Men In Heels (2018)
Peter, Ilya and Bryan are the best of friends. The three are working hard to make it big in the city of KL, chasing their dreams to perform on the big stage. They work hard, singing and dancing their way through each show. Throughout the journey, they have set backs but they do not give up. They cheer each other on and continue paving a way for a brighter future for themselves.
Pada masa ini tidak ada sinopsis untuk program ini
- Penulis:Mark Beau De Silva
- Karya Tempatan Asli:Yes
- Nama Kumpulan:The Actors Studio Seni Teater Rakyat
- Tarikh:24 February – 17 March, 2018
- Jumlah Pementasan:12
- Tempat Pementasan:Pentas 2, The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPac) & Stage 2, Performing Arts Centre of Penang (penangpac)
- Bahasa:Inggeris
- Harga Tiket:RM45, RM55, RM100
- Pengarah:Joe Hasham
- Koreografer:Fairuz Fee Tauhid
- Pereka Tatacahaya:Yusman Mokhtar
- Lain-lain Pereka:Pereka Bunyi / Sound Designer – Khairil Imran
- Penata Rias:Avelyn Lew
- Pelakon Utama:
Zhafir Muzani, Ivan Chan, Mark Beau De Silva
- Penerbit Eksekutif:Dato’ Faridah Merican
- Pengurus Produksi:Pengurus Produksi Kanan / Senior Production Manager – Gan Eng Cheng, Soo Choy Wah
- Pengurus Pentas:Faustina Kow
- Nota Tambahan:
Operator Tayangan / Projection Operator – Coebar Abel