Pat Poh 八婆 (2017)
As the saying goes, there’s a child in everyone’s heart.
But she goes, there’s a “Pat Po” (busybody) in everyone’s heart, how busy you are is determined by the thickness of your skin.
She is Pat Po, she is flamboyant, fabulous and fun but at the same time, hardworking, strong and resilient. This is her time to shine on stage and Pat Po is opened to share her many moments of life with you, be it happy or sad, exciting or frustrating.
Pat Po will also invite her family, lover, enemies and friends to share the stage with her, it is sure that this experience with Pat Po would be a fun one!
她,8婆,天生桃花運,地生勞碌命,注定一世和八扯不斷關係。此場將是她的告別演吹會,也就是她會和你一起分享她的人生在床上或床下高低潮,悲歡離合,喜怒哀high !
- Penulis:Kent Tan 陳全能
- Karya Tempatan Asli:Yes
- Nama Kumpulan:Onz Production 渾娛樂製作
- Tarikh:2017, March 8~12
- Jumlah Pementasan:7
- Tempat Pementasan:ONZ Studio (11, Jalan Mivo, Taman Perindustrian Desa Aman, 52200 Kuala Lumpur.)
- Bahasa:{post_terms_theatre_language}
- Harga Tiket:RM30
- Pengarah:Nell Ng
- Komposer:Music & Sound Design : Goaty Wong, Zi Yu
- Pereka Tatacahaya:VeeKy Tan
- Pereka Set:Sam Chia 謝維森
- Pereka Kostum:Kevin Khoo
- Lain-lain Pereka:Graphic Design : Alec Cheung
- Penata Rias:Joey Chua
- Pelakon Utama:
Tammi Tam 譚小虹
- Penerbit:Suzuki Cheng 程嘉敏, Sam Chia 謝維森
- Pengurus Pentas:Emily Msq
- Publisiti:Paige Cyp, LY Tan, Fanny Siow