Pesta Tarian Yang Ke-1 第一届舞蹈节 (1979)


Production Information

  • Production / Presenting Company:Organised by several Chinese associations in capital city 首都文教华团联合主办
  • Date:12 – 13 May 1979
  • Total Showing:2; NB: A total of 38 individual pieces were performed. Below are only the (listed) awarded dance items – based on information provided by program book of 20th NCDF (2006).
  • Venue:Stadium Negara
  • State:Kuala Lumpur

Individual Dance Items

Item #1

  • Title:Zhi Wang Wu 织网舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The blue sea, the blue sky, the golden sun shines on the shore, the children of the fisherman weave the nets on the seashore, love life, love work, and sing a happy home with passion!


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:刘淑莲 Liu Shu Lian
  • Group:

    SJK(C) Ping Ming 马六甲平民学校校友会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:刘淑莲 、刘英珠、杨碧燕 、郑爱珠 、汪金珠 、林碧卿 、王幼碧 、李爱玲、吴达浩 、黄良燕、赖彩莲 、汪秀琴 、尤如银 、欧莲森 、张宝玲、古美莉。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:王水木(本会主席)
    [Leader 队长]:简志城(本会总务)
    [Committee 委员]:魏庆龙、王运东、吴瑞林

Item #2

  • Title:Yin Du Tu Feng Wu 印度土风舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    This is an Indian folk dance. It describes a group of young Indian men and women who march towards the road of life with brave determination, and then dance for joy, bold movements, lively life, and showing a happy life atmosphere.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:孙先照校长 Principal Sun Xian Zhao
  • Group:

    Persatuan Hockkian Selangor Dance Group 大马福建会馆联合总会青年部舞蹈团

  • Category:Indian folk dance
  • Dancers:黄伟金 、黄结游、黄来华 、刘金叶、洪楚辉、陈亚最、林雅妹 、陈美露 、林观松 、陈章雷 、唐巧儿、钟秀霞。
  • Other Information:

    [Leader 团长]:苏清棋
    [Treasurer 财政]:陈建发
    [Secretary 文书]:郑亚燕

Item #3

  • Title:Chun Jiang Hua Yue Ye 春江花月夜
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Choreographed according to the famous Chinese song “Chun Jiang Hua Yue Ye“, the dance shows a group of beautiful and pure girls dancing in beautiful and fascinating music. They express their love for the beauty of nature and express their love for the arrival of spring by sending unlimited prospects.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:刘淑莲 Liu Shu Lian
  • Group:

    Alumni SJK(C) Ping Ming 马六甲平民学校校友会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, Chinese classical dance
  • Dancers:刘淑莲 、刘英珠、杨碧燕 、郑爱珠 、汪金珠、林碧卿 、王幼碧 、李爱玲 、吴达浩 、黄良燕 、赖彩莲 、汪秀琴 、尤如银 、欧莲森 、张宝玲、古美莉。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:王水木(本会主席)
    [Leader 队长]:简志城(本会总务))
    [Committee 委员]:魏庆龙、王运东、吴瑞林

Item #4

  • Title:Huan Le Chao Yuan 欢乐草原
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Shows the living conditions of Mongolian herdsmen, and the people on the vast grasslands are happy to celebrate the harvest.


  • Group:

    Nightingale Melodians 槟城夜莺文娱社

  • Category:Chinese Mongolian folk dance, Mongolian dance
  • Dancers:庄朝福、叶锦满 、骆清耀 、张德来、卢希俊 、周受良 、李桂新 、李美珍 、纪秀英、黄金婵 、陈丽明 、林胜玉 、谢金美 、李芳芬 、郭羡欣 、庄如莉。

Item #5

  • Title:Hua Gu Wu 花鼓舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The Flower Dance Dance is a dance adapted from [Fengyang Flower Drum]. The content is about a group of artists who were forced to leave their hometown because of the war. In order to make a living, they went everywhere to sell art. They played the flower drums, and performed their traditional flower drum art from place to place. In front of others, they laughed hard to entertain others, to win help and joy from others. However, they miss their hometown all the time, and miss the days of peace and happiness in the past. The second part of the dance is to describe their memories. They look up to the white clouds, but their hometown is not far away from the clouds. War drums spread frequently, the sky was full of flames, the rivers and mountains changed color, their homes were destroyed, and their families were separated, but they had to wander around in order to survive. Under their strong laugh, there was a deep sorrow. However, they are not negative, in order to look forward to the arrival of peace, in order to live a happy life again, they live a wandering life firmly. The third dance is to show their strong will and their hope for the coming peace and happiness.

    花鼓舞是根据[风阳花鼓]改编的一个舞蹈,内容是叙述一群因为战争,被迫离开家乡的艺人,为了生活,他们到处流后卖艺的情形。 他们敲着花鼓,一个地方一个地方去表演他们的传统花鼓艺术。 在人前,他们却强笑着去娱乐别人,去博取别人帮助和欢乐。 但是,他们却无时无刻都在怀念着家乡,怀念着过去和平幸幅的日子。 舞蹈的第二段,就是描写他们的回忆,他们仰望白云,家乡却在云外不知处。 而战鼓频传,满天烽火,河山变色,家毁了,家人离散了,而他们为了生存却必需到处流浪,在他们的的强笑底下,就有了很深的悲哀。 但是,他们并不消极,为了期待和平的到来,为了重过幸福的日子,他们坚强地过着流浪的生活。 第三段舞就是表现他们的坚强意志,以及他们对于将来到的和平与幸福的瞻望。

  • Group:

    Chung Cheng School Union 槟城中正夜学校校友会

  • Category:Chinese folk dance
  • Dancers:陈茹锦 、林爱叶 、张丽燕 、林丽梅 、陈惜爱 、石华扬 、钟亚南 、严燕玉、冯艳英、张雅枝 、蓝瑞珍 、马祥宁 、蔡爱云 、黄琪琪、邱书丽。

Item #6

  • Title:Malay Dance 马来舞
  • Group:


  • Category:Malay dance
  • Dancers:Ridzwan Mohd. Dom, Mansor Bin Abdul Samad, A.Wahab Bin Mohd.Abas, Suhaimi Bin Ismail, Zaribah Binti Kamaruddin, Hafizah Binti Yusuff, Khatijah Binti Kassim, Kamaliah Binti Mohd.Dom

Item #7

  • Title:Tarian Rampaian (Asli, Juang, Joget) 马来联欢舞
  • Group:

    Badan Kebudayaan Ibu Kota

  • Category:Malay dance
  • Dancers:Ridzwan Mohd. Dom, Mansor Bin Abdul Samad, A.Wahab Bin Mohd.Abas, Suhaimi Bin Ismail, Zaribah Binti Kamaruddin, Hafizah Binti Yusuff, Khatijah Binti Kassim, Kamaliah Binti Mohd. Dom

Item #8

  • Title:A Very popular folk dance of Northern Part of India 印度舞
  • Group:

    Sivadas——Vatsala Dance Group, KL

  • Category:India dance
  • Dancers:Vatsala, Tharamalar, Geetha, Nirmala Devi.
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:Sivadas

Item #9

  • Title:Mu Ma Zhi Ge 牧马之歌
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    group of frontier men and women danced to show their love for life.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:陈宝泉 Tan Poh Chuan
  • Group:

    Baling Buddhist Society 吉打华玲佛学会

  • Category:Chinese folk dance
  • Dancers:陈宝泉、洪秀光、曾秀梅、陈珠理 、彭丽燕 、李秀玲 、蔡金莲、许爱丽 、许丽心、许丽华 、许龙光 、孙永来、谢国财、陈文福 、陆家文。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:林世明

Item #10

  • Title:Shai Mi Wu 筛米舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Reflects that rural women love to work hard in the rice fields. When the harvest is reached, they happily sifted the rice that they cultivated by themselves.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:吴新发 Wu Xin Fa
  • Group:

    Poi Lam School Old Students’ Association 怡保培南校友会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:何昌盛 、吴明新 、罗浩霖 、沈荣耀 、何伟锦 、徐达材 、陈秀云 、王卿凤 、宋素卿 、陈彩珠 、何润明 、雷丽茵 、谭玉玲 、罗惠芬 、戴秀凤 、黄秋月 、叶素月 、林玉环 、陈春萍 、沈丽珍 、梁玉玲 、雷美云。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:姚杜森
    [Deputy Captain 副领队]:李锦清

Item #11

  • Title:Da Tou Wa Wa Wu 大头娃娃舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The little farmer shows how the three major ethnic groups in our country love work and live together under mutual care and understanding.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:钟瑞麟 Zhong Rui Lin
  • Group:

    Persatuan Tong Ann Dan Kim Hah 马六甲同安金厦会馆青年部

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance creation
  • Dancers:钟瑞麟 、苏美霞 、林碧珠 、蔡丽雪 、戴家康 、杨爱伦 、杨梅贵、廖桂琼 、谢秋霞、彭婷婷。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:郑亚通
    [Leader 队长]:杨建筑
    [Staff 职员]:刘丽荣、林先淼、刘丽儿
    [Make-Up Artist 化妆、造型师]:黄丽蓉、萧玉瑛

Item #12

  • Title:Qi Qiu Wu 汽球舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    During the performance, each actor holds a pair of colored balloons, with a brisk and tidy pace, evolving various formations and dance poses along with the relaxing and sweet music, which expresses the vigorous and renewed atmosphere of our country.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:萧秀良 Xiao Xiu Liang
  • Group:

    Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (C) Kuen Cheng 1 坤成小学(一)校

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:张景诚
    [Secretary in charge 干事]:林桂华

Item #13

  • Title:Shuang Chou Wu 双绸舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A group of innocent and lively boys and girls, dancing with double silk, dancing briskly and joyfully, showing that they love a better life.


  • Group:

    SJK (C) Chin Woo 精武女校

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, ribbon dance
  • Dancers:吴小思 、王春婉 、陈小智 、谢玲敏 、肖文娟 、梁超权 、何勇田 、黄锦成 、伍碧君 、林渊珊 、卢佩贤 、陈佩玲 、郑晓婷 、邝淑君 、黄祖修 、黄文彪。

Item #14

  • Title:Joget: Canggung 马来舞
  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:Ranjan Ariyapala
  • Group:

    Buddhist Nichiren Shoshu Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡佛教日莲正宗

  • Category:Malay dance
  • Dancers:Lee Pik Yeng, Lee Pik Wan, Cheong Mei Foong, Cheong Mei Ling, Chow Mei Yin, Gan Wah, Chai Foong Kuan, Annie Chong Sin Loy.
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:施金海
    [Leader 团长]:覃业光
    [General Affairs 总务]:甘满雄

Item #15

  • Title:Ling Bo Xian Zi 凌波仙子
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    This dance visually presents a beautiful and pure image to the audience, and conveys it to the audience in a sense of peace and love. The beginning of the dance is a description of a group of lotus flowers. When the day breaks, they float to the center of the lake with the current, and follow the current to dance in the lake. Sometimes they follow the flow, sometimes sway in the wind, expressing a peaceful and uncontroversial life. Love at the end. And Xiao Baihe is a pure symbol of the blue sky, clear waters, distant mountains, and the love of the lotus, intertwined in her innocent heart into a happy beauty. The central idea of this dance is the praise of purity, peace and love.


  • Group:

    Alumni of Chung Cheng School 槟中正夜学校友会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:陈茹锦 、林爱叶、张丽燕、林丽梅、陈惜爱、石华扬、钟亚南 、严燕玉、冯艳英 、张雅枝、蓝瑞珍、马祥宁、蔡爱云 、黄琪琪 、邱书丽。

Item #16

  • Title:Mu Ye Feng Qing Hua 牧野风情画
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    A group of Mongolian men and women danced to express their joy.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:陈宝泉 Tan Poh Chuan
  • Group:

    Baling Buddhist Society 吉打华玲佛学会

  • Category:Chinese Mongolian folk dance, Mongolian dance
  • Dancers:陈宝泉 、洪秀光 、曾秀梅 、陈珠理 、彭丽燕 、李秀玲 、蔡金莲 、许爱丽 、许丽心 、许丽华 、许龙光 、孙永来 、谢国财 、陈文福 、陆家文。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:林世明

Item #17

  • Title:Ni Hua Duo Duo 霓花朵朵
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    It shows that the shipbuilders are racing against time for the development of the ship industry, working hard for the country in the wind and rain, and for the progress and prosperity of the society.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:吴新发 Wu Xin Fa
  • Group:

    Poi Lam School Old Students’ Association 怡保培南校友会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance creation
  • Dancers:何昌盛 、吴明新 、罗浩霖 、沈荣耀 、何伟锦 、徐达材 、陈秀云 、王卿凤 、宋素卿 、陈彩珠 、何润明 、雷丽茵 、谭玉玲 、罗惠芬 、戴秀凤 、黄秋月 、叶素月 、林玉环 、陈春萍 、沈丽珍 、梁玉玲 、雷美云。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:姚杜森
    [Deputy Captain 副领队]:李锦清

Item #18

  • Title:Yu Min Wu 渔民舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    It describes the bitter life of the fishermen. They are not afraid of hardships, nor are they afraid of strong winds and waves. They stabilize the rudder and cast their nets, and finally the fish return with a load. The content of this dance reflects the fishing life of fishermen by catching nets, drying nets, pulling nets, rowing boats, and shaking sculls. Finally, relying on everyone’s heart, we finally greet a good harvest in peace and calm.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:叶柏松 Ye Bai Song、郑冬锦 Teh Tong Chin
  • Group:

    Chung Hua Seremban Alumni Association 芙蓉中华学校校友会

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:叶志强 、白荣华 、郑瑞生 、李福星 、林福善 、吕宝珠 、刘玉美 、郭宝珠 、曾秀群 、黄秀鸾 、彭月霞 、黄绣媚 、张淑芬 、谢翠萍 、蔡婉亲 、简燕仪、邱飞蝶 、简秀芳 、冯翠微 、黄如意、谭振威、黄月馥 、何美兰 、黄秀岚 、黄金华、雷秀凤。

Item #19

  • Title:Hai Ying De Gu Shi 海鹰的故事
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Through this hypothesis, it reflects the spirit of youth yearning for ideals: dare to endure hardship, dare to struggle, dare to break through, dare to face difficult challenges.

    Suppose the psychological feeling of a little eagle tuition: yearning for the freedom of sea and sky, resolutely leaving the warm nest, willing to attack by wind and rain, and fly to a bright and splendid world.



  • Choreographer:伍秀芳 Ng Siew Fong
  • Group:

    The Dramatic Art Society 大马剧艺研究会

  • Category:Chinese contemporary dance
  • Dancers:伍秀芳、周惠卿、黄丽珠、张浩云、黄莹仪、黄莹骅、沈楂花、张碧玉、邢秀珠、王丽娇、陈宝莲、谭翠芳、刘慧芳、伍德文。
  • Other Information:

    [Producer 总监制]:准拿督江尚苏A.M.P.JP.
    [Writer 作者]:黄丁湘

Item #20

  • Title:Chun Jiu Wu (Wa Zu Min Jian Wu) 春臼舞(佤族民间舞)
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Describe the hardworking and optimistic people of the Wa girls after they have harvested their crops.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:刘其信 Low Kee Sien
  • Group:

    Persatuan Ho Po 吉隆坡河婆同乡会妇女组

  • Category:Chinese folk dance, Chinese Wa ethnic dance
  • Dancers:蔡秀英、蔡敏玲 、刘桂花 、邓小梅 、温日娥 、林月凤 、廖慧燕 、廖慧娥 、于玉兰。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:黄雪莲、李桂玉
    [Leader 团长]:黄桂萍、曾秀兰
    [General Affair 总务]:仇月婵、傅玉莲
    [Secretary in charge 干事]:蔡桂英、刘秀华
    [Assistant Instructor 助教]:陈美露

Item #21

  • Title:Li Zu Min Jian Wu Dao——Ban Bian Qun Zi 黎族民间舞蹈——半边裙子
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    Among the young people of the Li nationality, there is a popular saying: Whoever has the most beautiful dress is a good hardworking girl.

    This dance kindly criticized a girl who didn’t love labor, and reflected the appearance of Li nationality young men and women who love labor and enjoy a happy and optimistic life.

    In the slow, elegant and pleasant prelude, a group of Li girls were drawn out, they were combing the colored threads with slow gestures, and then they gathered and sat together, knitting and watching flower skirts.

    The lazy girl, Batty, has never been enthusiastic about work, but in order not to be considered a lazy girl, she has to force herself to do the work of weaving skirts, so she always feels impatient. .

    The girls’ floral skirts were woven, and they held the floral skirts to apologize and dance in a happy mood, and compared who was the most beautiful. But Barty can only look at everything with envious eyes…

    Lai Gang-this a little irritable young man came out, he looked for Batty everywhere, and finally found it. The two of them slowly moved closer together with joy and shyness. Just as Patty and Lay just danced enthusiastically, the girls wore new dresses and the boys happily danced on the stage. Suddenly, a young man discovered that Batty was not wearing a new dress, and rushed forward recklessly to ask her to wear a new dress, so Batty had to put on an unknitted half skirt to participate in the joyous dance.

    While everyone was dancing in groups and dancing in pairs, a girl without a partner noticed that Batty’s skirt was only half of her skirt, and immediately rushed to everyone. The dance stopped. Everyone criticized the lazy stand-woman. Barty lowered her head embarrassingly and slowly removed half of her skirt.

    Lai Gang was so angry with such indecent behavior, he greeted everyone to go down hand in hand. Patty looked at everyone down with regret and sadness, and she lowered her head and started crying.

    The kind-hearted young people won’t make her sad for too long. In order to help her correct her mistakes, they came out quietly, hand in hand, and pulled Patty down.





    姑娘们的花裙织好了,她们以愉快的心情拿着花裙歉舞,并比较谁的最漂亮。 但芭蒂只能带着羡慕的眼光看着一切······。

    莱刚——这个有点急燥的小伙子出来了,他到处寻找着芭蒂,终于找到了。他俩怀着喜悦与羞涩交织的心情慢慢地靠拢在一起。正当芭蒂与莱刚跳得热烈的的时候,姑娘们穿着新裙和小伙子们兴高采烈地欢舞上场。 突然有一个小伙子发现芭蒂没有穿新裙,鲁莽地跑前去比手划脚要她穿新裙,芭蒂只好穿上造没有织好的半边裙子参加欢舞了。

    正当大家在轮流着群舞,对舞时,有一个没有舞伴的姑娘发现了芭蒂的裙子只有半边,马上奔告所有的人。 舞蹈停止了,大家指手划脚地批评这个懒情的站娘,芭蒂只好难为情地低着头,慢慢除下半边的裙子。

    莱刚面对这样不体面的行为是多么气忿,于是招呼大家手拉手地下去了。 芭蒂带着懊悔,难过的心情看着大家下去,她低下头哭起来了。


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:刘其信 Low Kee Sien
  • Group:

    Persatuan Ka Yin Fui Kon Selangor 雪兰莪嘉应会馆青年部

  • Category:Chinese folk dance, Chinese Li ethnic dance
  • Dancers:黄佳成 、吴建成 、苏清棋、姚志强 、黄结游 、黄伟金 、林玉财、林挺昌 、洪楚辉 、陈美露 、郑亚燕 、黄慧凤 、曾枫梅 、梁玉娣、李彩娟 、罗佩芬、廖慧燕 、苏林宝。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:吴德芳
    [Leader 团长]:陈婉容
    [Assistant Instructor 助教]黄佳成
    [Group Leader 组长]苏清棋、郑亚燕
    [Staff 职员]:李永进、陈桂芳
    [Secretary 文书]:黄慧凤、陈美露
    [Treasurer 财政]:曾枫梅

Item #22

  • Title:Dao Tian De Zhao Chen 稻田的早晨
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The large tracts of barley in the rice fields have been harvested. A group of young men and women from the countryside came to the green rice fields to harvest the barley in the morning when the sun was rising. They began to sing and dance happily when they thought of a beautiful and happy life. The dance ended in an atmosphere full of harvest joy.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:苏清棋 Su Qing Qi
  • Group:

    Persatuan Drama Thong Khuan Loke 甲洞同群乐剧社

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu
  • Dancers:林秀圆 、赖玉宝 、张金凤 、谢彩萍 、李观云 、曾凤兰 、曾春娣 、黄丽美。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:邱观佳
    [Assistant Instructor 助导]:赖玉珠
    [Secretary 文书]:陈中南
    [Group Leader 组长]:(正)张友莲, (副)林秀兰
    [Safekeeping 保管]:林秋莲、梁宝月
    [Make-Up Artist 化妆、造型师]:黄惠芳、张秋美

Item #23

  • Title:Meng Gu Kuai Zi Wu 蒙古筷子舞
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    In a harvest season, young men and women in Mongolia held a party, and everyone was happy together and danced to the wonderful music.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:林荣贵 Lin Rong Gui
  • Group:

    Kuen Cheng High School 坤成女子中学

  • Category:Chinese Mongolian folk dance, Mongolian dance
  • Dancers:林丽华 、林华丝 、吴维英 、戴玫瑰 、叶燕芳 、辜美鸾 、苏黛玲 、蔡卡玲 、周博仪 、吴美玲 、胡子惠、黄友莲 、温素琴、林月微 、詹美玉 、张淑芳。

Item #24

  • Title:Wo Men Ai Da Ping Pang 我们爱打乒乓
  • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

    The scene of a group of happy students playing table tennis shows that the students learn from each other, help each other, and unite and love each other.


  • Choreographer:[Instructor 指导]:钟瑞麟 Zhong Rui Lin
  • Group:

    Persatuan Tong Ann Dan Kim Hah 马六甲同安金厦会馆青年部

  • Category:Hua Zu Wu, contemporary dance creation
  • Dancers:钟瑞麟 、苏美霞、林碧珠 、蔡丽雪 、戴家康 、杨爱伦、杨梅贵 、廖桂琼、谢秋霞 、彭婷婷。
  • Other Information:

    [Captain 领队]:郑亚通
    [Leader 队长]:杨建筑
    [Staff 职员]:刘丽荣、林先淼、刘丽儿
    [Make-Up Artist 化妆、造型师]:黄丽蓉、萧玉瑛

    **Excellence Award 优秀奖


  • Production Crew:丘淑明、邱南洋,邬汉德,李桂玉,江金才,黄桂萍,曾肇楷,游锦堂,涂建辉,罗森昌,黄瑞祺,黄兆吾,罗安
  • Producer:[Chairperson] 大会主席:刘其信 Low Kee Sien [Deputy Chairperson] 副主席:刘桂明、李成才
  • Stage Manager:[Backstage Director 主任] 冼增崇 (委员)沈淑艺,洪楚玲,赵彩娟,黄惠代,赵彩燕,赵彩葵,戴金花,周修玲,庄锦和
  • Publicist:[Director 主任] 陈婉容(委员)吴志超,辛上图,林金锋,张碧芳,林依胜,李德英
  • Additional Notes:

    Program : (主任)范肇登 (委员)谭文镜, 孙先照

    Program Review Team:范肇登,刘其信,汤金泉,梁志成,孙先照

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