Odissi Stirred (2011)


From Tradition to Transformation

Production Information

  • Production / Presenting Company:Sutra Foundation
  • Artistic Director / Curator / Programme Coordinator:Ramli Ibrahim Co-Artistic Directors: Guna, Rathimalar Govindarajoo
  • Date:6-10 April 2011
  • Total Showing:5
  • Venue:KLPac
  • State:Kuala Lumpur

Individual Dance Items

Item #1

  • Title:Evocations
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Evocations evoke the pulse of Odissi through its component elements: tribal, folk, sabda (traditional verses cited in declamatory fashion) and the percussion (ghanta/cymbal and mardala/drum) traditions. It is these essential elements which ontribute to the present ‘re-constructed’ contemporary Odissi repertoire. Evocations, a result of Sharmila’s extensive research in the inter-disciplinary contribution of the above elements to Odissi, project their creative roles in the formation of contemporary Odissi repertoire. Evocations also remind us of the vital and rick folk traditions of dance and drumming of Orissa.

  • Choreographer:Sharmila Biswas
  • Category:Odissi
  • Dancers:Ramli Ibrahim, Guna, Rathimalar, Revathi, Tan Mei Mei, Nishah Devi, Divya Nair, Sivagamavalli, Geethika Sree, Michelle Chang, Harenthiran, Abiramavalli, Kiwashini, Jyotsnaa, Talyssa, Gauthami, Thrisherna
  • Composer:Ramahari Das, Dhanu Reddy (compiled from materials gathered by Sharmila Biswas)

Item #2

  • Title:Pallavan
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Pallavan is a composition of Madhavi Mudgal, one of India’s celebrated Odissi dancers and dance makers. Pallavan is mainly a pure dance that celebrates the architectonics of Odissi through the vehicle of the female body. Basic stances and postures of the square chowka and the tribhanga, the three bends of head, torso and hip, combines to form a dignified composite movement through a regulated rhythmic structure, providing a framework around which an efflorescence or pallavan can take place. Five basic rhythmic structures or jatis comprising 9, 7, 5, 4 and 3 beats, each of which yields its characteristic form, is visualized in this item.

  • Choreographer:Madhavi Mudgal
  • Category:Odissi
  • Dancers:Cast 1 (6,7 & 8 April): Rathimalar, Revathi, Tan Mei Mei, Nishah Devi, Divya Nair, Geethika Sree, Sivagamavalli, Michelle Chan Cast 2 (9 & 10 April): Vetheejay, Abiramavalli, Kiwashini, Jyotsnaa, Thrisherna, Gauthami, Talyssa
  • Composer:Madhup Mudgal

Item #3

  • Title:Kamala
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Kamala explores the concept of devotion and piety inspired by eastern and western mythic images related to the ‘Mother Goddess’, the Madonna and Shakti. The lotus and the rose, flowers of great joy and delight, represent metaphors of auspiciousness, beauty and grace. Images of Purusha, Siva and Jesus provide the complement Male Principle.

  • Choreographer:Ramli Ibrahim, Guna
  • Category:Odissi
  • Dancers:Cast 1 (6, 7 & 8 April): Guna, Rathimalar, Revathi, Tan Mei Mei, Nishah Devi, Divya Nair, Sivagamavalli, Geethika Sree Cast 2 (9 & 10 April): Rathimalar, Abiramavalli, Kiwashini, Jyotsnaa, Talyssa, Gauthami, Thrisherna, Harenthiran
  • Composer:Tania, Aruna Sairam, Dominique Vellard, Bombay Jayshree


  • Lighting Designer:Sivarajah Natarajan Assistant: Nalina Nair
  • Production Crew:Sound Engineering: KRSS
  • Stage Manager:Nithya, Mohds Syawal, Jeysrii
  • Publicist:Mala Chandran
  • Additional Notes:

    Visual Design: Sivajarah  Natarajan

    Graphic Design: William Harald-Wong & Associates (Moment Font Studio)

    Narrator: Sharmini Tiruchelvam, Sabera Shaik

    Photography: Sivarajah Natarajan, Karthik Venkataraman, Ng Chin Lai, Syed Sallaudin Pasha

    Video Editing: Chris Khoo

    Costume Design: Sutra

    Foyer Display: Sivarajah Natarajan

    Costume of Sabera Shaik: Datuk Bernard Chandran

    Costume: Tan Mei Mei, Guna, Geethika Sree, Thrisherna

    House Management: Pathma, Shirley, Priya Sharda Tubashini, Shobana, Anisya, Mridulla, Nalisha

    Emcee: Shantona Bag, Kym Zhang Su Li

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