 黃競強,
    Jessy Cheong 張佳欣, Dimi Teoh 張健輝,
    Tan Kim Keat 陳錦潔, Mr. Abalone,
    Ms. Sotorng, Marcus

  • Penerbit:Wong Lay Chin 黃麗珍

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