Trengganu Gala Performance 丁州马华舞蹈团文娱演出 (1983)


Info Produksi:

  • Syarikat Produksi / Persembahan:MCA Terengganu Dance Troupe 丁州馬華午蹈團
  • Tarikh:5 – 6 August 1983
  • Jumlah Pementasan:2; NB: A total of 9 individual pieces were performed. Below are the dance items.
  • Tempat Pementasan:Dewan Tunku Kuala Terengganu 瓜丁东姑大礼堂
  • Negeri:Terengganu

Item Tarian Individu

Item #1

  • Tajuk:Sheng Hui 盛會
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    This dance shows a group of Bangladeshi farmers dancing with excitement to celebrate the harvest.


  • Kategori:Bangladesh dance
  • Penari:Male: 黃志成,彭秋生,黃願進,陳潤隆,符荃裡。 Female: 陳德鳳,王開蓮,陳寶萍,伍鳳英,邢春美。

Item #2

  • Tajuk:He Hua Wu 荷花舞
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    This dance uses lotus flowers that are silt and not stained to warn that people must always maintain a sense of cleanliness and self-love in this complex society and dyeing tanks.


  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu, lotus dance
  • Penari:陳德鳳,曾韻秋,陳麗玲,符美鳳,張潤華,鄭靜華,伍鳳英,陳寶萍。

Item #3

  • Tajuk:Ma Lai Bo Ji Wu Feng Zheng Wu 馬來簸箕舞風箏舞
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    Kite-flying is a favorite game of East Coast Malays after rice harvesting. This dance shows a group of girls working hard to win the rice. After the work, they play with a group of kite-flying boys, full of the life sentiment of the Malay people.


  • Kategori:Malay dance
  • Penari:Female: 陳蘭蓉 Tan Lan Jong,陳秀美,張憶萍,李婉琴。 Male: 彭秋生,沈良蒜,蔡添顆,陳潤隆。

Item #4

  • Tajuk:Tuo Huang 拓荒
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    This dance shows a group of people regardless of each other, working together to reclaim wasteland and build their own new homes, fully embodying the spirit of not being afraid of hardships and working hard.


  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance creation
  • Penari:Male: 彭秋生,沉良赫,陳潤隆,黃順進,黃偉恨,林尤榮,杜秉御,潘詳保,蔡添順。 Female: 符美鳳,張潤華,張憶萍,王開蓮,陳德鳳,陳德美,曾韻秋,邢春美,黃靜華,翁川妹,龍娉琪。

Item #5

  • Tajuk:Jiao Lin Feng Guang 膠林風光
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    At the end of the day, a group of rubber workers have been on their bicycles, heading towards the road of the rubber plantation, ready to start a new day of work. This dance not only reflects the life of rubber workers in our country, but also shows their hard work and fearless spirit.


  • Kategori:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance creation
  • Penari:翁川妹,陳蘭蓉 Tan Lan Jong,黃美玲,林美玲,李婉琴,杜玉蘭,張秀明,鄭金珍,蔡秋霞,梁寶蓮,蕭玉珍,陳梅珠。

Item #6

  • Tajuk:Cao Yuan Shang 草原上
  • Sinopsis Item / Nota Program:

    A group of Mongolian youths happily ride horses and herd sheep on the endless grassland. Another group of Xin Jiang young people also sang and danced for their happy life. This dance fully demonstrates their love on works and is full of characteristics of frontier ethnic groups.


  • Kategori:Chinese folk dances, Mongolian dance, Xin Jiang dance
  • Penari:Male: 彭秋生,黃偉根,黃志成,徐志雄,林尤榮,潘祥保,杜秉御,張才傑,傅國兴。 Female: 鄭庭玲,張燕美,張燕靖,蔡國英,蔡素馨,曾韻秋,陳麗玲,林月雲,陳德美。

Item #7

  • Tajuk:Jiao Ling Wu 腳鈴舞


  • Nota Tambahan:

    Advisory Dance Instructor: Steven Koh 柯榮添
    Dance Troupe Leaders: 孫綸隆, 黃志成

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