A Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之夢 (2011)


“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” described a story full of romance and comedy. The experience between reality and imagination, the world and Shangri-la, heaven and earth, The human and the spirits. These elements to be presented with romance comedy.

This is one among the greatest works and most played classic comedy production of British famous poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer – Shakespeare. It reflects his thoughts/impression towards marriage and romance, as well as the nature humanism of the European Art Renaissance.

Theater director, Loh Kok Man together with New Era group and the students will bring the audience to experience the concept of ‘breakthrough’ to form a different stage play. A Midsummer Night’s Dream will bring you to experience the wonderful social humanism of Shakespeare, the courage to pursue the dream of romance. If you were once a dream chaser, or even now still struggling hard to make it come true, then you shouldn’t miss the chance to watch A Midsummer Night’s dream, a soul-stirring play.




  • Penulis:William Shakespeare
  • Karya Tempatan Asli:No
  • Nama Kumpulan:New Era College Visuals And Drama Department 新紀元學院戲劇與影像系
  • Tarikh:2011, July 14 ~ 17
  • Jumlah Pementasan:6
  • Tempat Pementasan:New Era College, Black Box Theatre, Kajang
  • Bahasa:Mandarin
  • Harga Tiket:RM20 (adult), RM 15 (Students)
  • Pengarah:Loh Kok Man 羅國文
  • Komposer:Terence Chong 張俊開
  • Pereka Tatacahaya:Ng Choon Chai 黃竣麟
  • Pereka Set:Tan Sook Fong 陳淑鳳, Sim Chong Sen 沈忠勝
  • Pereka Kostum:Ik Yong Mei 易泳媺
  • Property Master:Tan Sook Fong 陳淑鳳, Sim Chong Sen 沈忠勝
  • Penata Rias:Ik Yong Mei 易泳媺
  • Pelakon Utama:

    Soh Chong Hong 蘇忠宏, Tan Perng Sheng 陳鵬升, Lee Jia Shyun 李佳洵, Tan Sook Fong 陳淑鳳, Ng Choon Chai 黃竣麟, Ik Yong Mei 易泳媺, Lim Pei Shuen 林佩璇, Lee Huang Yee 李歡瑜, Sim Chong Sen 沈忠勝, Chang Chia Shin 張加信, Cheah Kah Shin 謝佳升, Lim Dar Di 林沓勵, Soo Zi Ying 蘇梓瑩, Beh Hoong Ling 馬紅綾, Veeky Tan 陳薇琪

  • Penerbit Eksekutif:Cheah Kah Shin 謝佳升
  • Pengurus Pentas:Chang Chia Shin 張加信
  • Publisiti:Lim Dar Di 林沓勵, Beh Hoong Ling 馬紅綾

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