P2 (2017)


<P2> tells stories about great friendship that helps each other to overcome life problem. Andy and Adrian were engaged and getting prepared for wedding receptions. Unfortunately, Adrian passed away due to heart attack without giving any sign to Andy. Andy becomes lost and couldn’t get out from sorrow & depression. He hid in his room. His best friends tried ways to pull him back to normal life. They found the young guy who believed having affair with Adrian, which it wasn’t true. They even worked with Adrian’s mother to give Andy a surprise by organizing a “wedding reception”. Andy was touched when saw the efforts & finally completed the wedding by having Adrian’s mother to hand him the wedding ring. At last, Andy decided to leave the house and move on with life.

The other characters such as Wei Qiang who lost faith in love, he finally met the wedding planner and fell in love again. Sabrina who was the only girl in the story gave birth without the father and showed her girl power. Sam transformed become a transwoman to live out the real him with no fear of negativity. Ben also found his loved one via the incident.

《P2》講述好朋友們~ Sabrina, Ben, Sam和偉強幫忙Andy籌辦婚禮,大家忙得不亦樂乎。孰不知原來在一起10年的他們要辦婚禮的原因是因為感情已變淡,再加上疑心很重的Andy缺乏安全感,於是主動建議主辦婚禮,希望可以讓感情升溫。正當一切在如火如荼的進行當中,Andy卻發現了他有外遇的事情,兩人彷彿卡在感情的陷阱,無法進退。就在此關鍵時刻,卻發生了讓Andy頓時無法釋懷的意外。到底Andy能否走出陰霾?或一直處在否定和憂鬱的狀態? 好朋友們於心不忍,在命理師「塔塔羅塔塔」的建議下去調查意外的來龍去脈,才發現原來意外的發生並非如此簡單。。。。。。



  • Penulis:William Yap 葉偉良
  • Karya Tempatan Asli:Yes
  • Tarikh:2017, November 30 ~ December 3
  • Jumlah Pementasan:6
  • Tempat Pementasan:Pentas 2, The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
  • Bahasa:Mandarin
  • Harga Tiket:RM88, RM68
  • Pengarah:William Yap 葉偉良
  • Pereka Tatacahaya:Lim Wai Sing 林偉星
  • Pereka Set:Zen Lin Tan 陳芊菱
  • Pereka Kostum:Azukki Beans
  • Pereka Multimedia:Tan Chung Cea 陳俊嘉
  • Lain-lain Pereka:Graphic Design : Adrew Xuan
  • Property Master:David Wong
  • Penata Rias:Jessic Yap, Jennifer Tan, Jia Ai, Pek Yee
  • Kru Pentas:Paz Lim, Simon Lee, Mario Kong
  • Pelakon Utama:

    Season Chee, Douglas Wong, Siang Wei, Simon Lye, Cyrus Yong, Michelle Ching, Scott Leong, Darren Lee, John Tan, Philip Yeoh

  • Penerbit:William Yap 葉偉良
  • Pengurus Pentas:Soh Chong Hong 蘇忠宏
  • Publisiti:William Yap 葉偉良
  • Nota Tambahan:

    Photographer: CK Wai
    Videographer: Kent Chu @ De Art
    Multimedia: Tan Chung Cea
    Assistant Director: Kelvin Chang
    Theme Song Composer & Producer: Dickson Chai, Keon Chia

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