Nightlife Creatures 夜行動物 (2011)


A modern Japanese play written Yoichi Kobiyama. An urban comedy with over thirty characters that reflect the realities of city life – full of mystery, ridiculous situations, loneliness, humour and of course, romance.

Two road construction workers were going about their work when they suddenly heard tapping sounds from somewhere. It didn’t take them long to realise that it was in fact Morse code! The code translated to “Anyone there? Still alive!’

Out of curiosity, the two workers started searching for the source of the signal. They followed the sound until they reached a strange apartment occupied by even stranger people. First they met a mystery man, then a rude management officer, a lonely artist lady, a night club girl and many more people. It was all highly unusual.

在一座城市,兩個馬路工程人員在工作時聽見不知何處傳來 的摩斯密碼求救訊號「有誰在嗎?還活著嗎?」。因此他們 好奇地尋找訊號的源頭。結果追尋至一座公寓,從而開始帶 領觀眾走入一個似夢幻又似真實的際遇,奇怪的撐傘神秘人 ,潑辣的公寓管理員夫婦,用功的小孩,堅強的陪客女郎, 孤獨的女畫家,濫有型的兜車黨徒等等還有許多在這棟公寓 的住戶對這兩個外來者抱著不同的態度與對待。

《夜行動物》是日本當代劇作家小檜山洋一的劇著。此劇讓 不相信童話的忙碌現代人走入夜晚里充數著神秘,好玩,華 麗,浪漫的傳奇故事。


  • Penulis:Yoichi Kobiyama (Japan)
  • Nama Kumpulan:The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
  • Tarikh:2011, March 30 ~ April 3
  • Jumlah Pementasan:6
  • Tempat Pementasan:The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre, Pentas 2
  • Bahasa:{post_terms_theatre_language}
  • Harga Tiket:RM33 (Adult), RM22 (Students & Disabled)
  • Pengarah:Kimmy Kiew
  • Koreografer:Lex Lakshman
  • Komposer:Siau Yun Aun
  • Pereka Tatacahaya:Mohamed Fairuz Bin Mohamed Ariff @ Boy
  • Pereka Set:David Wong
  • Pereka Kostum:Lee Wing Seng
  • Pereka Multimedia:Nicholas Chin
  • Penata Rias:Lee Wing Seng
  • Kru Pentas:Teo Ming Gang, Khor Yong Kuan, Chong Wah Yoong
  • Pelakon Utama:

    Paz Lim, Chong Wah Yoong, Grace Looi, William Yap, Khor Yong Kuan, Ng Chooi Hong, Roax Tan, Abdul Qahar Aqulah, Yong Lip Kiong, Gigi Chiam, Tammy Yee, Dickson Chai, Jinnie Lim, Season Chee, Yap Hong Kuen, Angel Chang Soo Ann, Lee Wing Seng, Teo Ming Gang

  • Penerbit Eksekutif:Dato’ Faridah Merican
  • Pengarah Artistik:Joe Hasham Oam
  • Pengurus Produksi:Easee Gan
  • Pengurus Pentas:Lim Shian, Gigi Chiam Wei Qi
  • Publisiti:Cheng May Lee, Valerie Tan