The Typist 打字經 (2014)


When Jason Wong reports for work as a typist, he makes it clear to his fellow worker, Miss Lee, that his employment is strictly temporary.

Jason, a married man, is studying O Level at night, and with his uncle already in successful practice there is every hope that his future will be a promising one. Miss Lee, the “supervisor” of the two-employee office, has a few dreams herself mostly of the romantic variety so often indulged in by not so young spinsters with widowed mothers to support.

Jason and Miss Lee hit it off well, and as Jason’s “temporary” tenure stretches on from weeks to months to years they become involved in the shared experiences of close daily contact. And, within the short span of the play, they begin to age and grow grey. While they go on chattering of the important things that have happened to them and of the bright future that will be coming up any day, the futility of their existence becomes increasingly evident. And when they finally dodder off with friendly “good night” to their unseen employer we have witnessed a cycle of life complete with the humour, sadness, self-delusion and reconciliation that underlie and infuse the human condition.

二十而懞懂,三十而警惕,四十而惶恐,五十而認命,六十而泰然… …”

《打字經》是一齣橫跨三十年的舞台劇。朝氣十足的王志強一踏進辦公室就宣稱打字員只是他暫時性的工作而已,而他真正的目標是考上大學,當一名成功的律師;李麗芬,王志強的主管,一名已到適婚年齡又遲遲嫁不出去的單身女子,她最大的期望就是趕緊離開家裡覓得屬於自己的幸福。日復一日、年復一年,王志強依舊沒有考取到他想要的學位,而麗芬所寄情的那一個人也還沒能給到她想要的幸福。在倉促的打字聲中,花樣年華就像色帶般逐漸褪色,兩人的夢想已被回蕩在辦公室裡的滴滴答答聲掩沒,兩個原先相敬如賓的同事,也已成為了相互依賴的知己。在他們退休的那一天,公司的打字部門也隨著關閉,當他們向對方道出最後一聲「再見」時,回首凝視注定塵封的打字機,不知是否還有機會打出想要的故事結局… …


  • Penulis:Murray Schisgal (adapted by Ow Chong Ming 歐宗敏 & Wong Lay Chin 黃麗珍)
  • Karya Tempatan Asli:No
  • Nama Kumpulan:The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
  • Tarikh:2014, June 6~8
  • Jumlah Pementasan:3
  • Tempat Pementasan:Pentas 2, The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
  • Bahasa:Hokkien
  • Harga Tiket:RM38, RM28 (students, disabled, senior citizens)
  • Pengarah:Wong Lay Chin 黃麗珍
  • Komposer:Sound & Music Design : Jav Kong Jun Yang 龔俊仰
  • Pereka Tatacahaya:Tan Koon Kean 陳昆監
  • Pereka Set:Kash Koe 高文潤
  • Pereka Kostum:Koay Wei Shin 郭煒鑫
  • Lain-lain Pereka:Graphic Design : Joel Wong
  • Penata Rias:Koay Wei Shin 郭煒鑫
  • Pelakon Utama:

    Chee Pheng 戴志萍, Yu Yuan 于原

  • Penerbit Eksekutif:Dato’ Faridah Merican
  • Pengarah Artistik:Joe Hasham OAM
  • Pengurus Produksi:Hil Ramli
  • Pengurus Pentas:Peh Shu Min 彭舒敏, Grayden Goon 阮詩靜
  • Publisiti:Alexander Ooi 黃奕中
  • Nota Tambahan:

    Teaser Director/Photographer: Alive Cheng 程晉瑋

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