The Lost And The Ecliptic 城失空想 (2007)


One morning, he awakes and finds himself transformed into an orchid mantis. He stops at an orchid and pretends to be the orchid. There he remains unseen and undiscriminated. Resting, he is safe, out of human sight.

Using the metaphor of a camouflage insect, this performance draws us into the anonymous lives and private souls of our city. Your neighbour sings her prayers to her deity. When you hear her, do you pray along? Inside a box, a man dances by himself. When he dances with a girl, are they less alone? Their gates keep them safe inside, safe within these beautiful dreams and disguises.

某一天早上,我一如往常的躺在床上,發現自己成了蘭花螳螂,是一種習慣「擬態」的昆蟲,停在蘭花上,假裝自己是一朵蘭花,不會被看見、不會被 討厭。在每一個停下來歇息的空間中,很安全的,沒有人發現牠。“通過昆蟲偽裝的隱喻,演出以“城市”為出發點,探討了“城市”這麼一個生存空間和劇場的相似性,發掘出城市裏頭人們的追求、孤獨、挫敗、幻想、不安、疑惑等錯綜複雜的情緒。



  • Penulis:Text Collaborator : Tan Yan Tee 陳燕棣
  • Nama Kumpulan:Pentas Project Theatre Production 平台計劃/劇團
  • Tarikh:2007, October 4~7  &  9~14
  • Jumlah Pementasan:10
  • Tempat Pementasan:The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre, Pentas 2
  • Bahasa:{post_terms_theatre_language}
  • Harga Tiket:RM25
  • Pengarah:Loh Kok Man 羅國文
  • Koreografer:Steve Goh 吳振輝
  • Komposer:Ng Chor Guan 黃楚原 / Sound Operator : Shafie Hisham Milai
  • Pereka Tatacahaya:Loh Kok Man / Lighting Operator : Sazali Sim
  • Pereka Set:Caecar Chong 張忠勇
  • Pereka Multimedia:Au Sow Yee 區琇詒
  • Lain-lain Pereka:Graphic Design : 3nity
  • Property Master:Caecar Chong
  • Kru Pentas:Jonan Lim Meng Jee林明智 + Tan Ching Kui陳正輝 + Chin Choon Mum陳俊文 + Mohd. Fairuz B. Mohamed Ariff
  • Pelakon Utama:

    Actor : Amelia Tan 陳淑真 / Dancer : Steve Goh 吳振輝 / Vocal Artist : Shantini Venugopal

  • Pengarah Artistik:Loh Kok Man
  • Pengurus Produksi:Jason Lai 黎百齡
  • Pengurus Pentas:Gan Hui Yee 顏慧儀 / Asst. : Chua Teck Yeo 蔡德耀
  • Publisiti:Au Sow Yee / Asst. : Ter Wen Chin 戴文菁
  • Nota Tambahan:

    Set Builder : Maroon Art & Design