ASPACAE Cultural Show (1985)


Production Information

  • Production / Presenting Company:Organised by Insititut Seni Lukis Malaysia 马来西亚艺术学院, Akademi Seni Halus Nanyang, Singapura 南洋艺术学院
  • Artistic Director / Curator / Programme Coordinator:柯荣添 Steven Koh
  • Date:N/A **Based on information from participant (Justin Wong), this event took place in 1985 @ PJ Civic Hall. (IF070821)
  • Total Showing:1; NB: A total of 9 individual pieces were performed. Below are the dance items.
  • Venue:PJ Civic Hall
  • State:Selangor

Individual Dance Items

Item #1

  • Title:Moral Quality | Empat Jenis Tumbuhan & Bunga | 品
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Plum Blossom, Orchid, Chrysanthemum and Bamboo symbolize the humble and bright principle of a gentlemen.

    “Plum Blossom”,Orkid, “Crysanthemum”and Buluh melambangkan kesucian seseorang.


  • Group:

    Malaysian Chinese Association (Malacca Town Division) 马华公会马六甲市区区会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu

Item #2

  • Title:Work Industriously | Petani Menanam | 汗滴禾下土
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Farmers plough the land, plant padi under the hot sun or wind-strike, but they never complain. They continue to work hard to supply rice to everybody.

    Tarian ini membayangkan sekumpulan petani yang bekerja keras hingga berpeluh-peluh. Semogo mendapat hasil yang memuaskan. Petani-petani itu bekerja dengan penuh bakti dan setia. Mereka sentiasa bekerja dengan tidak ada sungutan.

    (i)  锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中盘,粒粒皆辛苦。
    (ii) 本舞刻画出农民辛苦的形象,不管雨淋日晒,他们总是咬紧牙关,默默耕耘。

  • Group:

    Ho Po Association Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡河婆同乡会文艺团

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu

Item #3

  • Title:Canggong Joget
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Although this dance is similar to the Joget, it contains its own story of how boy meets girl. During the olden days, it was difficult for boys to come in social contact with girls. It was only at feast where dancing was done did the boys have the opportunity to come face to face with the girls. The boys would try to woo the girls in hope of marriage. This dance originates from the Northen states of Johore and includes many of the popular steps found in Malay traditional dances. This is one of the most popular and well-known palace dances.

    Sesunnguhpun tarian ini adalah seperti Joget, ia mempunyai kisah berkenaan seorang pemuda bertemu dengan seorang gadis. Pada zaman dahulu, bukan begitu senang untuk pemuda-pemudi bergaul. Mereka hanya ada kesempatan bertemu semasa bertari menari bersama-sama di atas pentas. Pemuda-pemuda kemudian dapat peluang berkahwin dengan gadis yang dicintainya. Tarian ini berasal dari kawasan utara di Negeri Johor. Langkah-langkah tarian kebanyakannya boleh didapati di dalam tradisional tarian Melayu. Tarian ini adalah salah satu Tarian Istana.


  • Group:

    Kumpulan Budaya Seri Wilayah 联邦直辖马来舞蹈团

  • Category:Malay dance

Item #4

  • Title:Catastrophe | Malapetaka | 劫
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Under a catastrophe, victims would never surrender to any hardship.

    Kampung halaman mereka telah musnah dalam satu malapetaka. Ramai orang menjadi mangsa. Tetapi mereka tidak akan menyerah.


  • Group:

    Keng Ling Dramatic Association 雪兰莪琼联剧社合唱团舞蹈组

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance

Item #5

  • Title:Flower-Shadow | Bunya Berbayang-bayang | 花弄影
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A group of young girls following the beautiful musical rhythm dance happily. They wish to reflect their ideal and hope.

    Sekumpulan gadis sedang mengikut muzik tari-menari. Tarian mereka adalah membayangkan dan mencerminkan harapan gadis-gadis.


  • Group:

    Selangor Hock Kian Association 雪兰莪福建会馆青年团舞蹈组

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu

Item #6

  • Title:Tin-Mining | Palung | 金山沟
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Tin is the natural resource of Malaysia. It brings about prosperity to this country. This dance shows how the Dulang ladies work.

    Timah ialah hasil semula-jadi di negara kita, dan ia telah membawa kemakmuran kepada negara kita. Tarian ini menunjukkan pelombong-pelombong yang sedang bekerja di tempat palung.


  • Group:

    The Cultural Corps of Selangor Ken Chiew 雪兰莪琼州会馆青年部文艺团

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu

Item #7

  • Title:Bhill-Dance
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    This tribesmen lived in a jungle called “BHILL” which was located at Northen part of India. They were professional hunters. After a day of hunting, they relaxed and dance in devotion. In this dance, a lof of movements are involved. Their movements are vigorous.

    Orang-orang hutan ini bertinggal di sebuah hutan bertempat di “Bhill” yang letak di utara India. Mereka adalah pemburu yang mahir. Selepas memburu sepanjang masa sehari, mereka berehat dengan menari.


  • Group:

    Temple of Fine Arts, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur. 吉隆坡印度庙宇纯艺术组

  • Category:Indian dance

Item #8

  • Title:Nightmare | Mimpi Seram | 魇
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Your internal sentiment has been caged and later turned to be a nightmare. Your heart is frozen. In the heart symbolises one kind of struggle, a layer of the heart symbolises a change of skin. All of a sudden, you turn your head in agony, for you found yourself swollen by nightmare.

    Kisah seorang gadis yang mempunyai perulsahan dalam sikap psikologinya.


  • Group:

    Selangor Kwangsi Association 雪兰莪广西会馆青年团舞蹈组

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance

Item #9

  • Title:A Year of Good Harvest | Tahun Gembira | 丰年
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The happiness of harvesting is originated from ploughing. After harvesting, the farmers dance to celebrate good harvest.

    Hasil dari bertungkus-lumus adalah menggembirakan. Dari tarian bercucuk-tanam diubahsuaikan dengan keadaan konsept baru. Dengan sepintas lalu diperkenalkan (tayangan pentas) China di tepi jalan raya, perayaan tokong China dan gambaran Tahun Baru China yang menguntungkan itu.


  • Group:

    Malaysian Chinese Association (Malacca Town Division) 马华公会马六甲市区区会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu


  • Lighting Designer:符气和
  • Production Crew:[Front of House Director 前台主任] :叶素茵 [Backstage Director 后台主任]:林日敉 [Sound Team 音响组] :黄宝福 [Program Running 催场]:黄佳成 [Make-up 化妆] :徐国评 [Stage Decoration Director 舞台布置主任]:黄亚全
  • Producer:[Chairperson 大会主席]:张材光
  • Stage Manager:黄良友
  • Publicist:陆植华
  • Additional Notes:

    [Periodical Director 特刊主任]:熊崇立
    [Dance director 舞蹈主任]:柯荣添
    [Music director 音乐主任]:涂建辉