The Next Door 隔離鄰社 (2011)


Malaysia and Thailand are neighbors but the middle-class citizens in the cities of both countries know so little of each other especially the contemporary theatre arts scene. Makhampom Theatre Group has been doing theatre for people’s culture development since1980 with strong belief that theatre develops the understanding of culture among the people. In 2010, with the support of the Asian Cultural Council, Makhampom invited Loh Kok Man of Pentas Project Theatre Production, together with 2 Malaysian actors to produce a theatre production with Pradit and 2 Thai actors from Makhampom, called “Next Door”. With this Malaysia and Thai theatre collaboration, the 2 groups hope to learn more about each other’s contemporary theatre arts scene and to strengthen ties between themselves and with the arts scene in South-east Asia.

《 隔離鄰社 》,一個兩國劇場工作者的劇場合作交流計劃。六位自馬來西亞和泰國的劇場工作者,他們是鄰居;他們都住在城市裡;但他們都相互不太了解,尤其是對當地當代劇場藝術工作的發展就更不用說了。“油甘子劇團” (Makhampom Theatre Group ) 1980年 成立於泰國,通過劇場運動一直在為民族文化發展推廣有著豐富的經驗,他們一直認為劇場藝術可以使人與人之間更了解。2010年,《隔離鄰社》 劇場合作交流計劃,獲得了紐約亞洲文化協會的支 持, “油甘子劇團”的 Pradit Prasartthong (Tua) 邀請了馬來西亞平台 計劃藝術總監羅國文, 帶領兩位馬來西亞資深劇場演員和來自泰國 的兩位演员進行劇場與文化的交流 ,試圖去了解和加強東南亞當代 劇場藝術的認識與探索,最後於泰國清稻 (ChiangDao)和清邁進行了 兩場的成果交流演 出,並獲得熱烈回響。2011年,平台計劃把這計 劃帶回了馬來西亞,與當地的觀眾分享他們在這次合作的過程與收獲。


  • Penulis:Pradit Prasartthong, Duangjal Hirunsi, Sarayut Phetsamrit (Thailand) Loh Kok Man, Gan Hui Yee, Amelia Tan (Malaysia)
  • Karya Tempatan Asli:Yes
  • Nama Kumpulan:Pentas Project Theatre Production & Makhampom Theatre Group
  • Tarikh:2011, March 9 & 10
  • Jumlah Pementasan:2
  • Tempat Pementasan:9/3/2011 @ MAP Whitebox, Solaris, Kuala Lumpur 10/3/2011 @ Sunway College Rooftop Theatre, Selangor
  • Bahasa:Inggeris, Mandarin, Berbilang Bahasa, Teater Fizikal, Thai
  • Harga Tiket:Free Admission
  • Pengarah:Loh Kok Man (Malaysia) & Pradit Prasartthong (Thailand)
  • Komposer:Ng Chor Guan
  • Pereka Tatacahaya:Loh Kok Man
  • Pelakon Utama:

    Duangjai Hirunsri (Thailand),
    Sarayut Phetsamrit (Thailand),
    Amelia Tan (Malaysia),
    Gan Hui Yee (Malaysia)

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