Red Demon 赤鬼 (2015)


What is that on the shore? Is it asking for food? Is it going to eat us? A stranger arrives on an island. The villagers could not understand his language and wild gestures. He must be a demon! He is befriended by that woman, an outsider living among the villagers. The demon and that woman learned each other’s language. The villagers become afraid and suspicious. Is the demon conspiring with that woman? Are they bringing other demons to invade our island?

We must kill the demon!

An internationally-acclaimed play by Japanese playwright Noda Hideki, Red Demon was voted Best Play in Japan two years consecutively in 1998 & 1999, and has been performed in UK, Thailand & Korea. Award-winning director Malaysian Loh Kok Man now brings the play to Kuala Lumpur in this special collaboration between Pentas Project and Taiwanese theatre company The Flying Group Theatre, featuring an exciting interaction between performers, live musicians and puppetry.

For Malaysians, this powerful play will resonate with our anxieties about migrants, foreign forces, and other races in our own home.

Red Demon is about the monsters we become to each other.






創作向來善於綜合多種劇場元素的導演羅國文,此次特邀台灣飛人集社劇團的團長──偶戲導演石佩玉共同合作重現日本劇作家野田秀樹的作品《赤鬼》,呈 現以偶與真人同台演出所創造出的奇幻視覺效果。除此之外,還有人人人鼓劇場及馬來西亞、台灣新進演員參與演出,兩地劇場工作者攜手突顯故事的寓言性,同時 也為當前大家關注的國際文化議題──如何擁抱異質?──提供哲理思考。


  • Penulis:Noda Hideki 野田秀樹 (Japan)
  • Nama Kumpulan:Pentas Project Theatre Production平台計劃/劇團
  • Tarikh:2015, June 18~21
  • Jumlah Pementasan:5
  • Tempat Pementasan:The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre, Pentas 2
  • Bahasa:Mandarin
  • Harga Tiket:RM68 (Adult), RM50 (Student, Senior Citizen & Disable)
  • Pengarah:Loh Kok Man 羅國文
  • Komposer:Orang Orang Drum Theatre 人人人鼓劇場
  • Pengarah Muzikal:Live Musician : Boyz Chew Soon Heng 周順興 + Zyee Leow Sze Yee 廖世儀 + Leow Hui Min 廖慧鳴 + Terence Chong 張俊開
  • Pereka Tatacahaya:Loh Kok Man 羅國文
  • Pereka Set:Pam Lim 林偉彬
  • Pereka Kostum:Michell Yong Soo Fon 楊淑棻
  • Lain-lain Pereka:Puppet Director : Shih Pei Yu 石佩玉 (Taiwan) + Graphic Design : Tree Egg Plt
  • Pelakon Utama:

    Yeo Lyle 蔡德耀, Tammy Yee 余秋坪,
    Peng Hao Chin 彭浩秦 (Taiwan)

  • Ensemble:

    Boyz Chew Soon Heng 周順興 + Leow Hui Min 廖慧鳴

  • Penerbit:Pam Lim 林偉彬
  • Pengurus Pentas:Jaslyn Niow 梁依琳
  • Publisiti:Chin Kwee Lin 陳桂玲 + Leo Yap 葉士翊
  • Nota Tambahan:

    Chinese Copywriting : Teoh Ming Wah 張敏華 + English Copywriting : Pang Khee Teik

  • Maklumat Lain:

    Ticketing : Wong Sook Fun 黃淑芬

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