Metamorpho Sisters 變形三姐妹 (2018)


METAMORPHOSISTERS is a new international collaboration project initiated by Pitapat Theatre. The project team which involves artists from Sabah, Taiwan, Hongkong and Brunei will create an original theatre piece based on 2 classical work – The Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov and Metamorphosis by Kafka, intend to discover the absurdity that lays under our daily life and how it turns out to be an invisible giant that ate up humanity.



  • Penulis:Collective devising piece by Seng Soo Ming 程守明, Phoebe Tsen 曾莉婷, Kady Cheung 張卓琪 (HongKong) and Ting Lai 賴麗婷 (Taiwan)
  • Karya Tempatan Asli:Based on 2 classical work – The Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov and Metamorphosis by Kafka
  • Nama Kumpulan:Pitapat Theatre 卜卜劇場
  • Tarikh:2018, April 28 & 29
  • Jumlah Pementasan:2
  • Tempat Pementasan:Pentas Warisan, Sabah State Museum
  • Bahasa:Kantonis, Inggeris, Mandarin, Taiwan
  • Harga Tiket:Admission by donation
  • Pengarah:Seng Soo Ming 程守明
  • Komposer:Music & Sound Design : Elisha Tiga
  • Pelakon Utama:

    Phoebe Tsen 曾莉婷, Kandy Cheung 張卓琪 (Hong Kong), Ting Lai 賴麗婷 (Taiwan), Elisha Tiga

  • Penerbit:Seng Soo Ming 程守明
  • Pengurus Pentas:Seng Soo Ming 程守明

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