35 (2017)
<35> tells a story of a single man who is aged at 35 who lives with depression. He locks himself in a closet and willingly emerging himself in the closet with no interruption. He takes his lonely time in the dark. However, his nightmare appears and again he is brought back to the tunnel of memories and to face the real world.Most importantly, to face himself as a human. He thought he could happily encounters all circumstances with his belief that his mother taught when he was young.
The world is just not going in his way. He is forced to make changes to his attitude and way of thinking in order for him to live well in this materialistic world. The world is killing him. He keeps asking WHY and there’s no answer to his questions of life.
He losts his faith.
He decides to end his life. At this moment, his closet friend- a bear appears in the closet. His late and beloved grandfather too hold his hand and gives him a warm hug. Just like his beautiful moments with grandfather before he died.
Midlife depression is common but not everyone manage to go through it in a good way. Is it a “transition” or “depression”? this is what the director cum script writer would like to portrait in <35> to tell about the importance of self-check physically and mentally when you are over 30s. Pay more attention to your friend/ relative who acts weirdly somehow to avoid unnecessary suicidal case.
<35> is a stage play with multimedia projections and live music that hopefully will impact the audience with gestures, actings, colours, images, sounds, musics etc. This show comes with English surtitle.
《35》的故事發生在一名患上憂鬱症的35歲男人身上,終日在自己鎖在衣櫃裡面逃避現實。由於他的腦袋里有太多問題沒有答案,只好陶醉在衣櫃里,一個屬於自己的空間。可是,「他」 又來了。這一次,「他」把媽媽、女友和上司都帶來,希望躲在衣櫃里的男人可以看到繽紛的世界,但是在男人的眼裡卻是危機重重!連他覺得最有安全感的大熊熊也難逃這一劫,到底他是否成功超越一切獲得解脫嗎?
- Penulis:William Yap 葉偉良
- Karya Tempatan Asli:Yes
- Nama Kumpulan:Jig & Giggle
- Tarikh:2017, March 23~26
- Jumlah Pementasan:7
- Tempat Pementasan:Pentas 2, The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
- Bahasa:Mandarin
- Harga Tiket:RM68
- Pengarah:William Yap 葉偉良
- Koreografer:Vale Wong
- Komposer:Vale Wong
- Pengarah Muzikal:Vale Wong
- Pereka Tatacahaya:Lim Wai Sing 林偉星
- Pereka Set:Zen Lin Tan 陳芊菱
- Pereka Kostum:Quito Yang 甯振洋
- Pereka Multimedia:Tan Chung Cea 陳俊嘉
- Lain-lain Pereka:Graphic Design : Ted Soo
- Property Master:David Wong
- Kru Pentas:Paz Lim, Simon Lee, Mario Kong
- Pelakon Utama:
Fai Chen 曾宏輝, Amelia Tan 愛美麗亞, Tammy Yee 余秋坪, Ruby Yap 狄妃, Gabriel Loh 羅偉銅
- Penerbit:Su Li 素莉
- Pengurus Produksi:Soh Chong Hong 蘇忠宏
- Pengurus Pentas:Simon Lee
- Publisiti:William Yap 葉偉良
- Nota Tambahan:
Sound Engineer : Terence Chong