Aku Suka Cincin (2013)


“Aku Suka Cincin” tells how Dr. Samu and his family living in a small village change their mentality when they face to desire.. The main plot of the story revolves around the paintings left by the poor painter Fidras. After the death of the poor painter Fidras about ten years, his paintings became treasures, and their value coming up. So art managers who falsified the paintings came to Dr. Samu’s house where Fidras lived during his lifetime, looking for his legacy and preparing to make a big profit. As a result, the peaceful life of Dr. Samu’s family has also been disrupted. In the play, the Dr. Samu family experienced a comedy and tragic test in just a few hours.

《Aku Suka Cincin》講述了生活在一個小鄉村的Dr. Samu和他的一家人在金錢面前的心態變化。故事的主線圍繞著窮畫家Fidras留在Dr. Samu家裡的畫展開。在窮畫家Fidras故去十年後,他的繪畫成為珍品,並奇跡般地身價倍增。於是造假畫的、藝術經理人紛紛來到Fidras生前寄居的Dr. Samu家,尋找遺作準備大撈一把。由此Dr. Samu一家平靜的生活也被打亂了……是被物質的慾望左右,還是能堅守原有的誠實與善良?劇中Dr. Samu一家在短短的幾個小時之內經歷了充滿喜劇性和悲劇性的考驗。


  • Penulis:Adapted from Christopher Bean ,  by Lee Yee Han 李奕翰
  • Karya Tempatan Asli:No
  • Nama Kumpulan:Good News Art Space 好事發生工作室
  • Tarikh:2013, September 14 & 15
  • Jumlah Pementasan:3
  • Tempat Pementasan:KOMTAR Level 5, Auditorium A
  • Bahasa:Berbilang Bahasa
  • Harga Tiket:RM20 by donation
  • Pengarah:Lee Yee Han 李奕翰
  • Pereka Tatacahaya:Koe Mun Yoon 高妏潤
  • Lain-lain Pereka:Graphic Design : Liam_W
  • Penerbit:Tan Hock Kheng 陳福慶

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