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Tembak: Instant Café Theatre’s Adaptation Masterclass
“I believe we never stop learning,” said actor Anne James, sitting down at a long…
Rockin’ in the Free World
Music as a tool of political consciousness doesn’t happen often enough — perhaps unsurprisingly for…
Take The Lead – Choreography for non-choreographers: The dance of democracy
Can I use the word “inscrutable” to describe an ethnic Chinese man without being accused of…
Talk Is Action
There will be some among you who believe that talking about problems, about crises and…
Facilitator, Chill Thyself!
Stella Maris, a mission school in Pudu that shares its premises with a chapel under…
Crawl, Wriggle, Squirm, Walk, Run, Jump!
“My mother told me I was very good at art, singing and dancing so she…
Feeding Art to Orphans
As many local arts practitioners know extremely well, funding for the arts is a big…
I’ve Got Polyrhythm
Cassandra Chong is a very enthusiastic student at the International College of Music (ICOM). Last…
The Edinburgh Arts Festival According to Toby Gough: A Mud-Wrestling Fight
A group of local arts practitioners gathered at the Actors Studio Bangsar on October 9,…
A Survival Course For Creativity in a Hostile Environment
Last September, twenty five arts students met in the woods of Taman Alam in Kuala…